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Everything posted by l2ebel

  1. advantage? imo its pretty hard to see a player dot in mta with all these fancy colors and also, i think everyone who plays vc for a while knows every corner of the city Jon: i guess you forgot the sarcasm tags there
  2. first time was gta:am, tried it with my friend but than waited to see how mta would develop further.. some months later i got vc and a while after that mtavc 0.1 was released and i had alot of fun doing stunts with helis and bikes....with [sM]Boss that was then finally at vc 0.2 i decided to join the forum, actually i just wanted to post a suggestion
  3. im testing something, dont ask what or why and just ignore this double post
  4. im testing something, dont ask what or why and just ignore this double post
  5. ReLoaD: to post an image use the img tag: [img=the url of your picture] Stift_Me: he said he and biz and thats mostly in mta once i replaced the bloodring banger with the packer so i only had to type "travelinstyle" and tadaa i had a packer in front of me (good tip for every stunter)
  6. indeed, it was like yesterday when i thought "hmm where the hell did chaos actually go?" ah i think in the army or something... anyways, wb chaoswolf
  7. omg, me, youre still using this forum? but umm... i think he/she/it cant understand your english bah ill try to give a google friendly reply google: time of day program coming out not finnished, boss of software does not know, not i do either sorry
  8. roflmfao since this^ would be spammy and really not the right moment im gonna add my opinion a forum is a collection of info, open for everyone at anytime spam doesnt mean the msg is too short, even a simple "yes" doesnt have to be considered as spam, spam is just stuff that isnt needed and many times i checked a forum section just to read some lines that i really dont wanted to read since they were totally off topic and/or chat style so pm would have been the better solution so the simple rules to keep your posts not spammy is to: -keep topic releated, ok 1 or 2 off topic posts arent that wild but if it turns into 1 or 2 pages... -compress your posts, or only post when you really have to say something, i often think i could add a reply to some topics but then wait till i got a bunch of lines together instead of posting every little thing on my mind <-- and this would be alot i personally even stopped to check actually "interesting" topics or even whole sections when i see "last post by -whoever-" because i really dont care what useless bs he posted and i already reduced my forum visits coz of that theres so much info on a forum and if everyone would post everything on his mind it would be impossible to dig the info out of all the other posts if anyone needs to talk more than a forum can offer than he should try the irc chan, there you can talk the whole day and as much as you want
  9. we dont need 3 topics so i locked the other ones, they will be deleted soon so if anyone wants to save a reply do it now
  10. OR... you can go to options and choose the classic controls (ps2 style), then you can look around in first person with ummm i think it was the num block just test
  11. l2ebel

    vice city map

    EHEM... http://www.steve-m.com/?lang=EN&page=2&ID=7&act=details bump and spam protected
  12. ehh... your game must be freekin stable then i just have to crash 1 wall and "ding"
  13. you can backup some files and put them back in place after the reinstall depends on what all you have installed (e.g col files...) backup: gtavc\data\handling.cfg gtavc\data\default.ide gtavc\data\carcols.dat gtavc\models\gta3.img gtavc\models\coll\vehicles.col ^most common files for carinstalls, dont think you replaced sounds.... if your game is also crashing then you might have replaced a 2 door car with a 4 door model
  14. l2ebel

    Speed running

    Demarest (a guy from gtaforums.com) has made a neo mod for gta3 which makes you run faster and jump higher....and as fas as i remember someone is converting the code to vc (scm based) so just go over there and see and for infinite run you would have to mod the ped.ifp in gtavc\anims (i think)
  15. im downloading it atm, just like Mr.craptalker
  16. l2ebel

    GTA VC Sweden

    lol bump im using zmodeler but i would never have enough time to make an acceptable city + im even too lazy to finnish my current models anyways just to post something helpful, google for "zmodeler" and for "zmodeler tutorial" and you will see have fun
  17. my tip: learn how to switch weapons lets say a robber comes close to you and wants to stub you than as a mex just switch to colt to knock him down sprint to him and switch to chainsaw and he should be pretty helpless and theres also the molotovs which are good for both, defense and offense stubby = greater spread of shots m16 = greater range due to the lag its easier to hit someone with a stubby but still then its possible to run to your enemy and shred him vc is actually a very fats game (running..) and you can even crouch and jump so i would say, if your skilled with many weapons you should be able to kill robbers, from a distance or if needed in close range just mo
  18. locked on request and umm pretty wicked mod over there
  19. l2ebel


    {REMOVED - rebel you should know better, NO leaking of info, people have already started imagining all sorts of things because you decided it was 'ok to reveal this' - MrBump} -no more info- { damn right - MrBump }
  20. http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t= ... at&start=0 http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t= ... voice+chat http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t= ... voice+chat Search locked
  21. l2ebel


    umm..how do you know?
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