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Everything posted by robhol

  1. robhol

    Time speeds up

    Because other user posts bullshit to boost their count, while not having the faintest idea what they're talking about. I also think this is the problem, don't listen to scarface.
  2. robhol

    Help Now ..

    1) It's not out yet 2 to 4) Making an all-out copy of an existing server is a SHITTY idea, and to top it off you apparently have no idea how much work goes in it. If you're still interested in making your own server, (and get your own ideas, geez.) go to the wiki and learn scripting. http://development.mtasa.com
  3. robhol


    Dude, you don't need 2 topics about the same thing. >.> Also, you probably need to read the basics, http://development.mtasa.com/ http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... troduction http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... ng_the_GUI And for the spawn code you need spawnPlayer()
  4. If the screen is black, you need to use fadeCamera(). Also if you use [ code] tags for Lua codes here in the forum, it gets easier to read.
  5. All Seeing Eye port: 22127 (UDP) Wrong, you're supposed to query the game port. I also remember having issues with GM, but it works now and it does update properly: http://www.game-monitor.com/mta_GameSer ... S.com.html is how it's supposed to look. No.
  6. You know, you could've just googled instead of bumping a near-1-month old topic. Here, it doesn't matter much, since the forum moves incredibly slowly anyways, but other places, people expect you to have searched before you ask. Especially 3-word long questions you can put into, for example, GOOGLE, and get your answer in a split second. http://www.google.com/search?client=ope ... 8&oe=utf-8
  7. You sure you got the right coordinates and are looking at the right spot? Also, type DEBUGSCRIPT 3 into the console before you start the gamemode next time. If something's wrong, you can see it there.
  8. That's what downgrader patches are for.. and if you haven't catched up on the fact yet, that MTA:SA is NOT just racing... you're just not paying attention.
  9. robhol

    Compare: SA-MP & MTA

    You need version 1.0, but if you have another you can probably downgrade it without any trouble. What you could do is copy the 1.0 EXE over the other one. If that doesn't work, google "GTA San Andreas Downgrader"
  10. robhol

    Compare: SA-MP & MTA

    There's desync in MTA too, and a lot of it. The overall sync is still better than SA-MP though, and unlike in SA-MP, the desync is not constant, and you don't need to forward aim. About the fire i'm not sure...
  11. I can probably do something, I'm not sure how much.. How about you give me 50 or so to begin with?
  12. Animations are in DP3, but sounds are not... maybe in DP4? Oh, btw: House rules. Are you on House-Boards.com?
  13. Ofc it's possible. It might be a bitch placing all those cars, though... could take ages.
  14. I think he means the moving searchlights from A69, in the mission where you try to sneak in at night.
  15. (Talking with Woet about a customer asking questions in the support channel. He posts an excerpt from the customer's config file, and we find the problem without any major trouble.)
  16. No, it wouldn't, and the reason is the obvious difference in engines, graphics, weapons, and last, but DEFINITELY not least, the 40 million bugs MTA brings into the picture. Also, to play MTA you still need to buy GTA:SA.
  17. IMO making a CS gamemode for MTA is a bad idea. Reasons: a) CS is CS, if people want to play CS, they'll probably play CS. b) Even if you made all you could as good as CS, it would basically be a CS clone with 10% chance of damaging someone when you shoot. Who would want that?
  18. robhol

    Little question

    I have NO idea what you mean, but basically, outputChatBox only needs the visibleTo argument server-side. When used client-side it assumes you mean the client it runs on. Also, creating a gamemode in the client-side is pretty much a bad idea, if even possible.
  19. Looping is your friend. myTbl = {}; for x=1,32 do myTbl[x] = {}; for y=1,32 do myTbl[x][y] = false; end end
  20. When connecting locally, use as IP. You can't always refer to your own computer with the external address.
  21. robhol


    Never seen this, and don't want to either. Be sure to backup files, though.
  22. Since when did this become a suggestion? Learn to post in the correct subforums and the chance of people actually bothering to answer gets higher. To answer your questions; you need to learn scripting. http://development.mtasa.com/
  23. robhol

    Usertracks scan

    Original menu gave problems. That's why it isn't here anymore... Anyway, you should indeed be able to set every option from SP in MTA, but don't forget that normal GTA works too! I know but ppl are too lazy to go to the SA-SP menu just to change the sound or something -.-' Then they should stfu and push through the pain, IMO there are WAY more important matters to attend to than the goddamn menus. At least, it shouldn't be messed with and wasted time on until DP3 is done and out..
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