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Everything posted by robhol

  1. robhol

    GUI Images

    The whole point is, that you don't need to rotate an image for the needle, you can just draw it with DX. OF course, it might be slightly harder to get it to look good.
  2. robhol

    GUI Images

    Speedo needles would probably be fairly easy to do with DX funcs and some trigo... Background could be static.
  3. I honestly doubt anyone is going to find these "generous offers" of yours interesting in the slightest. Loads of people already work on other things, and wouldn't do anything for free, (don't think admin rights in some unknown server is actually payment of any kind,) whereas the rest are probably too unskilled to be able to accomplish anything. If you want scripts, you'll probably have to pay up, or learn how to script yourself.
  4. I just think that R* was abit inpolite when making this logo, atleast they could have asked you guys, have they?
  5. Why, you pesky word stealer. (Anyone who's paid the slightest amount of attention to what's been written in my other thread (the sig one) knows what this is all about.)
  6. robhol

    GUI Images

    Which begs the question.. what do you plan to use it for? Edit: YAY 300th post
  7. robhol

    Thank Blokky

    Surely thou dost not propose such an outrageous suggestion!
  8. Slideshows are shit anyways. Long loading, and it sort of defeats the purpose of the bars. You're supposed to be a little surprised at each one, not just get them BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM in your face.
  9. Right, of course they won't. Yes they will. Probably without moving an eyelid.
  10. I have an Intel Core 2 Duo 3.16 GHz Processor Google for imagecfg.exe and you'll find a nice little app that'll let you set affinity to one core. This put an end to my issues with crashing. If you open the right page, there will also be instructions about how to use it.
  11. blah blah blah. Script made by Cybersurfer, pics by me.
  12. Slideshows are a bad idea. Making a rotator in PHP would be better.
  13. Hard to keep 'em coming Kosmo. I'm honestly not sure what I'll poke fun at next. GIMME SOME IDEAS PEOPLE!
  14. What kind of CPU do you have? AMD vs Intel, number of processor cores, Clock frequency, etc.
  15. instead of the getRootElement() inside the addEventHandler() calls, use the marker.
  16. I still think d3d9.dll should either be excluded or at least protected against tampering - and that if people want to use mods they can do so - but without MTA.
  17. Thank you, thank you. xP Now, about those other concepts?
  18. Well, #2 is already tracked, #1 and #3 got brutally shot down.. I guess that means we'll have a good 2-3 days relative peace from cheaters, until the serial system is cracked.
  19. Thanks More in the making, watch this spot. Also, ideas for other stuff to mention is welcome.
  20. So, I made some small signatures, basically making fun of SA-MP and promoting MTA. Anyways, here they are. Some of them at least. Anyone familiar with PAWN (and Lua) will get this. Anyone who's paid the slightest amount of attention to what's been happening over at samp knows what this is about. Should also be fairly obvious to people familiar with SA-MP. Again. Obvious. Some more:
  21. 1) Hash check on d3d9.dll and other critical game files. Most cheats seem to use d3d9 to tap into the game. By making a hash check before launching the game, and halting if the hash is invalid, most cheating nubs could be prevented from loading up the game and pestering good honest players. (And good honest server owners/admins. ) Hell, this hash could be sent to each server and verified there, to prevent client-side hacking. 2) Cancel-able connect event? Could be useful if you want to deny access without using the standard ban - if only to give a custom ban message etc. Bascially, by cancelling the connect event one could prevent a player from joining the game in the same way a ban does. 3) Extended client-side file IO Very useful indeed, if it turns out the serial system gets cracked. (Like it probably will. Survival chances are slim, let's face it. People who could've used their skills to do something constructive like bringing peace to the world, are instead making sure 11yo moronic kids can cheat at online games. Jesus.) Would have create-read-write access to for example the whole C:\ drive, but only to special files - to prevent people phucking up people's PCs using MTA. For example, files created with mta could have a little tag in them, etc. The point is not to access the client's files or change them, but to be able to save game data in places that make them harder to find, access, tamper with or delete.
  22. robhol

    Thank Blokky

  23. After 6 days, I'll chance a bump. ... Bump.
  24. Nooooo! /me pats a sobbing Simbad De Zeeman's back It's going to be okay, Simbad..
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