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Everything posted by robhol

  1. robhol

    Travel Meter

    Maths for 10 year olds ftw. km = m / 1000
  2. Add: <acl name="Admin"/> <object name="user.Console"/> under <group name="Console">
  3. I think you mean how to upload a server to an external host, like most popular servers. In that case, that would vary, but the most common way would be with FTP. And of course you need a host.
  4. Add the resource to the admin group in the ACL: and I suggest banning, rather than kicking, but of course, that's up to you.
  5. 250 000% is almost definitely cheating; there's no reason why someone would set their car HP that high even if they could, if not to cheat.
  6. Nice work, but.. how do I get the prototypes (retval and args) to appear? Edit: never mind, worked it out. For those who actually don't know: * Settings > Preferences > Backup / Auto-completion (what perfect logic!) * Check both boxes. * Close.
  7. It's safe to say, you can forget it. Nobody is going to give out weeks worth of work for free. Learn to script, and if you don't have time, MAKE time, or give up. http://development.mtasa.com/
  8. robhol

    Dynamic cheaters!!

    I don't think there would be an actual point of a serial system if you can change em... one can change the serial by regedit That was in DP2, I'm sure the serial security will be better in DP3. One example of a way to prevent serial changes would be to hash username and hardware info into it, then see if it actually matches on client startup, for example.
  9. Do you really expect everybody to do all your work for you without getting anything in return?
  10. robhol

    ChatBox wiki

    The wiki is there for a reason, look at it a bit! Just look at the function lists and you'll learn stuff like that. http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... _Functions http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... _Functions
  11. robhol

    ChatBox wiki

    Oh, an error. Thanks for providing so much info, now we all know what's wrong at once.
  12. Player join, I guess. Both are clientside. (to be more accurate, the chat thing is, while the hud thing is both client- and server accessible)
  13. http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... dComponent
  14. Intra-resource variables work nicely, that is, if you have a resource with two script files a.lua and b.lua, and have a.lua define a variable named CAKE, you can read that from the other file in the resource. Inter-resource is more tricky, but you could make a separate resource to keep track of inter-resource variables, then hook it up with exported functions or events.
  15. /me slaps brophy The progress bar really wasn't accurate but it's been there years ago, i suppose he was speaking about the changelog thing we had not long ago. It stopped working when we went with a new build system. Bringing it back, or at least posting news articles more often would probably not be a bad idea. I think some guy was bitching about that in the IRC channel some time ago, but he was right. At this point people will really need some hope in DP3, not to "emigrate" to IV or whatever, the moment it's out.
  16. http://development.mtasa.com/index.php?title=ShowChat
  17. Not exactly a good idea, because if players stay in the colshape, they'd keep being raped. Better to use an event.
  18. You don't. ASE is dead. I think you need to register your server on game-monitor.com, but according to lil_Toady, you only need to leave it on for some minutes and it takes care of that by itself.
  19. I might add, refresh is only needed when you add/remove resources, not when you modify existing ones.
  20. IT sounds like he wants to make a moving object that knocks some HP off ya, but.. it's not really too well explained. Can you clarify a bit, cap?
  21. AFAIK this only triggers when the player actually jumps onto an element, not just touching it or colliding with it.
  22. robhol

    Searching Scripts

    Nobody is likely to write these scripts for you, thus you either need to pay for a scripter to do it, or learn to script and make your own.
  23. Irrelevant to MTA, if players want this they can use Ventrilo or another VoIP. whats the point of using those! you cant speak to whoever in the server, abit like the voice speak if gta IV Imagine trying to sync all the client-server-client data with tons of audio data fighting to get through on time as well. Several people also have connections that are barely enough for the game itself. Some people, (me, for example) would find it incredibly annoying, and disable it. Lots of people would speak different languages so you couldn't talk to them anyways. Not everybody has a mic/headset. Several more points. So here, loads of reason not to do it - what would be the reason to do it?
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