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Everything posted by eAi

  1. As the initial post states, we need someone who is _really good_ in one or both of the fields. Doing this "job" would not neccessarily give you moderator on this forum or access to any more information than that required to do what we require, so the motivation to do this job shouldn't be that you'll learn more information on what we're up to (which you would to some extent), or be able to moderate the forum. eAi
  2. I'm pretty sure it'd load the full 32 (trx would have to confirm this) as the scm (and the client) aren't aware of the max number of players the server can have. eAi
  3. When it crashes, press alt+tab and see what the error message box says. Paste the contents of the box here and I can tell you what the issue is related to (probably). eAi
  4. To perform server side collision and hit detection, the server would be required to be aware of the world and the positions (and positions of the limbs) of the players and vehicles. This is not somthing that we're really able to do as it stands. You're welcome to try writing your own collision system using Vice City's map, but we've decided that its not somthing thats really practical as it stands. eAi
  5. eAi


    Very few mods that are started do get released... Except for GTAT (which I supose you could say was released) there have been numerous other multiplayers for GTA3/VC which haven't gone beyond some rather bad screenshots... Perhaps GTA:C(?) will be sucessful, we'll have to wait and see... Developing MTA (and any other mod) requires huge ammounts of time and commitment. More so for MTA than most mods in that we have to "research" our technology as well as implement it... Anyway, back to the issue, you're welcome to start MTA realated sites, just don't start making up news stories (some other sites have done that) to get more hits.... eAi
  6. It'd be better if you'd made a video that didn't break the EULA and destroy the team's work... eAi
  7. First of all, make sure you're being a bit patient after you choose a character, it can take a bit of time. Secondly, try using the 1.0 version instead of 1.1, it can work better. Thirdly, try reinstalling Vice City. eAi
  8. Yeah that bar is slightly ambiguous. I think as a team we consider it to be 100% when we release the first version using the new core, as the core and the client are one and the same essentially. eAi
  9. We do like to hear your suggestions, but we do "suggest" that you wait for more information on the new core before you make suggestions. The new core will be revolutionary (we believe) so many of your existing preconceptions of MTA are invalid for it. As we do so like saying, "Wait and see!" eAi
  10. eAi


    Or look at http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=8949 ... Search! eAi
  11. Tell us the address it gives you in the error not C0000005... the next line... eAi
  12. If hes got to the stage of entering host and port, one would hope he had put the cable in... eAi
  13. If you've got a cross over network, one computer will have to act as the server. This means you'll have to download the server (from the main page) and set that up (read the manual included with it). Once you've got the server running, launch the MTA 0.41 client on one computer and put "" (or "localhost") - both without the quote marks - into the "host" box, and enter the port that you've set the server on (normally 2003) into the port box. Now, you'll need to know the server-computer's IP, if you don't already, go to the start menu, run and enter "cmd" (no quotes). When the prompt appears, enter "ipconfig". Your IP address will be then listed. The address will probably be somthing like 192.168.0.X (where X is a number). Remember this full IP address, and use it as the "Host" on your 2nd computer, with the port set to the same as you used on the first computer. Click Connect on both computers and it _should_ work! eAi
  14. If we ever require help with translation, we'll post on the forum and/or the main page. eAi
  15. The MTA team are not responsible for the way servers are managed. We'd obviously like everyone to enjoy themselves, not cheat and to play fairly, but thats not going to happen all the time. Admins have the right to do whatever they like on their servers. If they ban people for no reason, people won't play there, conversely, if they manage the server well - removing cheaters and people who disrupt other's games, the sever will be popular. Its in the admin's interest to admin their servers well (if of course they want the server to be popular). We can't police servers, and have nothing to do with how they are run. You won't see comments about specific servers on any other game's forum will you? If you have a problem with a particular server or admin, contact the person in charge of it, or just find another server. If you think you can do better, why not run your own server. This isn't directly aimed at the poster, its a general point. We've got a lot on our hands, and we don't need the added work of settling disputes between users and admins of servers. This forum is for discussing the game, and how its played, not specific servers or players (appart from stickied posts dedicated to such things). eAi
  16. I'm afraid that if we're going to do translations, we'll do it propperly, not by res hacking our exes (which breaks the EULA you agreed to). I'm sure it was done with the best intentions, but if we're going to translate our software we'll have to change the way certain things are implemented which isn't going to happen on this core. eAi
  17. eAi


    I'd rename it before someone comes along and sues u... PunkBuster is a trademark... eAi
  18. eAi


    um... no? Punkbuster need to be implemented client-side as much as it does server-side. It can't just be "used", it has to be implemented by "Even Balance" themselves. eAi
  19. Well we don't know your specific hardware setup, so its hard to help you any more than people have. Seriously, reading the manual for your router might help here. eAi
  20. This might be the point to rtfm... eAi
  21. eAi


    I think because that would be making money on this would be considered copyright infringement of some kind, wouldn' it? Not sure, but I think that's the basic reason why. No, thats not the reason.eAi
  22. Try using 1.0... Make sure you've got the correct version set in the client (top right). eAi
  23. Where is the real Vice City then? I've never heard of it? R* would be a bit stupid to use a real city's name, and its rather an unfortunate name for a city. eAi
  24. I'm perfectly happy with phpBB... seems stable and we can communicate... Thats really all we need. eAi
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