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Everything posted by DazzaJay

  1. I dont know enough about this map code to set off explosions if the terrorists defend.
  2. ok... here is my little surprise. if you want it, here are the files. help.xml "no">Chat Icon /toggleicon You can toggle your own chat icon on / off with /toggleicon Keeping in mind that this will only affect you, as others will still be able to see your typing icon. /resizeicon ## You can resize all icons with /resizeicon [new%] For example, /resizeicon 50 will make all icons 50% of normal size. /seticonalpha ## You can edit the transparency of all icons with /seticonalpha [new%] For example, /seticonalpha 75 will make all chat icons 75% visible your meta.xml will need a coupple of extra lines added.. but im sure you know that meta.xml "khepra" version="08.02.03" type="script" />> "helpmanager" /> also, a suggestion i have is, i belive that the icon's default size should be 50% (as ive been stuffing around, and it looks like a good size)
  3. i will test it out in a few mins time. i also am making somthing small that i would like you to add to it. (more on this soon)
  4. DazzaJay

    Knife Sync

    Hopefully they doo. Because Stealth would be awesome if Knife sync worked,
  5. I must say, khepra i have a lot of respect for you. as you are one of the Few people who still hang around these forums that are willing to Help others with stuff that is so far out of thier leigue. Which is the reason why i respect you. I have made a little somthing mainly for my self, but i would like you to use it in your script. its a "Higher Quality Speach Bubble" (yes, i love my HQ shit) Also a 50% transparent one, for a "Less Intrusive" chat icon.
  6. Updated Download. Grenades are now only available when the Rocket launcher is available to the Defending team. Once attacking team have got the "Boarding" objective, the defender team will no longer Respawn with Rockets or Grenades. So yeah, please redownload.
  7. In about 10 minutes, i will have a "Less grenady" version out.
  8. The number plates, i just got really lazy. all the cars at the Samurai base have "Samurai" on thier plate.... Triad triad, Mafia mafia, police police... Police Cheetahs... "Vice 01" and "Vice 02" No, i just look at the map file itself and get coords from the Admin panel. Basically, i use notepad. Lets just say if i Had the map editor.. there would be a LOT more maps by me out.
  9. DazzaJay

    Knife Sync

    Not sure if anyone else has posted this, or even if it is a known issue. (Yes i have used the search) But anyway, Knife dosent Sync properly with Throat-Cuttng. because i am bad at explaining things so that people will understand, a video will do the explaining for me. The video is in 640x480 DivX Avi @ 1500kbps Totalling 1.1MB http://files.potholestudios.com/dazzaja ... o-Sync.zip
  10. There are some Balence issues on this map that i have just discovered, so in a few days time there will be a New version made. (This mainly involves the amount of grenades that the Terrorists have) That will go down to only 1 grenade instead of 5, and only before the Attackers make it to "Infiltrate Outer Cargo Area"
  11. i prefer M4, AK47 and MP5, so prolly one of them.
  12. This is a Release of a Map that Me and KeyboardKiller have been working on for a while now. Capture The Vehicle - San Fransisco First of all, i dare say i should start with the map, that shows the 4 Teams Base's and also where and What the capture cars are. There are 4 teams. Triad Mafia Cops Samurai Teams Colours match their Radar Blips. (this also includes Teams Vehicle Colours) Triads = Yellow Mafia = White and Black (Mafia cars Are Black, but their chat is white) (chat was too hard to see when it was black) Cops = Blue Samurai = Red The teams cars are as follows: (Listed with Real Car Names) (All teams have between 16 ~ 20 total vehicles) Here are the Teams Weaponry. All ammo is relatively similar thruout the teams. I have added Vehicle number plates on Most cars. (Slight easter egg on the Cheetah's plates. (mainly its an explanation as to why they are on the police team.... if you have ever played Vice city.......) Anyways. Want it? Here is the DL link.
  13. i have a really dumb idea.... Quake, Do you have an ATI Graphics card? and have you Stopped the Sky flickering on it. Because i have noticed that using the "ceguitext 1" command makes all the game text HUGE, mabye it does the same with that image. so could you type "ceguitext 0" (without the quotes) into the games console and tell us if anything happens.
  14. The idea was taken from Driver2's "AS-Ship" map (also some code was taken from it) Its a full remix, and a whole new feel, its Ship II. (i hope Driver2 doesn't mind that i am using that map name) Here is the map idea..... Terrorists are planning to detonate a Bomb on a ship in the San Fransisco harbour. Your mission is to Stop them at all costs. Done in an anti-terrorist sort of way. (More like Rainbow Six than Camper Strike) Your team has to infiltrate the ship, disarm 2 bombs, and seize the ship within 10 minutes. Here is a map of the path that the players will take. Map Legend: 1. Boarding Location of the Anti-Terrorists. 2. First Checkpoint (AKA: Infiltrate the Outer Cargo Area) 3. Disarm Bomb 1 4. Enter the Inner Cargo Area 5. Disarm Bomb 2 6. Exit the Inner Cargo Area 7. Enter the Crews Quarters 8. Take Control of the ship. and here is just some other various screenies. This First one shows the Anti-Terrorist's Spawn Location. Boarding Location Checkpoint 1 Bomb 1 Entering the Enner Cargo Area Bomb 2 Exiting the inner Cargo Area Entering the Crew's Quarters Captureing the ship Want My first Full release for your server? You can download it here:
  15. What i meant was a joke, in reference to a lot of programs i have used saying "Infinite loop" and the fact that when you make a circle of trailers that are all joined, it haas no start and end, Thus its an "Endless loop" But it seems that noone got the joke. Your sence of humour is bad and you should feel bad.
  16. Thanks. i will be waiting for a better version of MTA to be released before i complete it.
  17. Sky, if you want the logo to only show in a ceartian area of the screen, i would recomend making a 1024 x 768 pixel Transparent .png image, and putting your logo in the PNG image where you want it to appear on the player's screen. Which is what im guessing Leetwoovie has done with his...
  18. I am using AlienX's script on my server, and it has a bug that i will tell him about later. Basically, for some reason, every now and then the icons get stuck on screen, and wont go away.
  19. Yeah, i have seen this, and it seems to happen when Headshots are enabled, with any weapons that are able to get headshots.
  20. DazzaJay

    spider people! :O

    i have noticed, that if in a gamemode like Fallout, if you change the fat level of your character.... after a game mode change... often everyone spawns as deformed CJ's
  21. hrmm, it might be Ping-related. as i almost allways Crouch while shooting, to get extra accurasy over longer distances and it works fine. But in all servers i have a 100+ ping.
  22. i too would like Decent Tyre Blowout Sync. Especially for gamemodes like Cops n Robbers... where you can use things like Stingers.
  23. Sorry to sound lame.... and i know its of no help.... But it looks like you have an "Endless Loop" Lol.
  24. DazzaJay

    Car teleporting

    Nah, i have noticed that a LOT in my server. If you are in the drive by position, in say.. CTV, when you get the CTV car back to the base, the car despawns, and your just stuck... sitting in the air, with the gun out, only able to spin. ive found that mashing the jump button usually gets out of this issue. but still, the issue is there. and dude, i would suggest going to the server you were banned in's forums, posting about it, and linking to this thread.
  25. DazzaJay

    Train Bug

    Think thats wacky? i was in the Feared Gamers server when they were testing trains.... one person got in it.... in san fiero... and it went nutz... acting as if there were rails in places there werent, and other wacky stuff. Flying train... well, the train acting like its on a track, even tho its going across grass, and so on..... also like driving straight down the track, then Bang, a 90degree turn into the docks.... when the driver got out, it was skitsing... and acting as if it had a mind of its own.
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