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Everything posted by DazzaJay

  1. Well, i have been working on this all night, and this is what i have. if isChatBoxInputActive() == true then guiCreateStaticImage( "data/chatbubble.png" ) end if isChatBoxInputActive() == false then guiDestroyObject( "data/chatbubble.png" ) end
  2. Just one thing before i start attempting to fuck this up royally..... Define: boolean and somthing thats off topic.... You know how theres the ability in MTA DM to host Server-Side custom vehicles (i know how to do that also) But What about a Server-Side american.gxt file... so i could put my "Real Car Names" mod on the game server, so when people get in and out of cars.... it shows the real car name.... such as "Sultan" would be "Subaru Impreza" anyway, is it Possible to put the american.gxt file on the server side so that everyone in the game server could see the vehi names? If i could code it myself.. i wouldent be asking for help.
  3. iil look into it after i get back from the Star Trek Marathon, and i will post back here if i cant figure it out.
  4. if isChatBoxInputActive() == true then outputChatBox("your typing") end Look, that peice of code... from what i understand.... if the chat box is open, then it outputs "your typing" to the chatbox, is that correct? and if so, how do i adapt that peice of code, to a .png image above somones head? and remove that image when they have closed the Say: box?
  5. im not trying to be rude, im just trying to point out facts. People used to help others. help them Learn how to do things... just linking to stuff on the wiki, where the Examples are like this... ^^ taken from this link: http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... nputActive isnt any help attall, to be precise it makes things more confusing to a learner, and is a pure waste of time. Now, as ive said befoer, i know Nothing about LUA, i have been learning, But i CANT LEARN anything if i CANT SEE working examples. thats why if you look back at all my old threads, from back when Mirc was in use, i would ask somthing, somone would give a decent example, and i would never ask for anything like it again, because i could remember it, and adapt that peicee of code to other similar things. But with No help, no examples, it kind of makes things ridiculously hard.
  6. yeah, i remembered when the community used to be helpfull. but all the good people left. and now nobody helps anyone.
  7. and how does somone with pretty much no knowlage of LUA make that peice of code show a .png image above somones head?
  8. i would have done so if i knew anything about javascript or LUA, but sadly, i know bugger all about LUA.... hell, i know how to...... auctually, anything i know with LUA ive had to copy from somewhere else and make verry verry basic modifications to do what ive wanted... and javascript..... al i know about it is that notepad dosent open the files. so im fucked ether way. as i have asked in a lot of threads "how to do somthing that way out of my leigue" and i have made it clear that i know nothing, and people allways give awnsers that make absolutley no sence to me. and its really just confusing me. and i have no idea where to start with anything.
  9. ok. this has gotten a bit off topic. so i will bring it back a bit. from what i have learnt, the eaisiest method for this would be to bind it to the same keys that interact with the text chat box.... so if somone presses T or Y the icon appears above thier head. and if they press Enter, Return or Esc, it removes the icon (if icon is above head) sadly i dont know enough about scripting to do this, and the wiki makes me even more confused. so can anyone point me in the right direction?
  10. all i did was put the map.htm in a frame, so you can see the map, but its not working, i did that as a "demo" because people often mis-understand what im trying to say. i sent a PM to eAi (the creator of the webmap.....) and heres the PM. I don't have time to modify it myself, but you can easily remove the chat box by modifying the javascript file in webmap and removing the exported function that it calls from the meta.xml. i would really like to say i understand what hes saying... but i dont. as for modifying the javascript... i tried opening it in notepad and its just random code..... and i dont know enough about either of them to work it out.
  11. Wow, thanks for that! it works well now!
  12. it all works now! thanks for spotting that fuckup i made i also changed to and it all works! too bad the at400 was crap. but i know of an awesome andromada mod that i will use instead.. now i know how to do it. thanks guys for helping!
  13. my god, i didnt realise i made THAT mistake.... Fat Fingers Failed me again!
  14. well, i tested it without being sure... and there is somthing wrong with it. the client PC recived the recource... all 1mb of it.... spawned the plane thru the admin panel... and it was just the standard everyday AT400. what did i do wrong? oo.. i think i know... do i have to make the script Client side?
  15. hey guys, just checking to see if what i have written down is correct before i test it..... basically, i want to replace the at400 with a different one in my server. this is the at400mod.lua txd = engineLoadTXD("data/at400.txd") engineImportTXD(txd, 577) dff = engineLoadDFF("data/at400.dff", 587 ) engineReplaceModel(dff, 577) this is the meta.xml <meta> <info author="DazzaJay" name="at400mod" version="1" type="script" /> <script src="at400mod.lua" /> <file src="data/at400.dff" /> <file src="data/at400.txd" /> </meta> Is all that correct for giving out the needed files and changing the at400 out with a modded at400? or am i missing somthing. id just like to be sure before i test.
  16. its possible, i just went in to test if it worked in the original fr.lua file... and i got this on load.... WARNING: fr.lua: Bad argument @ 'bindKey' - Line: 8 WARNING: fr.lua: Bad argument @ 'bindKey' - Line: 9 so, if DP2 has that broken, then its possible that the script is fine.. but DP2 isnt?
  17. my guess is that im missing somthing..... and if you copyd the same lines, then we are both missing somthing....
  18. i found in my random stuffing around a vehicle lights toggle in fr.lua. so i decided to copy those lines out into thier own script so it runs all the time..... problem is, ive boned it up somewhere..... and without knowing a thing about LUA, what have i done wrong...... when i load the script i get the error "WARNING: vehiclelights.lua: Bad argument @ 'bindKey' - Line: 8 local root = getRootElement () local thisResourceRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) function thisResourceStart () outputChatBox ( "Headlight Switch loaded! Press L to toggle your car lights on / off!" ) local players = getElementsByType ( "player" ) for k,v in ipairs(players) do bindKey ( v, "l", "down", "Lights on/off", toggleVehicleLights ) end end function playerJoin () outputChatBox ( "You can press L to toggle your car lights on / off!", source ) bindKey ( source, "l", "down", toggleVehicleLights, "Lights on/off" ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", thisResourceRoot, thisResourceStart ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, playerJoin ) function toggleVehicleLights ( player, key, state ) if ( getPlayerOccupiedVehicleSeat ( player ) == 0 ) then local veh = getPlayerOccupiedVehicle ( player ) if ( getVehicleOverrideLights ( veh ) ~= 2 ) then setVehicleOverrideLights ( veh, 2 ) else setVehicleOverrideLights ( veh, 1 ) end end end
  19. i have done this...... And this..... and still any random can adjust the ping kikcer settings. and also, another thing i just discovered..... if i go into the admin panel in game, and try to stop the pingkicker resource.... the server window says "Stopping pingkicker" then the allmighty windows "MTA Server.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close" box appears. Error Signature: AppName: mta server.exe AppVer: ModName: deathmatch.dll ModVer: Offset: 0004a5ea
  20. well, the main thing that goes "flashy" on ATi cards is the distance fog, removing that completley solves the flashing sky caused by the text rendering system in MTA. as i myself hate the alternate rendering method, as the text goes all funky, and most of it is made too large...... so mabye including the timecyc.dat and stream.ini that has the distance fog removed in the next verson of MTADM will be the quickest and eaisiest way of solving the text issue that the game has. and also... it will make people (who dont know any better) who have come from samp think "Look how nice the graphics are" can somone pass on my idea to the creators so they can think about it? heres a coupple of screenies that show the fog removed..... http://files.potholestudios.com/dazzaja ... en0018.png http://files.potholestudios.com/dazzaja ... en0024.png
  21. theres an issue with it. i was able to change the ping warning and max ping settings without being logged in as an admin.
  22. hey guys, i have found a custom timecyc.dat + stream.ini that removes some of the distance fog, makes the game look "crisper" with pretty much no drop in framerate. it also completley stops the "flickering sky" effect that most ATI cards are affected by. so i was looking to put it on the server, so that anyone that joins recives it, is this possible? cos like, i know that custom .dff and .txd files are possible, but what about custom timecyc.dat and stream.ini? and if so, could somone show me how to code this? as the way i see it, it would be a good thing for almost every server to have, so people dont have to switch to the crappy text rendering method, just so thier sky stops flickering with ATI cards. thanks. -Dan.
  23. DazzaJay

    Player kick

    Step 1: copy all of this following code, and put it into a New notepad file..... MAKE SURE YOU TURN LINE NUMBERS OFF IN THIS PAGE BEFORE COPYING IT. otherwise the moronic forum software will add numbers to the code and fuck it up. local playerTable = {} function scanPlayers() local allPlayers = getElementsByType("player") for k,v in ipairs(allPlayers) do if (playerTable[v] ~= true) then checkNickname(v) end end end function kickNickname(thePlayer) playerName = getClientName(thePlayer) if (string.find(playerName, "Player", 1, plain)) then --outputChatBox ( playerName.." is being kicked for: Not changing nickname", getRootElement(), 255 ) setTimer ( kickPlayer, 1500, 1, thePlayer, "Change your name before returning") else playerTable[thePlayer] = false end end function checkNickname(thePlayer) playerName = getClientName(thePlayer) if (string.find(playerName, "Player", 1, plain)) then outputChatBox ( playerName..", you have 30 seconds to change your nickname before you are kicked - type /nick <nick>", thePlayer) outputChatBox ( "The reason you will be kicked is: Using a Forbidden Nickname (Player)", thePlayer) setTimer ( kickNickname, 30000, 1, thePlayer ) playerTable[thePlayer] = true end end function onPlayerJoin() checkNickname(source) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), onPlayerJoin ) function onResourceStart(thisResource) setTimer ( scanPlayers, 5000, 0 ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), onResourceStart ) save the text document with that in it as playernamekick.lua Step 2: Copy this code into a new text document: (with the same warning as before about line numbers) <meta> <info author="Modified by DazzaJay" description="Player Name Kicker" type="script" version="1.1.7" /> <script src="playernamekick.lua" type="server" /> </meta> Save that file as meta.xml now, put both the meta.xml and the playernamekicker.lua into a .zip file "playernamekick.zip" they should be the only 2 files in there. Place the "playernamekick.zip" file into your \Server\mods\deathmatch\resources\ folder. Step 3: open the ACL.xml file (found in \Server\mods\deathmatch\ folder) copy this code into your servers ACL.xml (code goes near the top of the file) <group name="ackick"> <acl name="playerkick"/> <object name="resource.playernamekick"/> </group> This following code also goes into your ACL.XML <acl name="playerkick"> <right name="function.kickPlayer" access="true"/> </acl> save the acl.xml Step 4: open the mtaserver.conf (found in \Server\mods\deathmatch\ ) and this following code goes in your mtaserver.conf <resource src="playernamekick" startup="1" protected="0"/> save the mtaserver.conf Load the server, and if all is done right, it will work.
  24. well, i know that the "Time Sync Tool" for Single Player has a "Weather Fix" to fix a similar problem, so thats proof that this thing can be fixed, and work properly, but i cant come up with any other ideas on how to get it to work without the flickers of weather changes.
  25. the main idea behind the 1ms updates was to do them "faster than the eye could see" it was working fine for a half an hour with no flasking, or flickering.... then.... after reloading the game, the flashing was back. grrrrr. so im back to square one on this.
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