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Everything posted by DazzaJay

  1. Is there any way to stop the Speed FOV affect also? (you know, where the camera moves back, and the view area gets wider)
  2. Well, the downloads i uploaded are working now, thanks to whoever fixed that.... but uploading of screenshots is still broken: even tho at the end of it it said it was uploaded successfully, the gallery says "There are no images"
  3. Yo twig, does your script there put a random number on the end of "Players" name.... because i have seen somone with the name NOOB88 join my server often.... want to know if its your doing.
  4. basically yea well, i belive that would be a much faster and less laggeier idea..... also, i get the feeling that DP3 will be released soon, as mtabeta.com has had its url changed, and now anyone who tries to enter thier uster / pass into the installer, it just sits there looking dumb. so pretty much no new players can join. when DP3 is out, i would deffanatly recommend the line.
  5. i will test it when i get home, and i will post if i have any issues.
  6. So yeah, i was hunting around on the MTA Wiki and i came across this: function changeBlurLevel(playerSource,command,blur) if blur>255 or blur<0 then outputChatBox("Enter a value between 0 - 255.", playerSource) else setPlayerBlurLevel(playerSource, blur) outputChatBox("Blur level set to: "..blur, playerSource) end end addCommandHandler("blur", changeBlurLevel) The question is, can this peice of code be used to disable all players speed blur affect. and if so, how/ what would be the best way to go about that.
  7. well, here is the thing, i dont belive it needs access to the mta beta, becaus i can just go to my servers admin panel and see thier mta beta login names in it, at the click of a button. so i figure if it can, then a script can, that runs client side, if client joins with "Player" the client side script changes thier name to "Jim117" or whatever his login name is. the way we have it at the moment is simple, we have a 5-second kick timer on "player" with kick reason of "Change your name before returning" but a lot of people are either arrogant, ignorant, or just plain dont know english, and try over and over and over again, till they give up.... like, heres an example.... (relayed from BOTH Pothole Studios Servers to IRC:) its like.... HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE. even a person who dosent know english should know by atleast the third kick that the server dosent allow them.
  8. yeah, i know what its like, concidering im an admin in my own server, when i see somone who is suspected of hacking, i go into spectate mode (thru the admin panel) and keep a watch on them for a while..... of if the admin panels spectate dosent work (90% of the time) i just spectate the old fashioned way, with a jetpack. but i like to make sure of my bans before i make them. I have been banned in many servers for various random things in the old MTA race, stuff like swearing in Team Nir's server, Beating records on maps in servers run by admins on 486's with 1MB of graphics ram and 16K of EDO ram. (that a bit of an exadguration, but i know a lagger when i see one) but yeah, i know what its like. what server was this that you got banned in? as i would love to put my skills in the mix (and film it, and if banned, put the vid in thier forums, showing how much of an arse caning i gave him._
  9. Cool. i just had 1 question about the 6-Wheel Dune.... i dare say if it was fixable it wouldnt be the way it is... but basically, when performing hard turns in it, the front most and rear-most wheels tilt the correct direction, but the central set tilt in the oppisite direction. what causes that?
  10. Yeah that is funked up. But with the awesome new Serial Ban system, its even eaisier to keep the cheaters out. (if the server's admins know what they are doing)
  11. my favorite serve is ofcource my own (Pothole Studios DM) but we never get enough players... so when im not there working on somthing or playing with myself.... im at Feared gamers servers
  12. I have tried that toady.... with absolutley shitfull results.... heres a link to show my futile efforts..... viewtopic.php?f=95&t=21879&p=272068
  13. Awesome! Awesome to the max. also 50p.... anyways.. long story short, if this new feature in DP3 works the way we expect it to... then it might be possible to make a speedo needle that looks like SA Cam Hack's one... http://www.tocaedit.com/img/sach/sach-big.jpg just a simple line that would save on the 260 images and a lot of loading time. also, i know why the needle dissapears around 73kmh....
  14. I just had the best idea..... A Script, that can run on a server.... So that if somone joins with the name "Player" it will change thier name to thier MTAbeta login name. Because at the moment, we just have a script that kicks "Player" but some people wont know why because they dont know english. But yeah... in thoery... has joined the game 's name was changed to by server. and so on. But yeah, it would be only to run if the Players name wsa "Player" so people with proper names dont get thier names changed to thier login names.
  15. Race 1.1.1 = Not Compadable with Vista. i would however love to get into an argument about all people using vista have no brains..... but i dont think the mods of the forums would like me starting another argument.
  16. yeah, im not a fan of "Riced" cars, but a lot of the other people who visit my server said they wanted them after seeing how pixelised the textures were, i am deffanatly going to wait for a ..... working... version of DM befor trying to add custom cars again.... i might try my "Australian police car" pack http://www.potholestudios.com/Downloads ... id=45.html Screenshots Also.. offroader23..... did you make the 6-wheel Dune? (just seeing if you are the person im thinking you are)
  17. also, uploading screenshots is broken also. (was trying to upload a jpg for one of the few recources that i managed to upload) because it says Permission denied.... it looks to me like you need to CHMOD the upload folders so they are writeable. And also... the recourses themselves dont seem to have uploaded. (try to download them) https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ails&id=19 https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ails&id=20 https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ails&id=18 and WHY THE HELL DO I GET LOGGED OUT OF MTA BETA EVERY FEW MINUTES, IM TIRED OF TYPING MY PASSWORD OVER AND OVER. Concidering its 10+ characters long.
  18. DazzaJay


    i have tried all the mothods that you have listed, and none have worked in my server.
  19. Sorry if this is the wrong place, but i checked around the MTA DM section of the site and it seems to be the best place to do this. Basically, im trying to upload an assault map to the mtabeta recources section. when i uploaded the map, i got this error: So, i went and tried to upload the Assault Game mode, and got this error: Starting to get annoied with this crap.... so i went about and uploaded the helpmanager script that came with the server (Astonished at why the Default scripts that came with the server werent on the mtabeta section defaultly) ok, so helpmanager uploaded fine. so now to upload Assault..... Oh great.. another problem. All i want to do is upload a Single assault map that i made! Is that too much to ask!?
  20. ah, my bad, i must have missed it when i was scanning thru. Anyways, i hope you dont mind, but i edited your Disc.png, because i found it to be a bit too "intrusive" (if it was smaller it wouldnt bother me) basically, i made the outer border thinner, and turned the white transparent. "Standard Transparent" _____________________________________________________________ :::EDIT::: So i was really bored, and i made a Speedo pack. Lots of colours for your server to choose from! Oo... heres an idea, 50p, would it bee to hard for in a later version you could add a command that lets players switch between different Speedo Images? Or... what about when at night time, the dash changed from a normal skin to a "Glowing" one.... Or or even better... when Headlights are on, change texture to a glowing one.... (would work great in my server where i have a script that allows the use of L for headlights in every game mode) anyways, here they are.... Do with them what you wish. Note: These are .jpg previews to get the .png files just click them. "Standard Dashboard Glow" (well, its the same colour glow as my Daihatsu's stock dash) "Neon Blue" "Neon Aqua" "Neon Green" "Neon Purple" "Neon Pink" "Neon Red"
  21. DazzaJay


    Thats odd, because when i was writing a help file for another script, when i used the it shoed a little thing at bottom of screen on player join "the script "name" has help! press F9 to see it" or somthing similar. and with it didnt follow that behaviour. basically, i want the popup at bottom os screen to say "The "Server_Rules" has help, press F9" on join.
  22. DazzaJay


    Basically, im trying to make a help.xml that will run all the time as a tab in the help manager, but i cant get it to run attall, like the server can load it, says its running, but it dosent show up in the F9 Help box. meta.xml <meta> <info author="DazzaJay" version="1.1.7" type="script" /> <include resource="helpmanager" /> <config src="help.xml" type="client" /> </meta> help.xml <help>Server Rules & other fun stuff. ----------------------------------------- Servers Website: [url=http://www.potholestudios.com/mta]http://www.potholestudios.com/mta[/url] Servers Teamspeak: ts.potholestudios.com:8767 Admin Email: [email protected] ----------------------------------------- RULES: ----------------------------------------- 1. NO CHEATING! This is a very simple and easy to understand rule, Cheating is something that gives the player an unfair advantage over other players, these are things such as "Flying hack" "Speed Hack" "Ram Hack" and anything else that gives a player an unfair advantage over others. and anyone with Cheats will recive an immediate IP ban & kick from the server, No Warnings No Excuses ----------------------------------------- 2. No Arseholes. The beginners guide to not being an arsehole: Do not flame any other player. Do not abuse any other player. Do not Threaten any other player. And do not go out of your way to be an arsehole. Simple. ----------------------------------------- 3. Be Original. Do NOT join with your Nickname as either "Player" or as a Name of ANY of the Games Characters, Such as CJ, Big-Smoke, Sweet, Ryder and So on, Also don't call yourself "007" or"006" Or any 3 digit name, [As too many people use these names, it screws around with the stats.] Anyone using Names such as these will be Immediately Kicked from the server. ----------------------------------------- 4. Dont Dis-Respect Anyone. This is a good one, anyone who dis-respects other players will receive a Warning, if it continues, a Kick from the server. [its ok to be like... ZOMG i lost because Some Random crashed me into a corner... or whatever... but its not allright to say: Some Random Your a complete cunt, i hope you die from cancer of the cock you fuckface. [as this would also be in violation of Rule 5.]] ----------------------------------------- 5. Have fun! We expect that you do try to have as much fun as possible, keeping in mind that this is a game, and that you maintain a respectful relationship with all other players regardless as to race, creed, color, origin, or attitude. Tip: Lead by example, if others see that you are having fun, they will want to be part of that fun too. ----------------------------------------- 6. Do Not spam the chat. Do not Spam the chat with gibberish, Do not TYPE IN ALL CAPS, Do not spam your Map vote into the chat. If you disobey these rules, you will be Muted. ----------------------------------------- 7. SPEAK FUCKING ENGLISH. This is an American-hosted server, Run by an Australian, Most of the admins only know one language. English. So please speak it in this server. Also, do not speak in 1337, Gangsta, or Idiot speak. as these will get you a Permanent Mute. [if you speak like a retarded animal, you deserve to be muted.] ----------------------------------------- NOTE! Handling.cfg and Vehicles.ide Mods / Tweaks are NOT allowed in the server. as this gives an Unfair Advantage to players with them [which is also known as CHEATING] </help>
  23. Hey 50P nice speedo. (i have been waiting for one this awesome) but there is one small thing about it that im not a fan of. the "Blurry" needle. i dare say it would take forever for you to make a new one, and you probably wont do it because of how long it will take... but how about one of these... also, on first getting in a vehicle in a server running this, the game locks up for about 10 ~15 seconds (prolly while its loading all the images) which makes me wonder, isnt there a way instead of using 260+ images, to instead just use 1 that rotates?
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