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Everything posted by DazzaJay

  1. Thanks for the quick reply because im a total noob at lua, i need to know a few things, does that update the in game clock + time of day (as in how light, dark, where sun is, etc) also, does it override all maps time settings with real time, and how do i go about installing it as a resource. Thanks.
  2. Hello all, i have just a small script request, a "real time" script, that will make the ingame clock sync to the time in "Windows Server 2003" (or if windows time not possible, just a normal time speed), instead of the original "1 second = 1 minute" system that it is on. Thanks in advance to anyone who can do this.
  3. Yeah, im using a Logitech G3 Gaming Lazer mouse, never thaught its software could cause issues
  4. yeah mate, thats good. if not too hard for somone can we get a webmap script modification, so it can be publicly shown, also the scoreboards, and also the Server Statistics? (in 3 seperate 's ofcourse, as i would like to have different sections on my site set up for it.) Thanks in advance to anyone who can pull this off.
  5. Yeah, a way to Publicly show the scoreboard in an would be great. i also have a similar wich for the webmap. viewtopic.php?f=91&t=21491 Help for both would be really great!
  6. Hi, i was just wondering if somone is able to make a modified verson of the Webmap script, that can be shown to the public in a frame on my website. this would also need the "send message to player" feature removed from it also. Thanks in advance to anyone who is able to do this.
  7. i was i another server, with somone who was making it so admin spawned vehicles returned to the place of spawn after 10 seconds of being destroyed, that solved the farm problem, but you still end up with a severe buildup of cars all over the map.
  8. ok, i have made a video of the problem in action. in the form of a .wmv inside a .zip it shows the entire issue from Spawning the vehicle thru admin menu, to the vehicle reapearing in the farm. this happens to any vehicle spawned thru the admin menu, nomatter where in the map it was spawned originally, they all end up here at the farm, most falling thru the level, but are still there under the level , till there is so many of them, that going thru that area takes you down to 1FPS. and just a simple map & gamemode change does not get rid of these reappearing vehicles, the only way to get rid of them is to restart the server (as far as i know). if you are suffering from this issue, id suggest going easy on spawning cars thru the admin panel untill it is fixed. Vid: http://files.potholestudios.com/dazzaja ... hicles.zip
  9. im pretty sure it wasnt intentional to teleport all admin spawned vehicles to the center of the map. im nocking up a quick video of the phenomina
  10. hello, i am planning on having an 24/7 Initial D / Akina server, which ofcourse would require Akina to be on the server as it has Custom models n stuff... Screenshots and the Download are at this following link: http://www.potholestudios.com/Downloads ... id=50.html i just havent got any idea where to start, or any knowlage of LUA. which has really got me boned. if anyone can make a gametype and also make Akina server-side, so it is recived when players join, that would be great. the reason why i want an Akina gametype, instead of using race, is so it can have the gameplay style of "Initial D Stage 4" (leader-chacer formation, outrun or pass, if not ourun - pass then places swap, goes into round 2, with only 2 racers allowed to race at once, while if others in server spectate, with choose your car + bodyparts and paintjobs... and so on) i can go into greater detail if somone is able to make this gametype / map for me. Thanks -Dan.
  11. I have an interesting problem with it..... i have edited the file so it joins #PotholeStudios on irc.rizon.net and ofcourse its name was changed to [PS]DM-Relay that has been the only thing i have changed. When any resource is started / stopped from in game, it relays this to IRC.... [03:52 AM] [PS]DM-Relay: Resource all it says when somone joins the game is this... [03:54 AM] [PS]DM-Relay: * when somone quits... [03:54 AM] [PS]DM-Relay: * when somone says somthing in game, it only relays thier name, and not thier messgae..... [03:54 AM] [PS]DM-Relay: [PS]DazzaJay[AU]: and when somone says somthing in the IRC channel, it does not go to the game, it just shows thier message in the server window: [03:54:06] IRC <> [PS]DazzaJay[AU]: Test Test there are no error messages shown in the server window, so i have no idea whats wrong with it.
  12. does this only kick people with the ` in thier names? because i have seen cheaters also using Spaces in thier names... like " Nomez " and when you try to /votekick (if no admins are on the server) it just says "Invalid nick" or somthing like that. if it dosent kick people with spaces in thier name, can you add that?
  13. Well, ive seen in some servers, severe lag (down to 1FPS) at the farm near the center of the map. and so, i decided to find the cause on my test server. and here it is, when an admin creates a car, and destroyes it, it will appear near the farm (mostly under the level), after like...... 50+ admin created cars are destroyed, you can witness severe lag at the farm, and a lot of destroyed vehicles there also. but yeah, thats all ive got on that.
  14. The gametypes are still in the Thoery stage at the moment.
  15. i would if i knew how. thats why i have plased them as "Suggestions" if somone could teach me the basics, then i could start scripting these.
  16. yeah, what made me think of it was Capture the orb, as its much the same, just no finish line, and a timer instead.
  17. too add admins on the fly, get them to join the server , then get them to /register after they have /registered, they can /login with the password they set then another admin can just click "give admin rights" to that user in the admin control panel. wala, admin added without restarting the server.
  18. DazzaJay


    Nah man, im Daniel. Daniel "DazzaJay" Fitzgerald. the name DazzaJay came about when i first got Xbox live many years ago. and i have used it ever since.
  19. Sorry if this is the wrong section, if it is, can this be moved to the correct area. Anyway, i was thinking when i first played Capture the Orb about another similar game type that was in Halo 2. "Oddball" so after much more thinking, i have thought of a bunch of fun game types from other games that would be good in MTA DM. so lets start with "Oddball" ------------------------------ Oddball. Objective: Hold the ball for 3 minutes. game play: Al players start at random spawn points around the map, the person who picks up the ball is unable to shoot any weapons or defend himself while he is holding the ball. he is also unable to drive any vehicles with the ball. (but he can still passenger in them), when the player with the ball is killed, he drops the ball, another player can pick it up. and so on. until someone has held the ball for a total of 3 minutes (does not have to be for 3 constant Min's), once the player has held the ball for the 3 Min's total, he wins the match. ------------------------------ Team Oddball. Objective: Team controls the ball for 5 minutes. (Note, 3 balls on map) game play: Start at 2 team spawn points (red / blue) and the teams must fight for control of the ball(s). same basic game play as oddball, so player who holds ball cant shoot, and cant drive. Time is accumulative for the entire team. so if 1 player holds the ball, 1 second is counted as 1 second on the teams score, if the team controls 2 balls, then as 1 second is counted, the time held goes up by 2 seconds, if all 3 balls are held by the same team, then each second, the teams score goes up by 3 seconds. first team to a total 5 minutes wins the match. ------------------------------ Single Flag CTF. Objective: get the flag to your base. Game play: 1 flag in middle of map, both teams fight to get it back to their own base, first team to 3 captures wins. ------------------------------ Assault CTF. Objective: Get the flag into the enemy's base. Game play: 1 flag in the middle of the map, both teams have to get the flag and take it in to the enemy's base. first to 3 captures wins. ------------------------------ King of the Hill. Objective: control all 3 marked places for 5 minutes. game play: Much like Team oddball, only the objectives don't move. your team must control all 3 marked places on the map. when your team controls one place, your timer starts counting, when you control 2 marked places your timer count speed is doubled, when all 3 are in control, your timer speed is tripled. once a teams time reaches 5 minutes, the team wins. ------------------------------ i will think of some more game types at a later date.
  20. DazzaJay


    the computer was an AMD Athlon 3200+ running a ATi 9600 XT when the game was running, full rez, full graphics settings, it was staying above 40FPS. so it wasn't a slow computer for its time. i got half life 2 only a few weeks after it was released. all steam really is is Anti Piracy software Disguised to be usefull. and seriously, i dont fall for it.
  21. DazzaJay


    he said he baught the game from steam, and then no-disk it.
  22. DazzaJay


    i no-disk allmost every game i pay for, for one main reason .... Somehow, disks here get destroyed, no idea how, its like, they will be fine, eject out of the tray, come back a few weks later, get the disc... look at it, and it looks like its been ran over by a truck. (might not help that i just leave discs everywhere) but im too cheap to but a new copy of any game 3 times a month. and another thing. i DISPISE steam. mainly cos of this crap..... i baught Half Life 2 DISK, had to install the game... that took a half hour, after that, it had to download mandatory updates before i could play it..... 2 WEEKS LATER (yes i was on dialup) i was able to load the game, which took another 2 hours of "Decrypting" or whatever bullshit. after that, i got into the game, only to find out that its boring, and lame. So i uninstalled that game, and the Spyware known as STEAM off my pc. Seriously, i can understand why game companys want to protect thier games from piracy, but steam is taking that shit way too far. i will never buy another steam game EVER.
  23. (if this is the wrong section, can a mod move it please) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, i finally got around to releasing my new, improved MTA DM Car Colours file! with over 40+ colours for each car to randomly spawn with. and a fresh blue/white Police vehicle colour scheme, its better than ever! Because of this forums lame Image size limits, to see screenshots Here is the link to the screenshot gallery: http://www.potholestudios.com/Downloads/screen=118.html and of you want this for your server:
  24. DazzaJay


    crack, patch, same thing, both are just .exe replacements. (in GTA SA terms)
  25. DazzaJay


    If you have Paid for a game, then it is Legal for the person who purchased the game to No-disk it.
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