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Everything posted by DazzaJay

  1. yeah, ive noticed that too, but it dissapears when they close their chat box, so i didnt really think anything of it. anyone know how to fix that? so if a player goes off the screen, it removes the image?
  2. The commands (such as ban) can anyone in the IRC channel use them? or only ops?
  3. Thank you tma. Works good. (i was trying to replace the wrong things, seeing as how nooone said where to put the code)
  4. If you want to Practice the Tracks they are always in the Championship server, and it is always open to public. ( mta.potholestudios.com:22005 ) and they are the only six maps available in that server.
  5. wait..... where do i add it in, (yeah yeah in the client script) but where? what line number? and what do i replace? Dont be so vauge all the time.
  6. there is no limit to the amount of clan members you bring along, but remember, the more clan members, the greater chance you have of getting more points, the greater chance you have of wining
  7. Pothole Studios is looking for good racing clans to have a Clan Race championship against. The rules are rather simple. Your clan announces what car they want to race in (From Sports Car Class), and the date (Only Saturdays) and we will race on that date, at a time that will be decided between Your clan and the [PS] clan in the forums. The list of Sports Cars that are allowed to be chosen: Alpha - Banshee - Blista Compact - Buffalo - Bullet - Cheetah - Elegy - Euros - Hotring Racer - Infernus - Jester - Phoenix - Sultan - SuperGT - Turismo - Uranus - ZR-350 The Race tracks that will be used are Pothole Studios Originals. Designed to be our "Home" circuits, they are known as "Track One" "Track Two" and "Track Three" There will be a total of Six races, Consisting of Five laps a race, Pit lane has Repairs, although to receive them you will need to "Pit it to any of the Pay N Spray garage's in the Pit lane, Collision will be off, so it really is about the Fastest clan. the races will be held in the Pothole Studios Championship Server. Points will be awarded ONLY to people who make it to the Finish Line, The points will be Set up like this: 1st: 16 2nd: 8 3rd: 4 4th: 2 5th: 1 After all 6 races have been completed, Players points will be calculated, and each players points will go towards their clan's points. The clan with the most points overall, Wins. Note: In the Event of a Draw, a winner will be determined by Secondary Scoring Regulations (SSR). The Tracks in order of play: Track One Track Two Track Three Track One Reverse Track Two Reverse Track Three Reverse If you think your clan is up to a challenging championship, Please, Click the Sign Up button, and it will take you to the Sign Up forum thread, where you can tell us the Car you want to race in, your clan's Tag and name, The date you want to race on. and we shall work on a time with you for the actual race! If you want to Practice the Tracks they are always in the Championship server, and it is always open to public. ( mta.potholestudios.com:22005 ) And of course, here is a Screenshot collection of all 3 maps, Forwards is Clockwise, Reverse is Anti Clockwise. (Click the camera in the thimbnale to see a screenshot from that angle!)
  8. yeah, Bullet is MR, but the vote was allways set up like this, RWD champ, FWD champ, 4WD champ. and repeat, so the bullet allwats came up in the RWD Vote. But anyway, i am statring a new style of championship. known as "Clan Racewars" i will start a new thread about it.
  9. DazzaJay


    3? Thats less than what i have allready. so that is no good for me.
  10. DazzaJay


    Just got a quick question, and yes, this is MTA Related. The IRC Network GTANET, i need to know how many users can log on from the Same IP. (im with Rizon at the moment and their limit is around 4) Basically, i am using IRC to relay my MTA Server's chats, so they are all linked together. i have 2 of my servers relaying thier chat thru IRC at the moment, but i want to link the rest of them togehter, and that would go past the connection limit for Rizon. So yeah, whats the limit for GTANET? as i dont want to make the change and find i am Worse off than on Rizon.
  11. i just thaught of another thing that is Deffanatly needed. if i Mute somone for spamming in my server, thier text no longer comes up in the chatbox, but still gets relayed to the IRC channel. can this be made so if a player is muted, it does not relay the text to the IRC.
  12. Well, because im a lazy bugger, im just going to edit the Stylesheet (if it has one) and keep the iframe system. that way i will get it matching my site in a verry lazy manner. I have attached the Playerblip i made for my Webmap (02.png), its just the Waypoint dot with a slight colour change. Feel free to use it.
  13. In the Iframe code, to make it scrolling, add scrolling="yes" to the iframe code before the sises of the box, that will enable scroll bars. and also, anyone that still uses IE, even tho it is one of the biggest security holes in Windows, Is a complete moron, and i belive they can deal with a page that dosent look right, (with a button at the bottom that says GET FIREFOX or Opera, or whatever)
  14. Excelent! http://www.potholestudios.com/Content/pid=39.html ive got Scoreboard, Webmap and Webstats! and it all works!
  15. i would like to modify the script a little, and host the map images myself, (mainly cos they just take so damn long to load, ive had 2000x2000 images load faster than a single block of the map.) so can i get a copy of the default map images, and a point in the right direction of what to change so they load from where i host them? Thanks.
  16. Stig, i noticed the one on your site still has the Send message box. if you dont want just anyone in the public to be able to send messages direct to players from the map, get the recource from the following link: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... anddescr=1 The main reason i would reccomend this is, "The chat is only Inbound from the map, and people will more than likley use it to spam players.
  17. can you tell me how ou got the scoreboard happening? please? like the things to change in ACL?
  18. itsa a little short mate. ive noticed when putting crap in an iframe, its best to have width as a % and the Height as an auctual pixel number.. the code for mine is <iframe src="http://mta.potholestudios.com:33551/webmap/map.htm" width="100%" height="640"></iframe> that way it stretches to fit the width of the web page, and does not end up only 20 pixels high.
  19. Oh man, that is Phatt! Thanks a Million! http://www.potholestudios.com/Content/pid=36.html
  20. yeah, thats what im not wanting, like a script that just sends data to another webserver, so the webpage can see whats happening in the map, but cant change anything else.
  21. i should really work on changing it to CTF. but im a slack bugger. i will get onto it soon.
  22. its still "Comming soon" at my site. everyone says to me "That would be cool as" but noone wants to or is able to help make it happen.
  23. That will be ok man, because it is now FIXED This is what i went thru to fix it. First the problem started about 6 hours ago. So i figured, i would Restart the Votemanager script problem persisted. So i restarted it a few more times. Problem persisted. Restarted the Race Gamemode Problem Persisted. did that a few more times. Problem persisted. Reinstalled the server itself. Problem Persisted. Changed the Computers Clock back to Thursday. Rebooted the PC. Problem is Fixed. so, from what this all points to is that Votemanager is Designed to Stop working properly after a ceartian date? That is the only conclusion i can come to. and if that is the case (Because it is not just My server that is affected) what i want to know is WHY!?
  24. I have just Reinstalled the server from the DP2 that i just downloaded. Same problem.
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