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Everything posted by DazzaJay

  1. Ok, Dumb question..... How the Hell do i make this a Server Side Peice of code?, and also, So it dosent check for the vehicle i am in, but Unoccupied ones instead? setTimer(checkWater, 5000, 0) function checkWater() local vID = getVehicleID ( g_Vehicle ) if ( vID == 539 or vID == 460 or vID == 417 or vID == 447 or vID == 472 or vID == 473 or vID == 493 or vID == 595 or vID == 484 or vID == 430 or vID == 453 or vID == 452 or vID == 446 or vID == 454 ) then return; end local x, y, z = getElementPosition(g_Me) local waterZ = getWaterLevel(x, y, z) if waterZ and z < waterZ - 1.5 then --setElementHealth(g_Me, 0) blowVehicle ( g_Vehicle, true ) end end
  2. Well, its 4 air craft carriers on the ocean, and thats really it, no underwater unless your swimming. As for checking weather a Z axis is under water level or whatever..... im guessing i should just rim code out of the race gamemode? like its water killer, and change it to Blow vehicle if unoccupied?
  3. I have a simple script with a Dumb issue. it shows a Semi-transparent URL in the top corner of the Screen, and a Fancy radar mod in the bottom left (Just .png images) But the script has an issue. If ANY recource is loaded (This includes Map changes) the images Doubble up, making the Semi-transparent areas darker, and because the one around the radar has a slight tint to it, after about 6 map changes, the Radar turns completley black, because the .png is doubbled up so many times... I have no idea whats wrong with it. other than its Putting the images up over and over each time ANY recource is loaded. Where as it SHOULD only place them up when it is loaded first time. function displayMainPlate() guiCreateStaticImage(0.68, 0, 0.32, 0.08333, 'url.png', true, nil) RadarCover = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0.71917, 0.2875, 0.28083, 'radar.png', true, nil) guiMoveToBack( RadarCover ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getRootElement(getThisResource()), displayMainPlate ) Whats wrong?
  4. ive recently converted an old DD map i made (in MTA Race) to a Full blown Vehicle CTF Map. ive had to put in another .lua script so vehicles can respawn in it.... function respawnExplodedVehicle() setTimer(respawnVehicle, 6000, 1, source) end addEventHandler("onVehicleExplode", getRootElement(), respawnExplodedVehicle) Problem is, Its a map with 2 AirCraft Carriers.... and if the Planes land in the water without Exploding, they dont respawn.... was kind of a sad map when all the vehicles were at the bottom of the ocean and everyone had to swim between the Aircraft carriers.... So, can anyone show me what to add to get it to check if a vehicle is underwater, and respawn it? thanks. -Dan
  5. 1000 = 1 Second 60000 = 1 minute (60 seconds) 120000 - 2 mins, Yes. (120 seconds)
  6. Change the kickPlayerWithDelay time from 3000 (3 seconds) to whatever you want i guess. Server.LUA setTimer (kickPlayerWithDelay, 3000, 1, thePlayer, "Too high ping (Max: " .. maxPingValue .. ")") outputChatBox ("Pingkicker: You will be kicked in 3 seconds, reason: Ping too high (Max: " .. maxPingValue .. ")", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) Also, a chamnge i reccomend for EVERYONE using this script: In the client.lua Change Line 14 to this: pingwarning = guiCreateStaticImage( 0.38, 0.71, 0.26, 0.097, 'pingwarning.png', true, nil) This will make sure the image does not appear MASSIVE on Low Res (such as 640x480) and also that it wont appear Tiny on Rez's such as 1600X1200 with that line it will Scale the image to fit on every rez.
  7. its not all that hard, BTW, ive noticed the map editor fails to load in race 1.1.2, but it works in race 1.1.1, but yeah, i recently made a map, was as simple as placing all the objects, then converting them in this website: http://gtamap.delux-host.com/ it was only able to convert the objects and not the spawn points, so i had to write them in to the map file manually.
  8. Seeing as how MTA DM DP2.1 is out now, and its server browser works, i see no more use for this thread.
  9. Seeing as how MTA DM DP2.1 is out now, and its server browser works, i see no more use for this thread.
  10. its fine now, all except for the weather flicking on each update.
  11. its fine now, all except for the weather flicking on each update.
  12. note: to make the quick connect links work properly, it must be mtasa:// and NOT mta:// as mta:// is the old protocol and it wont load the game for players. it will just give an error off.
  13. note: to make the quick connect links work properly, it must be mtasa:// and NOT mta:// as mta:// is the old protocol and it wont load the game for players. it will just give an error off.
  14. To type it so its a link that loads the game... use this... in the tags. mtasa:// and when a player clicks the link, it will load their game and connect. :::EDIT::: Also, im not sure how Game Monitor works, but if it dosent get its info from ASE, here is a server list: http://www.game-monitor.com/search.php?game=mta
  15. To type it so its a link that loads the game... use this... in the tags. mtasa:// and when a player clicks the link, it will load their game and connect. :::EDIT::: Also, im not sure how Game Monitor works, but if it dosent get its info from ASE, here is a server list: http://www.game-monitor.com/search.php?game=mta
  16. Theres a high chance that ASE will go down before DP3 is out, so, share your server's Quick Connect and Server Info here, so people who read forums can still Connect to your server when ASE goes away. This is the only server of Pothole Studios that ever gets used: Our Race Server that runs on DM DP2. It has a heavily customised version of Race, with Lots of fixes ( Wheels dont dissapear when going from a Plane to a car, NOS pickups work just like the Classic race ones, Checkpoints are Classic sised, Armed Vehicles can shoot, Spawn Z axis bug removed, and many more ) It is the ONLY Dm Race server that Saves Toptimes. with a Full Records script where you can see the Top Ten Saved times for the track thats running by pressing F5. Over 400 Maps! Quick Connect: mta.potholestudios.com : 22004
  17. Theres a high chance that ASE will go down before DP3 is out, so, share your server's Quick Connect and Server Info here, so people who read forums can still Connect to your server when ASE goes away. This is the only server of Pothole Studios that ever gets used: Our Race Server that runs on DM DP2. It has a heavily customised version of Race, with Lots of fixes ( Wheels dont dissapear when going from a Plane to a car, NOS pickups work just like the Classic race ones, Checkpoints are Classic sised, Armed Vehicles can shoot, Spawn Z axis bug removed, and many more ) It is the ONLY Dm Race server that Saves Toptimes. with a Full Records script where you can see the Top Ten Saved times for the track thats running by pressing F5. Over 400 Maps! Quick Connect: mta.potholestudios.com : 22004
  18. Yeah, i know that trick, but im just looking for peoples oppinions on which paintjobs from each car they like the most. out of the Default ones
  19. Basically, im looking for oppinions, on Each of these cars. Basically, ive got screenshots of all the Paintjob's of al the Paintjobbable cars, and i want to know which texture for each of these is your favorites. Heres the Screenies: NOTE: Paintjobs are numbered the same as MTA Numbers them ( 0, 1, 2 ) (In alphabetical order) First up: Whats your favorite Blade Paintjob? Next Up: Whats your favorite Broadway Paintjob? Next Up: Whats your favorite Elegy Paintjob? Next Up: Whats your favorite Flash Paintjob? Next Up: Whats your favorite Jester Paintjob? Next Up: Whats your favorite Remington Paintjob? Next Up: Whats your favorite Savanna Paintjob? Next Up: Whats your favorite Slamvan Paintjob? Next Up: Whats your favorite Stratum Paintjob? Next Up: Whats your favorite Sultan Paintjob? Next Up: Whats your favorite Tornado Paintjob? And Finally: Whats your favorite Uranus Paintjob? -------------------------------------------------------------- For me, My Favorites are: Blade 2 Broadway 1 Elegy 1 Flash 2 Jester 0 Remington 2 Savanna 2 Slamvan 0 Stratum 1 Sultan 1 Tornado 2 Uranus 0 Whats yours?
  20. Oo, i just thaught, on a different note, Replacing textures, Such as the Sultan's texture (as in the Paintjob one, not the game default) i have a feeling i heard somwhere that its not possible with MTA. (So like In the server This texture: http://files.potholestudios.com/mods/gt ... /real1.jpg Gets replaced with this one: http://files.potholestudios.com/mods/gt ... w/new1.jpg
  21. Cool, thanks, iil test it when i get home.
  22. Ok, so what would i have to add in, so it checks not only for the PS tag, but also for if the player has admin rights, and then sets the paint? (But only is [PS] is in the name of an Admin)
  23. it Would have been like that, but its for a Race server, And as we all know, entering a vehicle isnt triggered when you are warped into one.
  24. Got a small issue with this script, (Had lots of help from Mvol and a few others on it) but it has a really stupid issue. Basically, it checks to see if somone with "[PS]" in their name (such as [PS]DazzaJay[AU] or [PS]Riz ) and if they have that in their name, it checks their car, if their car is one of the types in the script, it sets it to a specific paintjob. Problem is... its not working properly. Well, it works, and works well. but its not detecting the Clan tag properly. Like Line 6 clearly has this in it: if ( string.find(name, "[PS]" )) then So its clearly searching players names for [PS] Problem is, if a player has ps in their name (note lowercase AND no brackets) it will also set thier paintjob. So, it sets the paintjob of [PS]DazzaJay[AU] AND some random with the name "Jumpshit" all cos its not searching for the brackets, even tho it should be. So, either there is somhing wrong with MTA not searching the brackets also, or theres somthing wrong with the script, (Which shows no errors in debug 3) If its the script how do i fix. if its MTA not searching the brackets, then i am guessing id have to add in another line somwhere that checks if the person with [PS] in their name has admin rights. and then set paint. (So basically If [PS] and admin, set paint, but if the player has only one or the other, don't set paint. (As some admins dont wear the tag for Sneaking purposes)) function setadminpaint() local players = getElementsByType ( "player" ) for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(players) do local name = getClientName ( thePlayer ) if ( string.find(name, "[PS]" )) then if ( isPlayerInVehicle ( thePlayer ) ) then local thisPlayersVehicle = getPlayerOccupiedVehicle( thePlayer ) local theVehicle = getVehicleNameFromID(getVehicleID(thisPlayersVehicle)) if ( theVehicle == "Sultan" ) then setVehiclePaintjob ( thisPlayersVehicle, 1 ) end if ( theVehicle == "Elegy" ) then setVehiclePaintjob ( thisPlayersVehicle, 1 ) end if ( theVehicle == "Jester" ) then setVehiclePaintjob ( thisPlayersVehicle, 0 ) end if ( theVehicle == "Blade" ) then setVehiclePaintjob ( thisPlayersVehicle, 2 ) end if ( theVehicle == "Broadway" ) then setVehiclePaintjob ( thisPlayersVehicle, 1 ) end if ( theVehicle == "Remington" ) then setVehiclePaintjob ( thisPlayersVehicle, 2 ) end if ( theVehicle == "Slamvan" ) then setVehiclePaintjob ( thisPlayersVehicle, 0 ) end if ( theVehicle == "Savanna" ) then setVehiclePaintjob ( thisPlayersVehicle, 2 ) end if ( theVehicle == "Stratum" ) then setVehiclePaintjob ( thisPlayersVehicle, 1 ) end if ( theVehicle == "Tornado" ) then setVehiclePaintjob ( thisPlayersVehicle, 2 ) end if ( theVehicle == "Uranus" ) then setVehiclePaintjob ( thisPlayersVehicle, 2 ) end if ( theVehicle == "Flash" ) then setVehiclePaintjob ( thisPlayersVehicle, 2 ) end end end end end setTimer ( setadminpaint, 1000, 0 )
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