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Everything posted by Towncivilian

  1. Towncivilian


    Strange, but okay. Please report back if you encounter any more issues.
  2. Deleted the spam post and your reply (since it seemed to contain only a retort to the spam post).
  3. Towncivilian


    Does it crash every single time you attempt to play?
  4. Please install the following: Audio driver Ethernet driver (you will need to update this driver through Device Manager) Optical drive firmware Install the latest patch of MTA:SA Install the latest DirectX runtimes
  5. Could you provide a dxdiag report? Press the Windows key + R, type dxdiag, press Enter, click Save all information... and post the contents of the saved log here within Code tags.
  6. Does your game always crash, or in a specific server? If in a server, which server do you crash most often in?
  7. Please install the following: Graphics driver Audio driver Intel Chipset driver Intel Storage driver Ethernet driver (do a Repair install if prompted)
  8. Could you provide a dxdiag report? Press the Windows key + R, type dxdiag, press Enter, click Save all information... and post the contents of the saved log here within Code tags.
  9. Please install: Graphics driver Audio driver The latest patch of MTA:SA The latest DirectX runtimes
  10. Install the latest patch of MTA:SA Install the latest DirectX runtimes
  11. Yes, that will remove them.
  12. I know it glitches up the map and cutscenes (including MTA's spawn menu) which is why I only incorporated the crosshair fix into MTA 0.5r2. As far as I know though, having the "full" fix shouldn't conflict with MTA 0.5r2. You do not need to be running 1.1 unless you have a very old graphics card. Try a 1.0 no-CD.
  13. You're certain your copy of Vice City is unmodified? What widescreen fix are you speaking of? Vice 1.0 and 1.1 should have fixed widescreen crosshairs with 0.5r2.
  14. You must forward ports 2003 and 2126, I think 2003 is TCP and 2126 UDP. If you want your server to show up on Game-Monitor, you must register your server on their site. Use your real IP. The anti-trainer system? Are you referring to the client kicking you with the message "Disconnected: Suspected Trainer Usage"?
  15. The missing OCX error is because the Server Config Tool is written in Visual Basic 6.0 and Windows 7 no longer bundles the necessary runtime libraries to run such applications. If you Google for the missing OCX files and place them in the directory with the SCT, it will function. I used to have a zip of these, but I guess I deleted them. I have revised mtaserver.conf's description for clarity, so you may simply want to open it with Notepad and configure your server that way.
  16. Towncivilian


    Are you picking the correct resolution for your monitor? You should be picking 1440 x 900 x 32 (WIDESCREEN).
  17. Please install the following: Graphics driver Ethernet driver (optional; do a Repair install if prompted)
  18. Install the latest patch of MTA:SA Install the latest DirectX runtimes Could you provide a dxdiag report? Press the Windows key + R, type dxdiag, press Enter, click Save all information... and post the contents of the saved log here within Code tags.
  19. Towncivilian


    Uh, I don't follow exactly. You have two monitors; when you launch MTA, a small dialog box should pop up and give you an option of which screen to pick to play on. You shouldn't need to unplug anything. Have you installed the two items I mentioned and checked for a D3D9.dll in your GTA:SA directory?
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