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MTA Team
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Everything posted by Blokker_1999

  1. Yesterday I've spent quite some time porting the MTA Blue dedicated server to 100% (duh) POSIX standards. You may ask why the server was written for Win32 in the first place. Well, I have to admit it is easier to run a Win32 server on the same machine as your client, instead of logging into a shell and starting it in Linux. Long story short, the server now runs stable on *nix (Linux/BSD/Unix/etc). I'm also working on the server interpreter (console), that allows you to type any console/admin commands through the server, instead of firing up an admin client.
  2. We have a small celebration today. The forum has been running for 1000 days. It was installed on February 15 2003. In this time the forum has made numerous changes and we have some nice figures after all this time. More then 200 000 posts have been written and over 50 000 have been deleted. We also almost have 15000 registrations. Today has also been a day of change. The board has been improved both in the code running it aswell as on the end-user side. The most noticable has been the new user control panel. Also a clear seperation for stickys and announcements is now possible. We have also added a calander. In the next days some more work has to be done to finetweak some of the new functions and to integrate it more into our theme.
  3. i'm still trying to find that out. The dots were part of another hack apperantly.
  4. Ok, i am getting sick and tired of thiss.this is topic number 9 about the same fucking issue. Don't you think there is a reason why we start locking these things and moving them to trash? So you think our work is tainted and now you want a look at the source code. Are you gonna ask Microsoft the source code for windows? do you think that windows is completly safe. Jesus where is this gonna end?
  5. euhm. I first placed the foundations of my basement, then i constructed the basement then i placed the foundations for the crawlspace and now i'm gonna build the crawl space ...
  6. checkpoints are hard to miss. Beleive me
  7. It's an old problem that is finally fixed. I've been asking many people many times to fix this and either they coudn't or they didn't have time. Today i was finally givven the chance to do it myself and the official stunt is open again
  8. Blokker_1999


    the MTA team does not support cracked versions since these are illegal.
  9. if they odn't check the website then- - they don't know when there is a full update - they don't think logical since the site is the first place to look on when there are problems
  10. Having a full live world in GTA would create a lot of challanges. - you will get a lot of traffic since you would have to sync not a couple of players but hundreds of cars and pedestrians. - you either need to control the AI server based (that would require the server to interact with the map) or clinet-based (where you have to make sure only one client is controlling a certain area) - rewriting missions or creating new ones to make sure they are suited for multiplayer - ...
  11. just open notepad, goto file->open and enter the file i posted. It should open. %systemroot% is a var from windows that points to your windows directory.
  12. Damo, let this be a lesson. If you give a pass to someone who shoud not have it, change it afterwards.
  13. Damo : first off : next time you post any IP on this board you will get banned. That is not something i will tollerate. There is a reason why you don't see people's IP on a board or on IRC. Second : you are overreacting. As Oli explained he has received the admin password from your server from someone. So i would start talking to all people who have that to ask if anyone has given it to Oli before comming here and telling the world that we hava a backdoor in MTA. thirdly : It was not you but skug who got kicked out. If he had a problem with it i am sure he would have come to these boards or to IRC to protest against what happend. He did not. I don't think he did mind what happend. I am wondering if you are even capable of running a server decently. you have no respect for people's privacy and instead of investigating what has happend you come here and tell everyone how bad some team members are. Grow up or ditch your server(s).
  14. because there is no finished client that can use it
  15. TooCrooked, i don't like your tone on this forum. But let me specify something. The problem with the 0.5 server browser is located in the ASE lib which is closed source for us. We have mailed the ASE developers and asked them about this issue but it is NOT something we can fix ourselves. We already informed people that there is a problem, what the problem is and we have given a workaround to fix it. At this moment there is nothing more we can do. About 0.5.5 : the gta3 specific part has been mostly finished, the VC part and the common part are not and require a lot of work to get fixed again. We could work on it but that would delay MTA:SA R1. And i think that at this moment more people are interested in MTA:SA R1 then a patched 0.5. Also a patched 0.5 would mean we would have to release a new server as well and at that moment everyone is required to upgrade while only a few people really have a problem with this. And as stated above. People who are not willing to make a simple change to the host file can use game-monitor or ASE
  16. apperantly it can. I have just tested it and it has no problems reporting it.
  17. EDIT by Towncivilian: This fix no longer works (and hasn't for something like 5 years, anyway). As some have noticed MTA's in-clinet server browser is no longer functional. This is due to the fact that Yahoo! has taken the udpsoft.com website offline and removed all of it's subdomains. Therefore the server browser can no longer locate ASE's master server. We do not know if we will release a new client for this small error but there is a workaround for it. - Start notepad or any other text editor - Open the file "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts" ,without the ". you need to be an administrator for this. - add the following : master.udpsoft.com - save the file and close the editor
  18. What happend? When MTA fist started using the in-client server browser we received permission from udpsoft and they send us the required librarys. since then Yahoo has acquired ASE and udpsoft no longer excists. Today the udpsoft domain expired unfortunatly for us the library from ASE sends it's query to a subdomain of udpsoft.com instead of an IP. Therefore the serverbrowser does not function anymore. Simplest solution: open the following file in notepad: c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts at the bottom add the line master.udpsoft.com
  19. goto irc.multitheftauto.com and contact eAi, Cray or ChrML
  20. they also sell it on TV. If you beleive them it can replace verry expensive digital cameras and camcorders, can't be found on stores and has a verry low price : €59.95 + €7,85 for shipping or 81.6USD
  21. Blokker_1999


    if you subscribed under firefox you can find it under your bookmarks.But i recommend you use a program like feedreader. It shows when there is a new post on the blog.
  22. people still can't use the search button
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