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The problems with 0.5, 0.4, and 0.3. devs read...


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the teargas causes way to much fps lag on almost any machine... at least the low end ones it will, and that will eliminate half the people im sure that play this game

Which makes it very hard to see what's going on, very disorienting and hard to react. Just like real tear gas! Of course you don't want that in regular deathmatch but it could be fun in controlled gameplay like gangwars.

as far as making weapon "packages" so to speak and giving them the option to spawn with any skin anywhere.. if that could be done i would absolutely love to see that happen, only make a respawn timer or some effect on certain locations to prevent spawnwars :wink:

iv always thought that there should be multiple scms available to us and the server side option to use any we want, with blue this seems to be a reality and personaly i cant wait for blue, because then il have the ability to mod gta to where i see fit and i think itl take off quite well from there :)

until blue tho.. heres another hoping a dev reads and responds and takes action from this post

Have you tried gta3 0.5 shoreside vale? It allows you to pick a skin and corresponding spawn point. You get the same set of low end weapons at each spawn and you use the up/down arrows to select the heavy weapon of your choice.

It works really well and I see many more people playing that than played gta3 on 0.4

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i havent tried gta3 yet no, i havent gotten around to installing it. i think il do that sometime later tonight tomorow, but from what i hear it has a killer spawn system

if anything like that could be implemented in vice itd be cool.. my only dislike is that someone might pick a "favorite" spawn so to speak and wel just see people spawning at that one spawn location and warring there instead of spreading out as would happen if the spawns were random

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as long as we're talking of being fair to all....

i'd like to see two skins get a stubby. one is a designated spawn of choice (such as the house on prawn)

with that said, take something from the crusader, and hand him a stubby.

people are going to dominate with that stubby no matter what you change on it, unless it's taken out.

slothman was right, the stubby is just plain fun!

the no jumping with projectiles or stubby makes things a bit more 'equalized' nice one

the only thing i can say about mta 0.5 i don't get along with, would be the 'no running with projectile' bit.

p.s. and yes, bring the spaz back, just put it somewhere incredibly hard to get to.

/edit gah the typos

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if we make one spawn with the stubby then its going to kill the reasoning behind randomizing the robber spawn in the first place. its either u do it or u dont...

and speaking of the m60.. give it 300 ammo, theres no reason it should have less :roll:

as far as getting the spas in someplace hard to get to... that would just make the vets have an advantage over the noobs.. i dont think theres one place in vice id find hard to get to :wink: outside of that tho, if ur going to put the spas in the game it has to be balanced or else it needs to stay out

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People don't get too crazy with the ideas, because rest assured they will not go through all the hassle. Its much easier to just say "wait for BLUE" like people do for everything else. I feel your ideas Nutz, but the GTA3 thing is an issue of different style of gameplay. They are trying to give people two styles of gameplay, not just one.

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This should be done, but we must have enough people to agree in order for this to happen. Then the mta team will be convinced to make these changes. Maybe we can put a poll for this.

I am convinced that it even if the whole community voted yes for this, the MTA team would still ignore it. What needs to be done is to give them a good kick up the arse (forgive the expression).

We need people the team respect, such as Ransom and Black Dragon who have posted in here, to "lobby" members of the team for this.

However, since they have said very clearly that there will be no new features added to the new core, it is still very unlikely that they will do anything. I think they are eager to put all their energy and focus into Blue, to get a finished product as soon as possible.

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if we make one spawn with the stubby then its going to kill the reasoning behind randomizing the robber spawn in the first place. its either u do it or u dont...

and speaking of the m60.. give it 300 ammo, theres no reason it should have less :roll:

Only 300? I'd like at least 1000. That way I can set up a position and work it for a while.

Unlike close range weapons, you don't always have the opportunity to pick up the dead

mans weapons when sniping. Everyone got 1000 rounds+ in 0.3 because of the ammo glitch and it diddn't hurt the game at all.

as far as getting the spas in someplace hard to get to... that would just make the vets have an advantage over the noobs.. i dont think theres one place in vice id find hard to get to :wink: outside of that tho, if ur going to put the spas in the game it has to be balanced or else it needs to stay out

The spaz was fine where it was, you needed a heli but it wasn't unnecessarally annoying to get to. It's not necessary to make it harder than that. Although if you did want to make it

tricky, put it in one of the full stilt houses in the bay (not on the roof).

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i agree it didnt hurt having 1000 rounds + when everyone had them, but i like the idea of forcing people to somewhat conserve ammo instead of going full auto for an hour b4 they have to reload, i think 300 ammo (45 seconds of firing time??) is enough to kill multiple people and at the very least get refilled

as for the spas i have a fun idea... theres a nice lil ramp that is very underused that im thinking of putting it right on top of that a heli can not reach, anyone wanna take a guess? :)

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as for the spas i have a fun idea... theres a nice lil ramp that is very underused that im thinking of putting it right on top of that a heli can not reach, anyone wanna take a guess? :)

The only place I can think of is the little building in the Bloodring - a heli can't go there because it drags on the floor.

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I think crouching could be taken out...cudnt they bind the 'crouch' function with something else, like they've done with 'camera', which is passenger seat. The BEST thing to do would be to bind 'Jump' to 'crouch so ppl wont be able to crouch at all, but jump instead. Another optoin would be to somehow disable the the thing altogether

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I think the spaz could go ontop of the building inside of bloodring, that would take awhile to get to. You need to bring in the right type of car(s) just to jump up there!

Thats not true..i can get up there with a bunch of different cars, you just need to hit it at the right angle. The easiest one is probably the Sanchez.

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I don't think anyone on the team is going to veto an idea just for the sake of it. We'll do whatever the community wants when it comes to gameplay, as long as its reasonable. The problem is finding what the community actually wants, and not what the few vocal people want (while the happy people play without complaining).


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Boss has problems again with the forum, so i'm posting this for boss:

Indeed that is a nice map Ransom..

Personally, I don't see a problem with the jumping with the stubby.I mean, it does lag a little but it is NOT DIFFICULT to hit the jumpers, specially with a fast gun over a distance..Just disabling the crouching and weapon change after shooting is needed, there's no fun in having a 5% hit percentage on those crappy "fast-paced" fights..

Regarding the SPAS, it seems most of the people who complained about it were the same that complained about car killing or chopper killing (not making accusations here)... I mean, an automatic shotgun like the SPAS IS MEANT to be deadly... In my opinion, to balance it, all that would make it fair would be not allowing jumping or crouching or weapon changing after or while shooting. That way the players would have to develop strategy and think twice before using them. Also, it's not much of an advantage with the crashing.. I remember when I used the SPAS, it was rare when I didn't crash before actually shooting with it..

About the Mexican, yes he needs what has already been suggested.. Around 300 ammo and giving him the molotovs back... Most complained about the stubby because the fast-firing weapons were weakened. I'd say give the Mexican those weapons back.

To make it more even, put the grenades and molotovs as they were in 0.4.1, just don't allow the jumping or crouching or weapon switching during the animations. Just the animation time needs to be as it is in single player..

Regarding the spawn wars, most players that left mta with 0.4 and 0.5 were the die hard spawn war fans (left or stopped playing so actively), and I understand that people may get sick of it, but maybe make it an admin option to randomize spawns or not?

A reference I'd like to make is that I believe the developers thought that we wanted them to sync the animations with the glitches, instead of fixing the glitches... For example, instead of removing the molotov and grenade glitch, they just synced the animations that everyone sees, to stop the glitch from being considered a "glitch" (hope you understood that)....

I believe that with the posts in this thread from the gang leaders that have been around for more than a year now, the MTA team might understand what we meant... :)

again, that is what boss wanted to post

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  • 3 weeks later...

I want to say something to the "Change it to the old", too, trying to make it as short as possible.

The last time I played MTA Vice before now was Version 0.3.1.

In fact, that was a crazy time.

I was a Sailor often, loved to fly the VCN Maveric.

The ppl stopped me mostly with a SPAS or a M60 - I mean the Big Gun the Mexicans had.

I don't think that was unfair at all.

The extraordinarity of MTA the strength of some guns - though they often didn't hit :P - was what made the fun.

But the M60's gone, only the shotguns are left.

Try to kill some stubby-armed ppl with an M 16 - nearly impossible, because it takes them one or two seconds till you lie around on the ground. Then its time for a cup of tea, waiting till the own Player stands up to be shot the second and often last time.

Maybe its time to start an old 3.1 Server :D

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