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When Did you start Playing?

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yeah, bring bakc the hotring.

i startet in the spring last year, or sooner, i dont realy know.

i was looking for a good mod for GTA3 and i saw a multiplayermod (gta3mta0.2 or somthing, not 0.3). it was funny for an houer, but stopped after a week and waited on other mp-mods. befor gta3mta3, their came out some cool mods (forgot the name).

my conclusion, mta rules

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started about 2 days after mta0.1 came out. saw it on ign.com in the downloads section, downloaded it. fired it up never went back.

now i just wish that it had that new feel to it still... *hopes mta 0.4 changes alot*

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Yeah, hope they at least take out those annoying walking anims, eh Db :P?

Early Oct 2003 for me. Reckon it was the time of 0.2.

Lotsa fun learnin the ways n' tricks back then with folks like Element, Phuk (VCP's mind you :P), Rocket Guns, Shortsman, and the tons of other ppl I'm forgeting right now, that logged in on a daily basis @ the 12 player official to fool around and get some frags.

"But they're down and sliding, how can I shoot them?!?"...

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as long as we are around the same lines, i miss 0.2.2


yeah, bring bakc the hotring.

Erm, the hotring is still there, in the same place as always. And fully functional. So what do you mean bring it back?

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  Prokopis said:
Yeah, hope they at least take out those annoying walking anims, eh Db :P?

Early Oct 2003 for me. Reckon it was the time of 0.2.

Lotsa fun learnin the ways n' tricks back then with folks like Element, Phuk (VCP's mind you :P), Rocket Guns, Shortsman, and the tons of other ppl I'm forgeting right now, that logged in on a daily basis @ the 12 player official to fool around and get some frags.

"But they're down and sliding, how can I shoot them?!?"...

heh yeh it was fun back in the day. back before the real ugly glitches started to rear thier ugly heads.

and when theyre down on the ground sliding thats just... fucked up :lol:

and yes i miss the old days to :cry: back then you didnt have to have glitch rules in gangwars. noone knew about them... it was all skill... now u look at it... :cry:

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I started at the end of October, 2003. Hmmm....that was mta 0.2 or 2.2 cant remember, but there were a lot of smoke in the airport and terminal full of guys with miniguns, smbd was testing how hunter is working, others was playing with sniper rifle, they couldnt figure out that its not working, some guys was taking pictures with camera, flying firetrucks, tons of laggs, cheaters, lamers...but all they gone...im admin :twisted: and still hoping for the best future of our favourite game and not so bad multiplayer mod ---MTA :)

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GTA SINCE 1997!! It was banned and illeagal in UK untill 1998, so I got it in Ireland... and got every last GTA game afterwards.

MTA SINCE 2.0... under several differant names, most i forget

I may have joined the forums in June last year, but my Internet got cut off till September. I played like, once every few weeks, got fed up, too many glitches, cheaters, lamers and hung my Guns up untill 0.3!!!

Soon after beginning 0.3, joined KFC and become a pretty active player ever since... :)

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lets see, feburary 2003, about a day or so after the site went live, was still gta3:am at that stage

I joined the forums that day (modstack forums =) and well, I havent been banend yet so thats a good sign =)

There are about 10 (give or take) of us max that were around back then, that are still here now, less that were active on the forums (spamming anyway)

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<<<< 0.1

I miss the malibu spawn wars and the constant flaming. People used to mod their files and race at the airport.

I used to type in color codes on my name like ~b~Ac~y~e People would actually think I was admin because of the color :D

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