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an idea to stop cheaters

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couldn't the client contain a compressed archieve of the vanilla verions of the files they mod? ineffect it would extract the files for GTA3 or GTAVC and overwrite what the person currently has, then it would set file attributes as read only, then it would preceed to launch GTA3/GTAVC thus insuring the files were vanilla while the MTA client was resident in memory.

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too bad there wasnt a way to make them crash instead of us when they connect. Like a reverse ping bomb.

I do know in old GTA the net code sucked miserable ass, if one person was lagging EVERYONE lagged. The game could be running at 10 fps or slower, lag was always an issue with gta, but now its just a pain in the ass.

That's where the admins have a problem, can't kick someone just because oen person says they are cheating. Most likely it was lag, period. It's those other fucks that get me pissed, the ones that just won't lay off. Even if you ask themn to stay away they still hunt you down.

hrmm maybe sending a worm through to em before the kick that signs them up for gay porn, you know home page etc . . a godo hijacker could be made easily . . :twisted:

/me goes to find his c++ book from college

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once i thought a master bann list would be great, but then i see that there arenn't that many admins who know cheating from non-cheating. maybe a few trusted servers could get together and make a list, but if any sever could add to a bann list, it would be chaos.

how about a callout to all major servers, post your lists!

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  _LBtrw_ said:
How can u stop them?! Its impossible. Even if.... You can always change the program coding.. if not that... there will be another way...

*But I like ur thinking... :roll:

You will NEVER stop cheaters. You can only try to cut down the number of people who cheat, especially the n00bs who download trainers and don't have a clue how they work.

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  =DA=Blunted said:
couldn't the client contain a compressed archieve of the vanilla verions of the files they mod? ineffect it would extract the files for GTA3 or GTAVC and overwrite what the person currently has, then it would set file attributes as read only, then it would preceed to launch GTA3/GTAVC thus insuring the files were vanilla while the MTA client was resident in memory.

It's basically illegal for us to spread VC copyrighted materials (files). I think it would be too large as well.

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  robrando said:
"It is not illegal to edit your computer's memory. Its your memory you can do what the hell you like with it."

Hear that? eAi says cheating is A-OK with him! No need to worry about it anymore.

P.S. eAi is a tard.

Excuse me? I know its not illegal to drop chewing gum in the street or shoot random people with water pistols, but its still not acceptable. Just because I'm stating somthing isn't illegal doesn't mean I agree with it, it means the law doesn't mind it.

Next time, think before you type.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  **BlaZe** said:
master ban list? how silly. master ban list does nothing. click 1 button, change your ip, bingo, your back on. and this master ban list is supposed to stop cheaters? AHAHAHAHAHAH

bla bla bla. known cheater ^ should be banned

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