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If you had to...would you rather lose your sight or hearing?


Would you rather lose your sight or hearing?  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you rather lose your sight or hearing?

    • Sight
    • Hearing

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This one is an easy for me.

I would rather lose my sight,without having sight you will look ( ironic aint it) at the world from a different view, you woudnt judge people for what they look or what they are wearing you would get to know people much better then you would having sight.

DGTADUDE: having no sight woud dissalow you to have a job in anything computer related, you could easily work in a court room as the person that types everythign said in the courtroom.( This is one job example)

Gamefreek: in virginia you can drive if your deaf?I dont reaally feel comfortable knowing that, sincec hearing your surouding is pretty helpfull in driving.Examples : hearing a car honk behind you,Car screeeching towards you, child yelling because your about to hit him.etcetc , anyways i dont think lots of states allow that .( i dont hope so)

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both my inlaw parents are deaf, have been their whole life..

Know the troubles they encounter I would still say I will give up my hearing first, that would cost me my job (nope not dj anymore but sound engineer for a P.A. renting company).

I think missing out on all the beatiful stuf there is to see, and not meaning only hot babes, talking abouth nature, city's, pictures and art to.

Besides that... whn you grow up with both hearing and sight I would say it's like the worst thing to loose your sight, couse then you only have memories of how things look, and they will blur when you grow older.

But senex I like your point bouth getting to know people better when you only have your hearing left.

And abouth the driving, in whole europ you may dirve when your deaf, so if you think you will feel unsafe in virginia..well never come over here..:)

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  SM xenex said:
This one is an easy for me.

I would rather lose my sight

Well you didn't vote, VOTE!

How can I tell? Noone choose sight yet! :lol:

  Iggy said:
Dumb question- I think sight is way more important then hearing.

Tell me that when you're walking across the street and you don't hear that bus honking the horn behind you, as it continues to run into you at full speed.

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sigh... theres always one...

ok you need a story line?

Ok one day your walking on the street and some sadist gets ahold of you. He puts so chemical-filled cloth over your mouth and you pass out. When you wake up you are tied to a chair and he is standing there.

You look at him wondering where you are. He says "I'm going to give you a choice" and you look at him oddly. You wonder what he means during his long pause. Then suddenly he says, "I will give you a choice, do you want to lose your eyes or your hearing? You can't have both". You are shocked and scared. You don't know what the meaning of this sick game is. After his next long pause he says "You will be asleep when the operation takes place, it will be painless".

You are doomed to make a choice, lose your sight or your hearing. What will you do?!

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What, and then he lets you go afterwards? Seems a little risky to me. You could go to the police or the local mafia and have them sort him out. If I was said sadist, I would either kill the person (and hence the choice would be pointless), or else keep them locked up (at which point all they'd be able to look at is an empty dark room and listen to me pointing out faults... so it's no major loss).

Also, it seems strange for the bloke not to give a reason for maiming you. If my James Bond knowledge serves me correctly, most stereotypical one-dimensional cardboard cut-out baddies give their victims ample escape time by glowering and telling them their evil plans. After all, if you choose the hearing option, he will be unable to tell you his plans so that you can thwart them. If you choose the sight option, glowering and silent one-up-manship would be pointless.

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  JonChappell said:
What, and then he lets you go afterwards? Seems a little risky to me. You could go to the police or the local mafia and have them sort him out. If I was said sadist, I would either kill the person (and hence the choice would be pointless), or else keep them locked up (at which point all they'd be able to look at is an empty dark room and listen to me pointing out faults... so it's no major loss).

Also, it seems strange for the bloke not to give a reason for maiming you. If my James Bond knowledge serves me correctly, most stereotypical one-dimensional cardboard cut-out baddies give their victims ample escape time by glowering and telling them their evil plans. After all, if you choose the hearing option, he will be unable to tell you his plans so that you can thwart them. If you choose the sight option, glowering and silent one-up-manship would be pointless.

Well Jon, you confuse an evil movie mastermind with a sadist. Whats the reason for doing it? Well he's a sadist. He enjoys other people's suffering.

sigh... adding on to the story

"I will dump you on the streets, you will be brainwashed. You won't remember this" he says. You start crying as you make your decision

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I'd go for Hearing (Same trend), mearly on the fact that without sight i don't know whats going on, even though i would hear it, smell it and maybe touch it (not too sure about the last one, when it comes to a motorway...) Anyway loosing my Hearing would also stop me from speaking(after a while), but i could still write. But loosing my sight would allow me to still talk but not write, or see what i am hearing. Losing sight, as said by xenex, would make me lose perspective on the world, but losing my hearing would keep and preserve the pespective side of things. But people have diffenrt ways of dealing with these incedents. (mine would be a tight rope around the neck and a 100ft drop...as i could not bear the thought of loosing and of my senses.)

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i would rather lose my hearing for many reasons. 1st, no sight = no mta!! actually, no sight = no computers basically. and thats important now a' days. i mean, i once went through 6 months w/o a sound card.

also, no sight = no driving. and thats kinda a must too.

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Well Jon, you confuse an evil movie mastermind with a sadist. Whats the reason for doing it? Well he's a sadist. He enjoys other people's suffering.

I know what a sadist is, but you'd only know that he was a sadist if he said something like "I'm going to maim you because it's fun", thereby giving a reason.

As for the rest of the story, I'm content with its believability. :D

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