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And its GTA: San Andreas coming in October


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the page won't load for me right now :(

but is the pc version going to be released at the same time this time? It'd be awesome to have an mta for it before i even finished the sp haha

too bad i'm in college now, last year about 20 of us skipped and deemed it "vice day" when it was finally released lmao, talk about a good time.

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I hope it will have all what Mafia does (REAL police system for instance).

But from what I've heard, San Andreas will still be based on GTA3 engine (which also means that MTA Crew won't have to change the Core much in order to make MTA:SA 0.1+ work). But the game AFTER San Andreas will have a totally new engine.

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never thought about a new engine, gta on ps3...wow...that'd be wicked. anyway i was curious as to what new features might be in SA...i mean...helis bikes, bailing, multiple sets of weapons it's hard to think what all they could come up with as per core features lol

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finally the myths are dead, we all knew it was going to be San Andreas

Now my wish is that GTA:SA is going to be on PS3 with a new graphics engine, but since r* have a deal with sony for the 3 games (thanks bump) they will probably retweak the current engine (no need to buy a computer to play people =)

So expect GTA:SA on the PS2 or maybe PS3 with more of the same, and a PC ver somewhere in June/July without a decent replay feature and no MP =P

Please R* if you are reading this, add a DECENT Replay Feature!!!!

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  dystopia said:
never thought about a new engine, gta on ps3...wow...that'd be wicked.[...]

You know what would be even more wicked? For R* North to never agree on another exclusivity clause contract again after SA.

And about any new features, I bet they'll come up with a few VC shelved or such novelties as an excuse for creating a "new" game; some will be hot, but most will just be lukewarm...

Maybe it's just me, but somehow I'm not all that excited about hearing of a new GTA title coming out this time around :/

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what is the replay, like 5 seconds long? and yeah, running rampant in a virtual town was all the rage in gta3, but the series can only go so far (funny how i say this about a game based on, well real world more than real life with near endless possibilities) perhaps it's the theme of the game, perhaps it could be applied to something else. streets of la was kind of different being on..kinda the right side of the law and i think would have been better with gtas engine (seemed like the draw distance was 5 ft in front of me lol) i guess in the end it's more entertaining to be restricted by the game :?: lol

or it could just be that we are all 2 years older lol of course it'll still be a must have...it'd be like denying my inner instincts not to buy the thing lol

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I totally love GTA but.. Gee.. I can't believe you try to convince others that Mafia sucked.

The graphics - was on the level. But what I liked most was:

* REAL police system - when you killled the cop who saw you with the gun, you didn't have a tail simply because there's no way he could call or tell others. That is just like in real life - you kill a cop - no one will now, if no one is around;

* Mafia introduced tires hitting and glass breaking, which GTA didn't have;

* Mafia has spikes strips and other cop things

* You can shoot out of the window, and that means you can aim (which isn't always handy though);

* A lot more action elements than in both GTA's (you can crouch, roll etc.);

* In general, Mafia is far more real than GTA. Grand Theft Auto itself is an arcade, just like most Need For Speed's, and Mafia has a really high level of realism which includes all of above + realistic cars (Gee, I was really amazed when I found out that you actually get to start a vehicle), damage system, real-acting pedestrians, the fact that you have to drive properly (without going on when the light is red) etc. etc.

Let's face it. Mafia has really set up the level for Vice City, and even though I liked both games really much, I liked Mafia a bit more because of its GREAT realism, interesting plot, environment and TRAFFIC THAT DOESN'T DISAPPEAR.

It's stupid to yell "SUCKS ASS" because it surely doesn't. And, for those who didn't know, Mafia too was published by Take Two Interactive.

Like I said :) - I really liked both games (I remember waiting for GTA 3 and Vice City), and I still enjoy Vice City, thanks to guys from MTA crew.


About the new engine - hmm.. for Vice City they said that they "totally rebuilt the engine". Well, I would say so, really. They sure introduced bikes and coppers, added this glass and tires stuff, but that was it. It took them a long time to create GTA3's engine, and they will use it in San Andreas and the next one. And Vice City itself isn't GTA 4, and neither will San Andreas. What's going to happen next - no one knows. I truly hope they will continue making versions for PC.

I'm almost sure they will, and it's stupid to make those petitions, they don't make a difference really. Games are developed for PC first, in most cases, and it's just a matter of converting it for concoles.

Most likely, they just wanted fans to wait, and let PS players buy the game first. I'm almost sure Take Two has a contract with Sony, and 90% of PS players buy games (unlike us, PC users :D), so it's more profitable for them to sell the game to those who will buy, make those who don't have PS buy one (I almost wanted to do so when Vice City came out in october; other GTA fans who don't have PS probably had the same thought, and there're A LOT of GTA fans out there), make PC users jealous, and then, when all the PS players aren't that "hungry" anymore, let the starving PC users buy the game with the same or even more success as did PS owners.

Everyone wins and everyone is happy! It's like with movies - they ALREADY have it done, but they just wait for a good time to release. Have you seen a lot of great movies come out at the same time from let's say Warner Brothers? Of course not, that isn't wise at all. They want to get every penny from all the movies, without loosing the audience that will have a choice to go to either that or another movie.

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  Dawgy said:
Maybe we could start a petition to get it put on PC?

Ohh now . dont start with the petitions . Remmember when ViceCity was comming out for the pc ? They were all like "ohh ... this is going to be ONLY for the PS2 , and it will NEVER change" lookt at vicecity now .

Its on the ps2 , xbox AND PC . I know their not stupid to loose all fo the money that they will get from the pc version ... so lets just wait :?

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