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Wat wil you do if you had 7 days to live?


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... then all of a sudden **WHACK** yer deid. I mean, dammit, I lived a day over my death day and now Im hanging in suspence coz the Grim Reapers on Holiday.

Wat if you got told yer gonna die in 7 mins, then you get hit by a Bus? What would you do for the next 7 mins of your life?

Id proberly have to definatly shoot the person I hate most... and id buy a £1 share in BS and give it to the man that told me I wuz gonna cop it in less time than it takes to thrust you head into a sick bag... figures

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I disagree with the premise of the question.

How do we know we don't have 7 days left right now?

It should read

What would you do if you knew you had 7 days left to live


I would bang some hot chick Aids patients that haven't had it in a while then I would smoke crack, run with scissors and tear the tags from my matress. On day 7 I am peeing on the third rail just to see what happens. Why not Im checking out anyway.


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omg kungfu, stop talking like bump, it isn't funny anymore

I am not talking I am typing. I may be talking while I type but you can't hear me. :lol:

Besides how do you know MrBump doesn't type like me or that we both don't type like some third mad genius?

Or maybe I am MrBump...

nah that's not it I don't type with an accent.


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This thing's still going?!? :shock:

/me makes "If you had 8 days to live" to steal the idea :)

If you'd want to know what I would really if I didn't go to hell for doing it... well....

After all my sleeping and fucking I would go take a shit on the salad bar and Wendys

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This thing's still going?!? :shock:

/me makes "If you had 8 days to live" to steal the idea :)

If you'd want to know what I would really if I didn't go to hell for doing it... well....

After all my sleeping and :o I would go take a shit on the salad bar and Wendys

Then he would refuse to bang the cashier cause she isn't popular

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