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Server Vote Kick system.


Would you like to see a VoteKick system on mta servers.  

173 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to see a VoteKick system on mta servers.

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when 'Joe Public' has the power it may be easy to start a mob reaction and get innocent people kicked

That's precisely why everyone has voted FOR it. It's utterly ridiculous to have a voting system, the whole point of having a server admin is so that swift action can be taken against idiots who don't understand that "STREET RACING ONLY" means to stop throwing grenades at the people trying to race. :roll:

Additonally, how would people vote in-game? Whilst thier having to faff around with a voting interface, the race or skirmish they were in has been ruined. AND they have to wait until enough people vote as well. There's every possibility that they vote off the wrong person anyway, as the person they are meant to be voting off could SO easily say that it was someone else.

Utter chaos and an all-round crap idea.

It is the responsibility of the administrator to look after the game - if they aren't prepared to do that, then there's plenty of other places people can play. They'd soon find thier server was full of the players kicked from other places, who use supersonic mopeds and bulldozer collision files.

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yes yes but that because the people who think its a good idea think just that, they dont feel the need to comment, so they just vote and maybe leave one post where as some people say no and leave more then three or four posts like me

I hope you can excuse me double-posting, but I wanted to pick out this point. I would hazard a guess most of the people wise enough to see why multi-player voting systems like this don't work are wise enough to see why ANY voting system doesn't work.

It's a shame that democracies pretend they are just, when in fact they are the LEAST fair and MOST cynical system of decision-making around. Allowing the mis-informed to vote so that they make weak decisions and suffer because of it. Its the people who suffer that feel responsible, too, when it's the people who set the vote that are. :evil:

So yeah, that's my anti-voting rant. :roll:

*scampers back to the sewers*

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No way. A vote kick system would be putting power into these idiots who whine about "cheating"'s hands. You gotta think about it from the server admin's point of view. What do you think, admins? Do you think a vote kick system would be convenient for you? Would you be willing to put your trust in people you haven't even talked to? Do you think people would use the vote kick system honestly? How do you know people won't abuse the system? Too many risks involved.

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A Vote Kick System is definitely something I wouldn't use or want to see in MTA... I believe the Admins have enough power already to kick and ban. I would hate to see this being used for the wrong reason. (maybe it wouldn't but you never know) If anything they should make this a *Server Option*..... (My 2 cents)


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since still trainers works on 0.2, dont knwo if 0.3 will ban it for a moment, i am for a vote kick, cause i played lot on rocket arena on q3, and when its serious players, vote kick works great. but one thing that can do the job to make sure the guy is cheating, its the possibility to be on the view of the player, like spectator on his view (we see his life bar, armor weaps that it take, like alle other spectator mod)

with that you you see the guy fighting and he doesnt lost anything, or he use some cheat code, admin or player will see it and can put an vote kick, thats my opinion, on quake 3 no chance to the guy to cheat and dont be seen, it it is possible to do the spectator mod, taht would be great :c)

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I personally wouldnt' want to see that unless it can be disabled.

I dont' like the idea of clients having control over the server in anyway because that bit of power can be abused.

What i would like to see is the ability for a client or clients to sign in and have access to kick/ban though console or chat something like the way you can kill yourself... /KILL.

Something like... /Kick or /Ban .

Similar to the way things run in Quake3Engine games.

Basically, a way to kick and ban without having to connect via Remote Server Admin.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I dont think it is fair just to kik sum1 because the common players think they are cheating. The common players really suck and when u just kill someone you get accused of cheating by that person. So this would be unfair to the good players out there. :P

[edit] hmm, when I first started this reply your sig said "Trainer needed" I was going to let that speak for itself but you removed it. Guy who wants trainers and doesn't want vote kick? shocking :shock: [edit]

cheater! :lol:

How many rooms are you in where everyone is "common". Everyone is accused of cheating, true

but what about when your in a good server buy 1 or 2 ppl are flying buses and icecream trucks or shooting you with the mini gun while using a health cheat.

they cause lag and if there is no admin it would be nice to boot them. If you get booted by a group of noob tools, good, you didn't want to be in there anyway. go to another server

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could it be possible to make a system where a person types something like /kick (playername) which will start a vote, and ppl can type kick during a time limit, and if 80% (i like the 80% idea) do it, then the person is kicked? u would also have to program it so only one vote per person within time limit.

this would b like the ghost recon kick system, where one person requests a kick and ppl vote, only with that, usually the host is there, so its not an auto kick, but just a request

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1st off my sig NEVER said trainer needed i have no clue where u got that from! 2nd off it is tru when EVER sum1 dies the noobs quickly accuse the other person of cheating! i c who u are in this argument..... :twisted:

Nailed me I am a noob. Not the freaking vet you are. I am not, however, a liar and when I first posted my reply your sig said "Trainer Needed".

I don't know how to prove this but it doesn't matter. You and I know the truth no matter what you say here. You will continue to be housed in any game you are in until you find the trainer you are looking for and I promise you that if we met in the city you would spend more time on your back than your maternal unit. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't cheat, need to cheat or even accuse people of cheating without just cause.

I am not saying that you are a cheater. I am saying you want or wanted to be one. I expect someone who would cheat to lie, that just makes you consistant.

[edit] :lol::lol::lol: Anyone who thinks this guy has credibility look at his post history. He made a post about when version 3 will be out. It was deleted because it was a dumb ass noob post. (Look at the progress bar tool) Then he posts again saying they didn't answer his question :!:

I have a ? for the MTA Team. My last topic i started was when will you be done with .3 because this was never answer befeore. ! day after i posted it it was QUICKLY deleted! Soon with this one.... Is the MTA Team coving up when the new version is coming about because they are gettin VERY lazy?!?!?!? You Tell Me!

http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t= ... highlight=

You dumbass stop acting like you paid for this and just enjoy what you have. Lazy?? STFU :evil::evil::twisted:

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ok noob u think u can beat me in vc?!?!? ya right give me ur aim sn and i will talk 2 u on that so we can set a game up.

its funny i wont ever have 2 pay for mta because its a hack... dont get me wrong i am very proud and happy for and of the mta team i was just pissed that they wont post a hint of when .3 is gonna come out because i love this game so much.

btw u must have got sum1s sig confussed w/ mine. I HATE CHEATERS!! they fuck up the game for every1!

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looks like sum1 is 2 afraid 2 go against me cause htey no they will lose...

Stop proving my point. I don't want to talk to you more that necessary. Believe me if you see me online standby to bleed. Btw, I have read almost all of your posts. How long till you just change your name and put the debacle that is white "trainer needed" paul03 behind you?

Mods, This man has been nominated to be a forum idiot. I second that emotion. Virus got the honor for less stupidity. Please read the MTA cover-up thread and reward his hard work with his well deserved title. I rest my case.

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You two go have your hissy-fight somewhere else. I don't want to have to lock this :|

Oh, and there isn't a freakin' cover-up. Back in the days of GTA3:MTA 0.2a, they gave several release dates for 0.3b which they were unable to keep. People got angry, so they stopped giving release dates entirely.

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