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MTA Christmas movie!


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First of all, let me tell you we all have been working on MTA the last few months to get to the point where we′re nearly ready for public beta testing, at last.

We′re still ironing out bugs, adding the necessary stuff so we can get stuff like our long awaited and rewritten map editor done, etcetera.. which is quite a big task after all.

Nonetheless, we would like to take this opportunity to give you guys this christmas present on behalf of not only the MTA team, but also the Quality Assurance team, who have been working very hard to get all the footage and necessary scripting done the last few weeks and months.

We have been doing tons and tons of stuff which we haven′t released any information about yet.

This movie shows you some of the cool things that have been made using our latest testing versions: rocking boats, cpu controlled missiles, cpu controlled red barrons, cpu controlled sharks, capture the flag, hay block puzzles, modified weapons, online editing, glue′ing, and lots more!

Download the movie

- MTA Christmas Movie - 512x384, Windows Media Video 9

YouTube video

Here′s the YouTube version of the video. Remember the downloadable movies have a higher quality.

Click here to go to YouTube

Again, thanks goes out to all QA members who worked on this, and have yourself a merry christmas and a happy new year!


By the way.. we apologize for the forums being currently down. We′re doing some maintenance on it which is expected to last a few days. We′re also thinking of giving the site a new look soon, notice the new logo on the movie ;-)

Edited by Guest
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THX guys for these two great presents .. besides the movie and update (this time ill count it as one :o ) the second gift is you guys took the time on xmas to restore forum to a working state .. good job

my compliments 8)

Edited by Guest
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  • 3 weeks later...
Very cool movie... Can't wait to play DM :D

One question though... the "JHXP has the flag!", does the game (probably script) show that, or did you edit it in? (personnaly i think the game does it... which would be very good... but I just want to be sure)

The game does it, we wouldn't show any fake footage in an official video. ;)

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Very cool movie... Can't wait to play DM :D

One question though... the "JHXP has the flag!", does the game (probably script) show that, or did you edit it in? (personnaly i think the game does it... which would be very good... but I just want to be sure)

The game does it, we wouldn't show any fake footage in an official video. ;)

no but i could imagen that it is a message to the viewer (such as the "Its time to deliver the presents." of which i don't think its ingame, but that is not in the middle of the screen... so its not a good comparisation [spell?])

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