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on the aspect of cheating gamers...

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let me just say that i hope MTA will deal much more sufficiently with this problem that SAMP has lacked in doing. Cheating is boring. Why would you want to play with cheats anyways? As for the rest of us that enjoy using actual skill to play, it really just makes us want to not play the online console at all. Seriously, what's up with it? Why do they think that's fun?

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The same reason bullies beat kids up in the playground - they enjoy provoking a reaction from people. The "OMFG he hacks" calls that gets aimed at him are what cheaters do it for. They want to be "l33t" and they can be bothered to do it by getting good at the game.

We will improve our anti-cheat, but in the end anti-cheat could be a full-time job - we'd never actually add any features.

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i suppose you're right about that, it is something that really boils down to how the induvidual player wishes to act. And I'm sure it's a very complicated issue to resolve, but I guess I'm just still frustrated at the reasoning of this people. But perhaps I'm not enlightened enough just to ignore them and try to enjoy the game without them, but it really kills the enjoyment of the game for me. It's no fun when you know your opponent is basically God and can kill you with one hit.

I have had success in dealing with it more and more in SAMP, in larger areas, I just go away from the cheaters as much as possible, and advise all other players to not interact with them as well, I figure if they don't have anyone to play with, they'll get bored eventually and just either leave or stop using cheats. This has worked at least twice, the cheater, not having any interaction with other players except them running from them gets tired of it and eventually leaves.

Perhaps this psycological anticheat could be variably adopted in large servers via player communication, but nothing beats an Admin with a /ban.

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Uh, there are 2 types of cheaters. Those who cheat to win (health hackers etc who can't die) and then those who cheat to have fun (people who mod cars but don't health or weapon hack etc).

any visual mod .. who cares .. that aint cheating

but handling ..

still .. cheaters sux on normal servers

the ratio people that use cheats to have fun in stunt maps (dont ask how or why) but honestly dont use it in a race is next to none ..

i tend to warn people first before giving ban ..

best way to deal with cheaters .. lots of admins

ps ...freezing people who cheat rules :P

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Actually, I don't see any other purpose in it. If your idea of fun is flying through the city at 999 MPH, why do it online?

To show people, and so they go 'OMFG your so cool with you leet speed can i do thaty?'

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Not really, they make a game unchallenging and boring. Cheaters cheat because they have very little patience when it comes to learning or thinking in terms of a game.

The only cheats i ever found amusing in sp were speed/wall climbing cheats, and then very temporarily

Most cheaters without cheats would be unable to compete against those with the patience to learn to game, hence the reason they turn to cheating.

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freezing people who cheat rules :P

i do that lol. nothing quite beats freezing them. letting them avoid it by doing wateva (i wont say) then freezing them after theyve moved 1m. its so funny. then i mute them so they cant complain at all either :)

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I cheat in games to stay alive, that's all, I hate the ones who use cheat to spawn and stay on you till you die and they do this each time we respawn, I like cheating a lot, but if someone want to race, I stop any cheating devices I use to race, cheating to stay alive is a must, lets suppose there's are 12 players on a map, none of them use cheats but they are damn good at killing people (I'm good at it with the normal AI in single player, but with damn goof people that stay in front of their computers all day, I can't beat them, they are way too good for this and that kill the fun if I can't compete with them), I join the server and all of them chase me in a man hunt, there's no way I can survive without a cheating system.

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Uh, there are 2 types of cheaters. Those who cheat to win (health hackers etc who can't die) and then those who cheat to have fun (people who mod cars but don't health or weapon hack etc).

Although often the people who do these things confuse the games synchronization and cause problems that affect others, as they are doing something MTA online play has not allowed or alotted for.

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of course, the other side of the argument is going to be from people that have been banned from servers who do not cheat, either the admin made a mistake or someone else lied about them, whatever the reason, a few innocent players will most likely get banned accidentally.

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jup .. a good admin can spot cheaters

but good cheaters are harder to spot

accidental bans can happen .... but depends a lot on the admin

a good admin shouldnt be tempted with banning people on request

a better anti cheat detection ... cars that go beyond 30000 mph .. hoover in the air go up - down - left right - while staying in same angle for more than so and so meter ...

ah .. nvm

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there is no way to stop trainers in a free mod in reality..even though the SA-MP thinks thier' anti-cheat will be better then most multi-billion dollar companys.

trainers and patches and injections can be detected, and then circumvented.

its a never ending battle, that will last as long as there are people to use the cheats programmers create.

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its a never ending battle, that will last as long as there are people to use the cheats programmers create.

Or aslong as there are the programmers (if you'd even call them that) to create the cheats in the first place.

..still wasting your time with making crappy trainers s0beit? Not much to show for your (hard?) work at the end of the day :wink:

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:lol: As long as dumbasses keep creating websites where they can help share and spread all of their different mods / hacks which evade detection, it'll give Devs a leg up on getting rid of them.

S0biet.. still here I see. :lol: Good to see ya, how j00 been eh? :P

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