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  1. Sky Project The server about the Ukrainian city of Chernihiv was created on the basis of the MTA. Map of the real city, RP, detailed transport models, job system, factions, fun atmosphere We are waiting for everyone!!! Discord:https://discord.gg/erDSHhyn TikTok:https://www.tiktok.com/@sky_project_mta?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sky Project Сервер про українське місто Чернігів створений на базі МТА. Мапа реального міста, РП, деталізовані моделі транспорту, система робіт, фракції, весела атмосфера Чекаємо усіх охочих!!! Discord:https://discord.gg/erDSHhyn TikTok:https://www.tiktok.com/@sky_project_mta?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
  2. 3ala

    water level

    i have a problem il water level wan i use sea Water Level not all the water included the water in the corners of the map
  3. hi guys i want call marker from another function like this code local hidemark = createMarker(10,50,5,"cylinder",1,0,255,0) function mark(theplayer) markerveh =createMarker(0,0,5,"cylinder",1,0,255,0) end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",marker1,mark) function job1(theplayer) setElementVisibleTo(markerveh,root,false)-- for here end addCommandHandler("hidemark",job1)
  4. About Us Coopera LS Roleplay is an English-based MTA Server. The community is here to provide quality roleplay along with a welcoming experience.Coopera has been in dormant existence from 2017.Coopera Los Santos is supposed to give that nostalgic feeling to players and a warm and welcoming community based in Red County (Los Santos County) to support newcomers, and oldtimers alike. We are here to ensure that we can keep the English MTA Roleplaying scene alive, even if it's only on a small scale! We are determined to show true passion towards the roleplaying scene. --------------------------------------------------------- هو خادم MTA مقره باللغة الإنجليزية. المجتمع هنا لتقديم لعب أدوار عالي الجودة إلى جانب تجربة ترحيبية ، كانت كوبيرا في حالة نائمة منذ عام 2017 ، ومن المفترض أن تمنح كوبيرا لوس سانتوس هذا الشعور بالحنين للاعبين ومجتمعًا دافئًا ومرحبًا في ريد كاونتي (مقاطعة لوس سانتوس) لدعم القادمين الجدد وكبار السن على حد سواء. نحن هنا للتأكد من أنه يمكننا الحفاظ على مشهد لعب الأدوار الإنجليزي MTA على قيد الحياة ، حتى لو كان ذلك على نطاق صغير فقط! نحن مصممون على إظهار شغف حقيقي تجاه مشهد تمثيل الأدوار. Goal Our goals are easy... create a community for all to enjoy, hang out, meet new friends and rekindle with old friends. The English RP community is something that is closely-knit and often brings familiar faces around. We're not here to compete against other gamemodes, we're just here to provide what the players want. With that being said, we are always happy to take suggestions and feedback so that we can provide a community that the players can call home. --------------------------------------------------------- أهدافنا سهلة ... أنشئ مجتمعًا يستمتع به الجميع ، ويتسكع ، ويلتقي بأصدقاء جدد ويعيد الحيوية مع الأصدقاء القدامى. مجتمع اللغة الإنجليزية RP هو شيء مترابط وغالبًا ما يجلب الوجوه المألوفة حوله. لسنا هنا للتنافس ضد ألعاب أخرى ، نحن هنا فقط لتقديم ما يريده اللاعبون. مع ما يقال ، يسعدنا دائمًا تلقي الاقتراحات والتعليقات حتى نتمكن من توفير مجتمع يمكن للاعبين الاتصال به في المنزل. Staff Team Our staff team is combined with hardened veterans in the roleplaying community, along with newcomers. We have some interesting and talented folk that are with us on this project. Our staff team is the driving force behind the works, keeping the cogs turning so that players can enjoy a fluid experience. Some of our key staff members have returned to take the reigns once again to ensure that the players can achieve the experience they desire. --------------------------------------------------------- يتم دمج فريق العمل لدينا مع قدامى المحاربين في مجتمع لعب الأدوار ، جنبًا إلى جنب مع الوافدين الجدد. لدينا بعض الأشخاص المثيرين للاهتمام والموهوبين معنا في هذا المشروع. فريق العمل لدينا هو القوة الدافعة وراء الأعمال ، حيث يحافظ على التروس تدور حتى يتمكن اللاعبون من الاستمتاع بتجربة سلسة. عاد بعض أعضاء فريقنا الأساسيين لتولي زمام الأمور مرة أخرى للتأكد من أن اللاعبين يمكنهم تحقيق التجربة التي يرغبون فيها. Useful Information I have explained in detail and checked previously watch video: How to create character: 4:25 Name Character must: Full Name EX: Texas Andor YO: example : 26 minimum: 16 DD: example : 7 HT: example : 178 minimum: 160 WT: example: 89 ------------- Factions Jobs system Maps Car shops Rob system ---------------------------------------------- Custom Skin Uploads per Character(DFF/TXD) Multiple Factions per Character Imports & Exotic Vehicle Dealership NPC Drug Dealers & Buyers New Unseen before Jobs Advanced Finances and Banking, allowing for multiple bank accounts, investments, businesses etc. Monopolize the city! Advanced and realistic Weapon System with countless possibilities. Advanced and realistic Vehicle System that really sets apart the value of owning a brand new vehicle or an old beater. Scripted Vehicle & Interior Break-ins/thefts. Advanced and realistic smartphone capable of storing data, applications, custom wallpapers etc. 150+ Custom Vehicles, 100+ Custom Objects, 40+ Vehicle Upgrades, 50+ Custom Weapons and currently 50+ Uploaded Skins, all added NOT replaced. Custom Environment modding to suit the atmosphere and location we are roleplaying. Useful Links UCP: https://powercs.ro/ Forums: https://coopera.ahlamontada.com/login Discord: https://discord.gg/RXDAeQv5zm Server IP: mtasa:// Thank You! Thanks for taking the time to read. We hope that you stop by and check us out. We are always looking to interact with the community, because at the end of the day, without the people, a community is nothing. From the bottom of our hearts, the Coopera Staff do truly appreciate the time that people take to play, interact and contribute to the community. If you have made it this far, thank you for reading. Your time and patience is greatly appreciated. We look forward to seeing you on launch! Please visit the Forums or our Discord to stay up to date for the server's release. --------------------------------------------------------- شكرا لأخذ الوقت الكافي لقراءة. نأمل أن تتوقف وتراجعنا. نتطلع دائمًا إلى التفاعل مع المجتمع ، لأنه في نهاية اليوم ، بدون الناس ، لا يكون المجتمع شيئًا. من أعماق قلوبنا ، يقدر موظفو Coopera حقًا الوقت الذي يستغرقه الأشخاص للعب والتفاعل والمساهمة في المجتمع. إذا كنت قد وصلت إلى هذا الحد ، أشكركم على القراءة. نقدر كثيرا وقتك وصبرك. نتطلع إلى رؤيتك عند الإطلاق! يرجى زيارة المنتديات أو موقع Discord الخاص بنا للبقاء على اطلاع دائم بإصدار الخادم.
  5. MTA SA DAYZ FRAGMOVIE & EDIT https://youtu.be/YtuRLHeSQUE
  6. Greetings. An almost complete finished mod has gone up for sale. The mode I sell includes a Forum, Domain, original Facebook page, and I can also add a lot of design elements. I can also prove the originality of the method in the form of a private message. Discord: Frenzy#8109
  7. Hello guys , I started working on the stocks system, but I have some problems. I want when the stock is positive ( green ), he gives him money, and when the stock is negative ( red ), he takes money from the player, that is, he buys a stock, and if he loses he loses money , like forex Thanks , --- Gridlist Value Test ---- for i,d in pairs(data) do local r = dgsGridListAddRow(GUIEditor.gridlist[1]) dgsGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], r, 1, d.name, false, false ) dgsGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], r, 2, "$ "..round(d.pps,2)*totalMidifier, false, false ) dgsGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], r, 3, (d.diff[1] and "▲ " or "▼ " )..round(d.diff[2],2).."%", false, false ) dgsGridListSetItemColor(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], r, 3, d.diff[1] and 0 or 255, d.diff[1] and 255 or 0, 0 ) triggerServerEvent("test",localPlayer,round(d.diff[2],2)) end for k,s in pairs(playerData) do local r = dgsGridListAddRow(GUIEditor.gridlist[2]) dgsGridListSetItemText( GUIEditor.gridlist[2],r, 1, k, false, false ) dgsGridListSetItemText( GUIEditor.gridlist[2],r, 2, s[1], false, false ) local old = s[2]*s[1] local new = getCompPPS( k )*s[1] local change = new-old >= 0 and true dgsGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[2], r, 3, "$"..round(new-old,2), false, false ) --dgsGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[2], r, 3, (d.diff[1] and "▲ " or "▼ " )..round(d.diff[2],2).."%", false, false ) dgsGridListSetItemColor( GUIEditor.gridlist[2],r, 3, change and 0 or 255, change and 255 or 0, 0 ) ----- client ----- local c = currentData[selectedBuyRow+1].name local n = currentData[selectedBuyRow+1].pps*totalMidifier if exports.global:getMoney(localPlayer ) - n >= 0 then triggerServerEvent( "onClientStockTransaction", localPlayer, n ) local temp = localPlayer:getData "Stocks" or {} for k,d in pairs(currentData) do if d.name == c then temp[d.name] = {temp[d.name] and temp[d.name][1]+totalMidifier or totalMidifier,currentData[selectedBuyRow+1].pps} end end localPlayer:setData("Stocks",temp,false) buyD = true saveStocks( ) -- triggerServerEvent( "onClientStockTransaction", localPlayer, -n ) else outputChatBox( "test") end ----- Server ----- function round(number, decimals, method) decimals = decimals or 0 local factor = 10 ^ decimals if (method == "ceil" or method == "floor") then return math[method](number * factor) / factor else return tonumber(("%."..decimals.."f"):format(number)) end end addEvent( "TriggerMoneyTest", true ) addEventHandler( "TriggerMoneyTest", root, function( money,n ) local take = exports.global:getMoney(source, tonumber(money)-n) triggerClientEvent( source, "onConfirmPayment", source ) if decimals >= 0 then exports.global:takeMoney( source, tonumber(take)-n ) else -- decimals === exports.global:giveMoney( source, tonumber(take)+n ) end end)
  8. ┏━━━━━━━•°•☆•°•━━━━━━━┓ ????T?? ???????? ┗━━━━━━━•°•☆•°•━━━━━━━┛ ➤ 「 Sistema de Tunagem 」 ➤ 「 Customizar Personagem 」 ➤ 「 Mobiliar Propriedade 」 ➤ 「 Vagas para Staff 」 ➤ 「 Sistema de Drogas 」 ➤ 「 Desmanche de Veículos 」 ➤ 「 Eventos 」 ➤ 「 Caixa Eletrônico pela cidade 」 ➤ 「 Favela para Conquistar 」 ➤ 「 3 Vips 」 ➤ 「 E muito mais 」 ???????: https://discord.gg/Qda69QA4up T??????: https://youtu.be/itGpznafmGM ⫸ MTASA:// ⫷
  9. Bueno, aprovechando esta nueva sección Española, me gustaría crear mi tema para pequeños aportes para diferentes modalidades de juego, empezando por un simple script de specteo a otros jugadores el cual cuenta con lo siguiente: Comando: Utilizando el comando /spectate [nombre del jugador] podremos observar lo que hace en cada momento ya que nuestra cámara se redirigirá a la suya. Nuestra posición antes de spectear se guardará en la tabla lPos y al volver a teclear el comando /spectate, nos devolverá a la misma. Cualquier error, postear abajo. O sugerencias. SCRIPT SERVER-SIDE local lPos = { } local specteando = { } local g_permitidos = { "Admin", "Moderator", "Helper" } addCommandHandler( "spectear", function( player, cmd, name ) local name = tostring( name ) local accName = getAccountName( getPlayerAccount( player ) ) for i=1, #g_permitidos do local grupo = g_permitidos[i] if isObjectInACLGroup( "user."..accName, aclGetGroup( tostring( grupo ) ) ) then if specteando[ player ] == true then if lPos[ player ] then local x, y, z = lPos[ player ].x, lPos[ player ].y, lPos[ player ].z setElementPosition( player, x, y, z ) setCameraTarget( player, player ) setElementFrozen( player, false ) setElementAlpha( player, 255 ) else setElementPosition( player, 0, 0, -0.9 ) setElementFrozen( player, false ) setElementAlpha( player, 255 ) end else if name then local p_ = getPlayerFromName( name ) if p_ then local x, y, z = getElementPosition( player ) lPos[ player ] = { x = x, y = y, z = z } specteando[ player ] = true outputChatBox( "Ahora estás specteando a "..name, player, 0, 150, 0 ) setCameraTarget( player, p_ ) setElementFrozen( player, true ) setElementAlpha( player, 0 ) setElementPosition( player, 0, 0, 0 ) else outputChatBox( "No se ha encontrado al jugador", player, 255, 0, 0 ) end else outputChatBox( "/spectear [nombre del jugador]", player, 255, 255, 255 ) end end break end end end )
  10. Could everyone help me with radio and telephone voice chat script?
  11. Greetings! I offer for sale the game mode I made. We created the game mode with a couple of friends, the server is about 95% ready. The videos show how the systems work. Contact us if you have any questions. Server mod:(ACL,mtaserverconf,SQL,MOD) Forum page:(https://forum.sanandreas.hu) Server mod: 35 EUR Facebook page: 5 EUR Domain + Forum page: 10 EUR Pictures from the server: https://imgur.com/a/mbHRXtc Buy: https://payhip.com/b/BLT03
  12. Hello! I'm offering a game mode for sale. The game mode is complete, nothing is missing. The game mode is exclusively in my hands. The server mode includes: SQL database, Mode, ACL, mtaserver.conf. In the game mode, the graphics can also be set as desired. If you have any questions, please contact me via my email address: [email protected] More pictures from the server: https://imgur.com/a/zY6nazg Buy server: https://payhip.com/b/sEVDP or send email to: [email protected]
  13. Hello ! Let me tell you about TOUGH RP , what is it ? Well its a project created by "Skinny" This server is hard Rp, And is different from other servers This server will bring European Rp style and USA Rp style together forming a harmony. The server is not opened ! Its still in progress, we need Players, staff, anyone who wants to join us ! Just to mention that this server is not recommended for new MTA players, We suggest you start with a server that is not or is not trying to be HARD RP . For more details and info we will wait Everyone on our discord Server ===New players will benefit from an RP school run by the Founder=== https://discord.gg/CscwDs2XqM
  14. Bonjour à tous ! Je suis sur un serveur Metro 2033 RP, complètement inspiré du jeu du même nom. Le serveur est très largement jouable. La map est quasi-complète, les monstres (bots) sont réalisés et fonctionnels dans le metro. Système de loot, skins, d'armes, d'exp, d'inventaire, de marchand etc... Il me reste à faire un système de faction, d'échange, et de quêtes en gros. Si des personnes sont intéressées pour tester ou s'investir dans le projet, n'hésitez pas à me contacter (ici ou en MP). Ou si vous voulez des infos en matière de LUA (sur les systèmes), de mapping pour le serveur etc... Pas de date d'ouverture au public pour l'instant. Et si la commu' est vraiment morte, je rendrai le GM public. EDIT: Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas le jeu, en revanche, le serveur se jouera uniquement dans le metro pour l'instant :
  15. Let me introduce my self, I am Skinny for 3-4 moths i am working with LUA language. and these days i saw the fall of Great OwlGaming Mta Roleplay Server(i am late). i saw so many sad people, and a ideea just pop out, i was wondering there is no mta english roleplay servers! And i just want to know, what players expect if a new mta server will come, and it will be the next big project in memory of OwlGaming. So, what are your expectations, motions and thoughts about it?
  16. NUEVO SERVIDOR DE MTA ROLEPLAY QUE ABRIO HACE MUY POCO! MAINRP -Normas justas e igualadas -Equipo personal activo -Eventos dinámicos y constantes -Facciones libres -Postulaciones para mafia / banda -Foro -Beneficios VIPS -Atracos -Chat de voz -Trabajos de EMS, LSPD, GOBIERNO, PESCADOR, BOMBEROS, REPORTERO Y MUCHO MAS https://discord.gg/Xs3X63vQth
  17. ╔════════Ipanema Roleplay════════⊳ ╠⊳ sIsTema de Inventario ╠⊳ sIsTema de Empregos ╠⊳ sIsTema de Organizações ╠⊳ sIsTema de Acessórios ╠⊳ sIsTema de Empresas / Casas / Fazendas ╠⊳ sIsTema de Cash / Ouros / Grana ╠⊳ sIsTema de Fome/ Sede ╠⊳ sIsTema de Vip ╠⊳ sIsTema de Portão ╠⊳ sIsTema de Radio ╠⊳ sIsTema de Cadeia ╠⊳ sIsTema de Staff ╠⊳ sIsTema de Véiculos ╠⊳ sIsTema de Favela ╠⊳═══════════════════════════⊳ ╠⊳DiscorD >https://discord.gg/7MCU9qNuDW ╠⊳IP: mtasa:// ╠⊳IP: mtasa:// ╚══════════ @everyone @here ═════════════⊳
  18. Hi, I'll showcase in this post the custom maps & 3D models that are available on the San Andreas Roleplay server (you can find the link for + info in my signature). 1. New roads near Angel Pine Remodelled the mountain terrain near the Angel Pine junkyard adding a paved road and a dirt road next to it. Seamless textures. Fits the game's atmosphere. Perfect collisions. BEFORE: AFTER: 2. New Palomino wooden bridge Remodelled the Palomino terrain that includes: - a wooden bridge that has flawless collisions and perfect textures - fixed the famous collision bug on the red bridge next to it BEFORE: AFTER: More creative 3D models and other interesting maps will be added to this post in the future.
  19. No longer for sale, staff may delete
  20. Witam , Nazywam się Szymon w grach nazywam się Tib0 od pewnego czasu mam chęć stworzyć serwer Multi thef auto SA. Ppdchodzacy jak najbardziej pod realne życie. Staram się zebrać dobrą, dużą i mocną ekipe do zrobienia projektu. Oczywiscie kazdy znajdzie miejsce dla siebie. Osoby które będą chciały zostać przy projekcie serdecznie zapraszam. Ale nie widze serwera bez zamówień wiec osoby które znają się na mapowaniu, skryptowaniu w Lua, moddelingu pojazdów lub postaci. Jezeli praca zostanie solidnie wykonana na pewno te osoby zostaną nagrodzone. Nie przedłużając przejdę po prostu do listy osób ktore sa niezbedne w projekcie. Osoby których szukam: Administracji - osoby odpowiedzialne, pomyslowe, zaangażowane, umiejętność rozmowybi rozwiazywania konfliktów. Skrypterów - znajacych się na pisaniu skryptów oraz modyfikacji Maperów - pomysłowych znajacych sie na robcie Modelerów - znajacych się na modyfikacji pojazdów budowaniu ich od nowa ewentualnie do edycji postaci Oczywiscie zalezy mi na osobach które znają sie na rzeczy ! Liczba osób jest nienograniczona kazda jedna osoba która ma chęci ci współpracy jest mile widziana. Dziękuje za zwrócenie uwagi na ten post jeśli ktoś będzie chętny proszę pisać na e-mail [email protected] . W temacie jak będziesz pisać wiadomość wpisz o jaka posadę się starasz. Pozdrawiam i życzę miłego dnia. Tib0
  21. Y3 Roleplay Global ~ Hard ~ Text Yetkililer: Uzee, Smoke, Adempsey Discord ve IP: https://discord.gg/Vkk6D57 mtasa:// ~Global Konsept ~Text olarak açıldı ve Text kalacak ~Gereksiz skin modları yok, düşük MB ve yüksek FPS ~/fps komutu ile özellik düşürerek FPS artırma ~Olmazsa olmaz açlık/suzusluk/level sistemi ~Neon estetiğinde HUD ~Abartılı olmayan, dengeli meslek paraları ~Bazıları kendi yapımımız olan (IGS, Basitleştirilmiş Sürücü Kursu...) güzel mapler ~Market soygunu sistemi ~Müzikçalardan URL ile oynatma ~Konum gönderme ve F5 GPS Menüsü ~Açılışa özel $25,000, Normalde $15,000 başlangıç parası ...Ve daha fazlası! ~LSPD BAŞVURULARI AÇIK! (Başvuru discord üzerinden)
  22. DIAMOND ROLEPLAY Yıllar boyunca kendini roleplay sunucularına adamış ekibimiz ile var olan düzene yeni bir devrim getirmeye geldik! | Sunucu ismi: Diamond Roleplay | Sunucu adresi: mtasa:// | Sunucu discord adresi: https://discord.gg/3WR59Tn Sunucumuzdaki bazı bölgeler: • Belediye • Belediye başkanı rolleri geldiğinde kullanılacak olan sunucumuzdaki çiçeği burnunda, taptaze bir binadır. Belediye başkanı şu an için aktif değildir. Seçimler yaklaşıyor, sen de aday ol. Belki bir gün bu binanın en iyi ofisinde oturabilirsin! • POLİS DEPARTMANI • Her olayda kendilerini ön plana atıp canlarını tehlikeye sokan polislerimizin rahat nefes alabildiği bölgedir. Belediye binasının hemen yan tarafındadır. • HASTAHANE • Şehire gelen hemen hemen herkesin bir kez de olsa yolunun düştüğü yerdir. ATT (Acil Tıp Teknisyeni) arkadaşlarımız vaka durumlarına göre ambulans, motorize ambulans, helikopter ambulans ile vakaya en kısa sürede gitmek için buradan yola çıkarlar. • BENZİNLİK • • İGS • Yine hastahane gibi şehir sakinlerinin onlarca, yüzlerce kez geçtiği, zaman zaman durup araçlarına benzin aldıkları. Genel market alışverişlerini buradan yaptıkları bölgedir. Benzinlik bir çok kişi için vazgeçilemez bir yerdir! • ÖZEL GALERİ • Sadece özel araçların sergilenip satıldığı bir arazidir. Benzinlik bölgesinin hemen yanında bulunmaktadır. Sizde sadece sizde bulunan bir araç mı istiyorsunuz? O zaman sizi galeri'ye alalım! • UCUZ GALERİ • Genellikle ucuz araçların bulundugu, oyuncuların ideal araç alım noktasıdır. Yeni gelenlerin ilk uğradığı yerlerden birisidir. Ayağını yerden kesecek bir araba arıyorsan sen de bir göz at! • ORTA BÜTÇELİ GALERİ • Genellikle şehirde bir iş bulup belirli bir miktar para biriktirdikten sonra uğranacak bir galeridir. Aman dikkat kapıya s2000 ile gelip hava atıyorlar • YÜKSEK BÜTÇELİ GALERİ • Ah zenginler ah.. Hayat size güzel! Yüksek miktarda para ile alınabilecek çok güzel ve kaliteli araçların bulunduğu galeridir. Eğer bir gün zengin olursanız buyrun galeri sizindir Peki şimdi geldik araçları aldık ve artık satmak istiyorsunuz değil mi? Oyunculara satış yapabilirsiniz fakat daha hızlı satış yolları da arıyorsunuz, işte tam da o sırada sizi burası karşılıyor Araçlarınızı hızlıca elden çıkarabileceğiniz araç parçalama noktamız. Hızlı bir şekilde araçlarınızı parçalayıp belirli bir miktar hurda parasını tekrardan size iade ediyor! • SANAYİ BÖLGESİ • Araçlarınızı birbirinden güzel bir şekilde uygun fiyata modifiye ettirebileceğiniz bir bölgemizdir. Aracının ışıl ışıl olmasını istiyorsan sen de bir uğra! Bu güzel rol ortamında seni de görmek isteriz! Unutma, senden profesyonel olmanı beklemiyoruz, saygı önceliktir. Daha fazla bilgi için discord adresimizi ziyaret etmeyi unutmayın!
  23. Üdv mindenkinek Magyarország RolePlay MTA szerver. Voice és Chat RP alapú. NEM GAZDAG RP! DE RENGETEG FIZETÉSI FORMA! Nálunk létrehozhatsz: Vállalkozást, Vásárolhatsz Vállalati részvényt, vagy Alapíthatsz Vállalatot. Ez egy bónusz pénz szerzési lehetőség, és rengeteg rp-s élmény! A szerveren minden megszerezhető! Egyedi rangrendszer, és prefix rendszer várható a szerveren! Tagfelvételünk nyitva áll minden jelentkező számára. Vezetőségünk írásban bármikor elérhető, avagy ha kérdésed van kérdezz és amint van időnk válaszolunk! További információkért látogass el Discordunkra, kérdezz és szerezz információt Discord szerverünkön, ahol a lehető legtöbb mindent megtalálhatsz! Discord link: https://discord.gg/dG4YYcr
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  25. NEVADA ROLEPLAY 1.2 ¡SEAN TODOS BIENVENIDOS A NEVADA ROLEPLAY, LA NUEVA GENERACIÓN DEL ROL HISPANO! Nevada Roleplay es un servidor de Roleplay, en el idioma español, hecho en base a la GM Americana "Paradise" hecha por mabako, a la cuál han sido agregadas geniales modificaciones de parte de nuestro scripter, Darko. Nevada Roleplay tiene como objetivo ser un espacio sano, libre de toxicidad y de excelente calidad de rol, pues es nuestro deber como servidor ofrecer la mejor de las experiencias a nuestros usuarios. ¿Pero qué tiene de especial Nevada Roleplay? Nevada Roleplay es un servidor especial, tiene buenos sistemas de personalización de tu personaje: ropa personalizada, cabeza de tu elección, accesorios, etc. Tenemos sistemas de casino, porque claro ¡Es el Estado de Nevada, deben haber casinos! También tenemos múltiples facciones con altísima calidad de rol, una comunidad agradable, buenos sistemas y una optimización sumamente avanzada. ¿Qué esperas para unirte a Nevada Roleplay? IP: mtasa:// Foro: nevadarp.foroactivo.com Discord: https://discord.gg/8aEuQ3N NEVADA ROLEPLAY, LA NUEVA GENERACIÓN DEL ROL HISPANO
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