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  1. TUSERVER.AR MTASA.HOST is a hosting company that focuses on MTA:SA server hosting. We run each game server on an isolated docker container with minimum privileges offering maximum security when it comes to script and data protection. The docker images that we run were tailor made for running MTA servers with little to no overhead, making it one of the most compact and resource efficient ways to run a MTA Server. We started about 5 years ago initially under another name(Global Gaming Hosting), when we offered more game services other than MTA, but we realized that MTA needed a more dedicated hosting company like there already is for some other major games, like Minecraft, so we changed our business model to accommodate most of our efforts on hosting MTA Dedicated Servers. Our business model is resource usage based and not slot based, meaning we charge for resource usage rather than predefined slot amount. The amount of slots that you want to actually have, depends on you, as long as you are in within the resources you hired for the services you'll be all set. Some key features that we have: Resource based usage(not slot locked) Upgrade your plan anytime Game DDoS Mitigation Geo-routed frontend panel with fallbacks in case a region goes offline with a very good UI Fast support via discord SFTP MySQL Databases included with every plan Scheduled Tasks Data vault for backups Automatic MySQL backups No overselling(we keep our dedicated machines with a low load average to ensure max performance at all times) Instant activation after payment for all our payment methods Locations: North America, Europe, Latin America You can find a more detailed overview of our plans at our Website and custom plans may be made via a support request. Bellow some pictures of our panel: Visit our website at Link Disclaimer: TUSERVER.AR is a privately owned company and is in no way affiliated with MTA:SA in any way, nor it is affiliated with GTA: San Andreas or its stakeholders. All rights are reserved to their respective owners.
  2. Hello guys, what's up? Carlos from TimberHost here bringing some news. In first place I would like to wish Mery Christimas and a Happy New Year in advance to everyone. I just ask you to be careful because the pandemic is still there and nobody wants to get covid, right? Well, having said that, let's continue. Our company has a series of news on the MTA Host and I'm passing by to show you. Let's go! 2-day trial plan Low latency servers Super Download + Mods Compactor pro TeaSpeak for free on every plan Mod Manager MySql Database Channel for advertisements on Facebook and Discord Professional Anti-DDoS Protection TCAdmin Management Panel Are you interested in our company? Visit us at the links below - Website: https://timberhost.com.br - Discord: https://timberhost.com.br/discord - TeaSpeak: ts3.timberhost.com.br - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/timberhost - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/timberhost.br/ Oops: Welcome to Timber!
  3. Hello i need help with this gamemode i dont know how i can fix this error, thank for ur attention, sorry for my english. [Pterodactyl Daemon] Server marked as STARTING [Pterodactyl Daemon] Checking size of server data directory... [Pterodactyl Daemon] Disk Usage: 321M / 31000M [Pterodactyl Daemon] Ensuring correct ownership of files. [Pterodactyl Daemon] Running server preflight. [Pterodactyl Daemon] Starting server container. steam user is not set. Using anonymous user. No appid set. Starting Server :/home/container$ ./mta-server64 --port ${SERVER_PORT} --httpport ${SERVER_WEBPORT} -n /entrypoint.sh: line 46: ./mta-server64: Permission denied [Pterodactyl Daemon] Server marked as OFF [Pterodactyl Daemon] ---------- Detected server process in a crashed state! ---------- [Pterodactyl Daemon] Exit Code: 126 [Pterodactyl Daemon] Out of Memory: false [Pterodactyl Daemon] Error Response: [Pterodactyl Daemon] Aborting automatic reboot due to crash within the last 60 seconds.
  4. Im working on a roleplay server and I always test the resources in local host server, however I have just noticed today that the freshly added resources are not even running on the server, only the older ones. Ive tried to start them with command but the server just cant find 'em while they are clearly there.. Currently there are maybe 20 resources running on the server.. The only thing what came to my mind was maybe there is a limitation of usable resorces for local servers..
  5. Estou Pensando Em Abrir Um Servidor De Mta Mais Não Sei Uma Host Boa Pra Comprar
  6. Seu Site ou Blog! Seu VPS ou Cloud! Seu Game ou TS3! Nossa historia de sucesso começa em nossos clientes e parceiros, uma infraestrutura de alta tecnologia e rede premium com Ant-DDoS, além disso, nossa equipe expert está sempre a disposição. O que você ganha Provisionamento Instantâneo Seus servidores estão prontos imediatamente graças ao OpenStack, que facilita o provisionamento super-rápido, sem tempo de espera, em comparação com outros provedores que podem levar de 5-6 horas para configurar o seu servidor! Completamente Customizável Personalize o seu servidor com atualizações fáceis para mais opções de backup, sistemas de painéis de controle e muito mais! Velocidade próximo ao infinito Cada servidor vem com a capacidade de adicionar mais recursos instantaneamente através de um dispositivo ControlePanel. Você pode adquirir sempre que for necessário. Gerente de Contas Oferecemos ainda um gerente de contas para cuidar de seu servidor e de seu negocio 24x7x365 priorizados via telefone, chat e e-mail, garantindo um menor tempo de espera. Nossos serviços são a solução perfeita para quem deseja Qualidade, segurança e conforto, com dezenas de milhares de vantagens. Principais Características e Infra-estrutura Inigualável » Processadores Intel Xeon » Blade Servers (Super Micro) » DDoS Protection ATIVO » Portas de Rede de 1GBps » 1 IPs gratuito com cada Servidor » cPanel & GameCp Servidores de Teste: Planos de VPS https://widhost.com.br/vps-para-jogos Planos de MTA https://widhost.com.br/mta Planos de TeamSpeak https://widhost.com.br/teamspeak
  7. Acesse já https://timberhost.com.br/ WhatsApp: +55 (19) 982809986 Página: https://www.facebook.com/timberhost
  8. Does anyone know how to create a free online mta server?, What is it said for and appears in the "Internet" part? Thank you Alguien sabe como crear un server de mta online gratis?, para que la gente se una y aparesca en la parte de "Internet"?. Gracias. Alguien sabe como crear un server de mta online gratis?, para que la gente se una y aparesca en la parte de "Internet"?. Gracias.
  9. Creación de PCU/UCP Los mismos se realizan a medida con o sin foro, generalmente los UCP se utilizan para los RolePlay dado que los conectamos a la base de datos del mismo haciendolos interactivos, convirtiendolos en UCP, pero también se pueden crear para RPG y demás modos de servidores. Todo en PHP y JavaScript. Demostración gratuita y vista del código por Teamviewer. Presupuesto sin cargo ningúno. Diseño original y responsive. Con o sin foro (estamos creando un foro propio desde 0, también se puede conectar a un SMF, MyBB, etc). Paneles administrativos para lideres de facciones para gestionar las mismas y también "curriculm" (para RP). Paneles administrativos para Staff con funciones por rango tanto para UCP como para el foro o ambos incluidos. PRECIOS ACCESIBLES Y RAZONABLES, NO DUDE EN CONSULTAR Algunas Capturas al azar de algunos sitios construidos: PRECIOS ACCESIBLES Y RAZONABLES, NO DUDE EN CONSULTAR
  10. Universo Virtual Bom galera, eu tenho um servidor de MTA, e queria alguma dica de hospedagem, pois a que eu uso, não está me deixando satisfeito. Bom, alguém sabe alguma hospedagem boa ? De preferência brasileira.
  11. عروض سيرفرات لعبة MTASA ❤ العرض الأول : حياه واقعيه -500 - Roleplay ---------------------------------------------- 500 عدد الاعبين - دعم فني 24 ساعه مودات حمايه للسيرفر حماية من الفايروس 2 GB - رامات 2 GB - مساحه تخزين OGP لوحة تحكم 7 جنيه Dollar3.00$ Sawa : 10 ------------------------------------------------ حرب عصابات -500 - Gangwars - 500 عدد الاعبين - دعم فني 24 ساعه - لا يوجد لاق Ddos attack - حمايه 2 GB - مساحة التخزين 1.5 GB - رامات OGP - لوحه تحكم 7 جنيه المبلغ بالمصري Dollar2.25$ Sawa : 10 ----------------------------------------------- هجوله -500 - 500 عدد الاعبين - دعم فني 24 ساعه - لا يوجد لاق Ddos attack - حمايه 2 GB - مساحة التخزين 3 GB - رامات OGP - لوحه تحكم 10 جنيه المبلغ بالمصري 2.90$ Dollar Sawa : 10 ----------------------------------------------- يمكن زياده عدد الاعبين و الرامات و المساحه وكل شئ لكن يجب عليك انشاء تذكره او تواصل مع الدعم الفني لينشئ لك عرض خاص _ لشراء عرض خاص كلم المسؤل ( طرق الدفع ) كروت فودافون Vodafone Cards تحويل رصيد فودافون recharge فودافون كاش Vodafone cash Sawa سوا باي بال PayPal للشراء افتح تذكره من منطقة العملاء ( مركز التذاكر ) او راسلنا علي رسائل الصفحة الرسمية لوحه التحكم https://www.mega-host.site/panel الموقع الرسمي https://www.mega-host.site/منطقة العميل ( مركز النذاكر) https://www.mega-host.site/contact.phpللأستفسار هاتفيا من مصر : 01147625018 أو 01024114187
  12. MTA Servers ? First offer ? ♥ Players - > 500 ???????? RAM - > 2 GB ? Size - > 2 GB ? SUPPORT - > 24 / 24 ?? lagg - > 0 % ? ✲ ? Ddos attack prottect ? . - > Open Game Panel ? - > PhpMyAdmin ? 2.25$ Dollar - > 1 month ? ----------------------------------------------- Offer 2 Players - > 1024 ✂ ✲ ? Ddos attack prottect ? .size - > 3 GB ? RAM - > 3 GB ♥ Support - > 24 / 24 ? Lagg - > 0 % ?? - > Open Game Panel ? 2.90$ Dollar - > 1 Month ? -------- ( Payments ) Vodafone cards _ Cash PayPal or VISA CASH_U Panel : https://www.mega-host.site/panel --------- website : https://www.mega-host.site --------- Support https://www.mega-host.site/contact.php
  13. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته مرحبا بكم اعزاء اعضاء mta اهلا بكم في انست هوست - الشركة الرائدة من بين الشركات والارخص سعرا الان ولفترة محدودة!!! إنست_هوست تقدم تخفيض بنسبة 50 % على الخوادم لاول شهر بمناسبة مرور سنة على افتتاح الشركة ♥♥ ♥ ☺ وش الفايدة من الخادم؟ : تقريبا تقدر تحط عليه اي شي - تقدر تركب العاب زي . سيرفرات MTA - سيرفرات ماين كرافت - سيرفرات ماتين 2 - مواقع , والمزيد - ايضا نقدم تركيب لوحات Open game panel - tc admin او تقدر تفتح شركة تبيع منها ليه #إنست_هوست ؟ لان انست هوست الشركة الاولى عربي الي تقدم تخفيضات من بشكل دوري وايضا خوادمنا من افضل الخوادم الموجودة في السوق بشهادة كثير من العملاء =============================== طريقة الشراء وتفعيل الخصم ؟ تدخل على الموقع المذكور ادناه وتطلب الخادم وتعبي المعلومات وبعدها راح تجيك كلمة " تطبيق الرمز الترويجي - شاهد الصورة ادناه وتحط الكود هذا [ VPS50 ] ====================================== طرق الدفع : من جميع انحاء العالم : ( باي بال - بايزا - سكريل \ كلهم يقبلو فيزا + ماستركارد ) ).☺ مصر : (بطاقات فودافون / فودافون كاش ).☺ السعودية: (بطاقات سوا - تحويل بنكي راجحي ).☺ العراق : (بطاقات اسياسيل ).☺ الجزائر: (بطاقات أوريدو ).☺ الأردن : ( زين او زين كاش ) .☺ للدخول على الموقع : اضغط هنا ليتم تحويلك على الموقع شكرا لكم جميعا #إنست_هوست حياكم الله جميعها ===============================
  14. Confira os melhores preços em hospedagem com a melhor infraestrutura. https://hosttype.com.br/go/forum/ https://facebook.com/HostType Valors: Painel:
  15. howdy.i just hosted my server "RP" and i dont know why i cant connect with Mysql.i tired to put Mysql.so and lib in Modules but it didnt work on windows works. If u dont know how to help me i can give my PHP because anything i have there ist special
  16. Hello There . Any One want free Host server SMS ME or : https://limitlessrpg.com/member.php?action=register&referrer=1390 Thanks Regards :Mohamed Bkairy
  17. estou com alguns erros no meu servidor,, após upar meu server pro host apareceu alguns erros como o de converter pra UTF-8 ( que a proposito ja sei converter ) e apareceu um erro pedindo pra re-compilar alguns mods, me ajudem por favor pois não conseguir realizar isso LOG DO SERVIDOR
  18. Hey community, I need some help. I host my server Today and everything was perfect. Then restart my server and there was a problem. For your information I have all the ports activated and verified, the firewall allows it A friend wanted to enter my server and could not. My server was not listed on the Internet. Right now I do not know what to do. I hope you can help me. In mtaserver.conf everything is perfect, try to verify it with another problem of another user and still not working. Thanks
  19. FREEDOM HOST Hola comunidad, Freedom Host acaba de lanzar su servicio de alojamiento para MTA, un servicio de host eficiente y economico. Como somos una empresa de host nueva tenemos los precios que deceas sin perder la calidad que te mereces. PLANES: -Plan Personalizado. Este plan esta creado para que tu puedas elegir la cantidad de slots que se ajuste a tus necesidades, el minimo de slots es 5. Cabe mencionar que este plan tiene las demas caracteristicas que el resto de ellos y que el precio de este de igual manera varia. -Plan Adicional. ➤24 Slots ➤Protección anti-DDoS ➤100 Mps ➤Ubicación en Canadá ➤Soporte Precio ☛ 2.00 USD -Plan #1. ➤50 Slots ➤Protección anti-DDoS ➤100 Mps ➤Ubicación en Canadá ➤Soporte Precio ☛ 3.00 USD -Plan #2 ➤100 Slots ➤Protección anti-DDoS ➤100 Mps ➤Ubicación en Canadá ➤Soporte Precio ☛ 5.00 USD -Plan #3 ➤150 Slots ➤Protección anti-DDoS ➤100 Mps ➤Ubicación en Canadá ➤Soporte Precio ☛ 7.00 USD -Plan #4 ➤200 Slots ➤Protección anti-DDoS ➤100 Mps ➤Ubicación en Canadá ➤Soporte Precio ☛ 10.00 USD -Plan #5 ➤500 Slots ➤Protección anti-DDoS ➤100 Mps ➤Ubicación en Canadá ➤Soporte Precio ☛ 20.00 USD PD: Proximamente soporte de alojamiento para mas juegos. ¡LO ESPERAMOS! PAGINA DE FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Freedom-HOST-423583297975693/ PAGINA WEB: PRONTO
  20. i rented a server from a hosting, and run online five days, but the server does not appear in the server browser why? With the IP address, i can join to the server
  21. Hola tengo un problema con mi servidor el problema esque desde que tengo host se bugean muchas cosas y en el local cuando no tenia host no se bugeaba nada uso Winsfp para subir mi archivos al servidor nose si es bueno o malo Ahora se me bugeo el globalchat y no toque nada también cuando Cómo y quiero equiparme un medikit se queda la animación todo el rato y no.pasa nada Por favor una ayuda l
  22. bueno yo compre un hosting en evolution-host.com como soy nuevo en esto de host y no se nada pero nada bueno ese es mi problema si alguien me explica como habro mi server como pongo resources y todo le agradeseria muchísimo muchisimo me dieron por favor digamen para que sirven control panel connecting game server to SQL ftp acces pd: hablo eapañol eapero que entiendan quizas el traductor no ande muy bien Ingles: Well I bought a hosting at evolution-host.com as I'm new to this host and I do not know anything but nothing good that's my problem if someone explains to me how I can speak my server p Ongo resources and everything you would like very much They gave me please tell me what they are for Control panel Connecting game server to SQL Ftp acces Pd: I speak spanish eapero maybe they understand the translator does not go very well
  23. ./core.so: invalid ELF headerERROR: Could not load ./core.so* Check installed data files.Press enter to continue...
  24. MTASA.com Hosting section needs to be updated. (https://mtasa.com/hosters/) My friend made a mistake trying to buy a €10 MTA Host from delux-host.com. He was charged, but did not receive any mails from host company, neither he can log into his account on the website. I think it would be best for MTA Devs to remove this hosting provider from the list as it is non-functional right now.
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