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Galera to fazendo um sistema de painel q vc digita no painel tipo 255, 0, 0 dentro de um carro e seta a cor vermelha no carro q e do rgb 255, 0, 0 e etc. mas da forma que achei que era possivel ao abrir o painel e digitar a cor em rgb eu fiz uma função que na teoria era pra pegar oq foi digitado na editbox e setar oq foi digitado na editbox como cor do carro usando setVehicleColor so q n aparece nada e n seta cor no carro mais se o carro ta vermelho e coloca tipo 255, 0, 0 na editbox e da ok a cor sempre muda pra preto espero q de para entender function SetarCor (playerSource, getMsg) --local mensagem = tonumber(getMsg) local uVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle( playerSource ) if isPedInVehicle( playerSource ) then if uVehicle then -- if mensagem == "Vermelho" then setVehicleColor( uVehicle, tonumber(getMsg)) end end --end end addEvent("SetarCor", true) addEventHandler("SetarCor", getRootElement(), SetarCor) PARTE DO CLIENT function rgbtrigger (button, state) if painel == true then if button == "left" and state == "down" then if isCursorOnElement(screenW * 0.6384, screenH * 0.5885, screenW * 0.7379, screenH * 0.6185) then local getMsg = tostring(getElementData(msgstaff, "CMT_Txt")) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, dx) triggerServerEvent("SetarCor", getLocalPlayer(), localPlayer, getMsg) painel = false showCursor(false) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientClick", root, rgbtrigger)
Is it possible to get all the guiStaticImages that have the specified color? I created a few guiStaticImages that are using a fully black png image. i was trying to do it this way, but it does not work.. for i, v in ipairs(getElementType("gui-staticimage")) do local color = guiGetProperty(v, "ImageColours") if color == "000000" then outputChatBox("lol") end end
Hi, I've got an interesting bug with my localchat script. When the players are in range of local chat then for some of them a *action text* part is not colored, but when they're alone in their chat distance, everything works fine and message is fully colored. function RGBToHex(red, green, blue, alpha) -- Make sure RGB values passed to this function are correct if( ( red < 0 or red > 255 or green < 0 or green > 255 or blue < 0 or blue > 255 ) or ( alpha and ( alpha < 0 or alpha > 255 ) ) ) then return nil end -- Alpha check if alpha then return string.format("#%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X", red, green, blue, alpha) else return string.format("#%.2X%.2X%.2X", red, green, blue) end end function localchat (msg, msgtype, cmdname) local x, y, z = getElementPosition (source) local playerdim = getElementDimension (source) local range = 30 local playerName = getPlayerName (source) for index, player in pairs(getElementsByType ("player")) do local playersdim = getElementDimension (player) if playerdim == playersdim then local xp, yp, yz = getElementPosition (player) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D (x, y, z, xp, yp, yz) if ( distance <= range ) then r = tonumber (255 - (tonumber((distance))* 3)) g = tonumber (255 - (tonumber((distance))* 3)) b = tonumber (255 - (tonumber((distance))* 3)) mr = tonumber (255 - (tonumber((distance))* 3)) mg = 0 mb = tonumber (255 - (tonumber((distance))* 3)) if msgtype == 0 then cancelEvent() msg = string.gsub(msg, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") msg = msg:gsub("^%l", string.upper) playerName = string.gsub(playerName, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") playerName = string.gsub(playerName, "_", " ") mecolor = RGBToHex(mr, mg, mb) normalcolor = RGBToHex(r, g, b) while true do local find,find2 = string.find(msg, "%<(.-)%>") if (find and find2) then msg = string.sub(msg,1,find-1) .. mecolor .. "*".. string.sub(msg, find+1, find2-1) .. "*" .. normalcolor .. string.sub(msg, find2+1, #msg) else break end end if string.find(msg, ".", -1, true) or string.find(msg, "?", -1, true) or string.find(msg, "!", -1, true) then outputChatBox(playerName .. " mówi: " .. msg , player, r, g, b, true) else msg = msg.. "." outputChatBox(playerName .. " mówi: " .. msg , player, r, g, b, true) --outputChatBox(playerName .. " mówi: " .. msg .. ".", player, 255, 255, 255, true) end end end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", getRootElement(), localchat)
i want change the needle color if speed >= 240, but does not working how to fix this? what wrong? no error(s)/warning(s)
i added this to a nametag script: dxDrawColorText (getElementHealth(player).."%", sx-w- (offset*-10), sy - (offset*5), sx, sy - (offset*-15), tocolor(255,255,255,255), textscale*NAMETAG_TEXTSIZE or (textscale*NAMETAG_TEXTSIZE)/1.5, srfont2, "center", "center", false, false, false ) and for example when long the playername, the "100%" move to left direction. How to fix this? sorry for my very-very bad English:c
i added this to a nametag script: dxDrawColorText (getElementHealth(player).."%", sx-w- (offset*-10), sy - (offset*5), sx, sy - (offset*-15), tocolor(255,255,255,255), textscale*NAMETAG_TEXTSIZE or (textscale*NAMETAG_TEXTSIZE)/1.5, srfont2, "center", "center", false, false, false ) and for example when long the playername, the "100%" move to left direction. How to fix this? sorry for my very-very bad English:c
so there is this server called Grafuroam and it has a specific hydra skin for specific clan and not the same one for all clans and also everyone can SEE the texture i just want to know how to do this
Всем привет, мб кто нибудь шарит в шейдерах. Вопрос следующего характера, необходимо покрасить наложенные на автомобиль четыре обьекта (колёса кастомные). Название текстуры у меня "body_k", написал саму систему, шейдер и при этом шейдер не очень хорошо понимает RGBA палитру. Только радикальные цвета будь то: 0,255,255,255; 255,0,0,255; 255,0,255 и т.д. При цвете например 75,0,255,255 выдает оттенок максимальный по заданым критериям, т.е. 255,0,255,255... Вот скриншот того, что пытаюсь реализовать: (Не могу прикрепить почему-то изображение) Код шейдера: float4 gColor = float4(1,1,1,1); bool bIsGTADiffuse = true; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Include some common stuff //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "mta-helper.fx" //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sampler for the main texture //--------------------------------------------------------------------- sampler Sampler0 = sampler_state { Texture = (gTexture0); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Structure of data sent to the vertex shader //--------------------------------------------------------------------- struct VSInput { float3 Position : POSITION0; float4 Diffuse : COLOR0; float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Structure of data sent to the pixel shader ( from the vertex shader ) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- struct PSInput { float4 Position : POSITION0; float4 Diffuse : COLOR0; float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // VertexShaderFunction // 1. Read from VS structure // 2. Process // 3. Write to PS structure //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PSInput VertexShaderFunction(VSInput VS) { PSInput PS = (PSInput)0; // Calculate screen pos of vertex PS.Position = MTACalcScreenPosition ( VS.Position ); // Pass through tex coord PS.TexCoord = VS.TexCoord; // Calculate GTA lighting for buildings float4 Diffuse = MTACalcGTABuildingDiffuse( VS.Diffuse ); PS.Diffuse = 0; if (bIsGTADiffuse) PS.Diffuse = Diffuse; else PS.Diffuse = float4(1,1,1,Diffuse.a); PS.Diffuse *= gColor; return PS; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // PixelShaderFunction // 1. Read from PS structure // 2. Process // 3. Return pixel color //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ float4 PixelShaderFunction(PSInput PS) : COLOR0 { // Get texture pixel float4 texel = tex2D(Sampler0, PS.TexCoord); // Apply diffuse lighting float4 finalColor = texel * PS.Diffuse; return finalColor; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Techniques //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ technique colorize { pass P0 { VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VertexShaderFunction(); PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PixelShaderFunction(); } } // Fallback technique fallback { pass P0 { // Just draw normally } } Код наложение цвета, через шейдерную обработку на одно из колёс транспортного средства: local colorShader = dxCreateShader("shader.fx") local _, _, _, wheelsColorR, wheelsColorG, wheelsColorB = getVehicleColor(source, true) outputChatBox("#FFFFFFColor: R"..wheelsColorR.." G"..wheelsColorG.." B"..wheelsColorB, 0, 0, 0, true) local wheelsColor = {wheelsColorR, wheelsColorG, wheelsColorB, 255} dxSetShaderValue(colorShader, "gColor", wheelsColor) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(colorShader, "body_k", car_wheels[carID][1]) Need help!
Hello. I have a script that create a missile that follows the player when he enters the specified collision shape using createProjectile. The projectile elements have a white blip by default and I need to change it to Red. Is there a way to do it?
addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), function () local name = getPlayerName ( source ) name:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("Admin")) then exports[getResourceName(resource)]:addNotification(root, name.." tulajdonos szolgálatba lépett!", "warning") elseif isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("Moderator")) then exports[getResourceName(resource)]:addNotification(root, name.." moderátor szolgálatba lépett!", "warning") elseif isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("SuperModerator")) then exports[getResourceName(resource)]:addNotification(root, name.." szupermoderátor szolgálatba lépett!", "warning") elseif isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("Modi")) then exports[getResourceName(resource)]:addNotification(root, name.." moderátor szolgálatba lépett!", "warning") elseif isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("Operator")) then exports[getResourceName(resource)]:addNotification(root, name.." operátor szolgálatba lépett!", "warning") elseif isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("zuker")) then exports[getResourceName(resource)]:addNotification(root, name.." moderátor szolgálatba lépett!", "warning") elseif isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("Adminseged")) then exports[getResourceName(resource)]:addNotification(root, name.." adminsegéd szolgálatba lépett!", "warning") end end ) i added 'gsub' but the color code not disappear
Hey there, im here cause im having some issues with CEF Browser, the problem is that isn't showing the web-site color and i don't really know why. Original: MTA Browser: