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Everything posted by darkdreamingdan

  1. yeah i supposed you could say that, but with mtama its pipsqueak to code !kill, which is just as easy to abuse, plus, it floods
  2. this is possible already if you go to 24/7 sunny weather servers using grs, which are most grs servers
  3. search...discussed uncountably many times
  4. the bug was found, and it turned out that there was a major bug in MIRC, that shud be as the creators (khaled) fault this was reported in #mta by kent and aeron
  5. There wudnt be much point, i dont really mind about looks...
  6. 0.1a -> 0.1b 0.2 -> 0.2.2 0.3 -> 0.3r3 0.4 -> 0.4.1 What will be next? The name is the most exciting part of mta
  7. ok 18 votes is ok, its seems everuone wants to go, but we REALLY want to make this worthwhile and not end up setting up a massive thing and it turns out that only 3ppl stay in the chan to play. Remember, once mtama is working properly, we will be needing a scripter
  8. Ok its now edited so it works with old versions. thanks for noticing
  9. JHXP, Mike and have arranged a Gather IRC channel.. You already may know what these are from playing other online games. How do you define a 'gather? Its basically a clanwar, but in mixed teams, without an fixed date. For example, i want to go play a team game. I go to IRC, wait for someone to arrange a game. Then i join and play in a team gamemode. No need to arrange wars with other gangs, u can just play with mixed ppl from everywhere. It is a lobby thing that arranges into team via irc(Thankyou for that [DNA]Jakkass) If you still dont know what a gather is, (here goes) we're basically going to create an IRC chan, dedicated to forming Gather team games, in which anyone can join a game. There will (hopefully) be an option of playing a Team Deathmatch game or a Gangwar game. The person who arranges it will be able to set the number of players, map etc. It will all be easy to do using irc bots n stuff. It is not to be fixtured, you go in, wait for a game and join in. It is not a fixed date event, the chan will always be up, with hopefully people waiting to play. We hope to see you participating. Please visit our website for more information @ http://www.gather.cjb.net Thanks to: Jani and the fr4g team That random bot creator who's name i cant remember. (cyberdaddy?) Some other people that i forgot to add cause i cant think straight Due to confusion the gather games ARE for mta
  10. i know the problem, the mta team changed the map names format in 0.5, ill get it fixed soon
  11. For any of you who are still using ASE, for whatever reason(i assume your all using the inclient browser) you can get new mta filters HERE. these rename the 'Vice City' and 'Vice City stunt' for VC. and remember that old gta3:mta slot, which is now useless, it can now be used If your still wondering what the change is of your ase, and how it is better, here is a screenie: Its a Winzip self extractor file, so you dont need any additional software, it also has the default ASE directory on it for quick unzipping. You can always use your favourite compressor program to open it (Winzip, Winrar, Winace n stuff) These have the latest ASE filters plus updated MTA filters made by me. It is the latest ase update filters.txt file, so i dont see why your old one would matter, but if u want to keep it, MAKE SURE YOU BACK IT UP. If you want to add the filters manually, here is the code for the MTA filter: Please replace at the corresponding place on your filters.txt 1 if servertype != "NEW" remove 2 if gamename != "mta" remove Multi Theft Auto\GTA3:MTA Mutex: MTA 1 if game != "GTA3:MTA" remove Multi Theft Auto\GTA3:MTA\Portland Mutex: MTAVC 1 if map != "*Portland*" remove Multi Theft Auto\GTA3:MTA\Staunton Island Mutex: MTAVC 1 if map != "Liberty City : Staunton Island" remove Multi Theft Auto\GTA3:MTA\Shoreside Vale Mutex: MTAVC 1 if map != "Liberty City : Shore Side Vale" remove Multi Theft Auto\MTA:VC Mutex: MTA 1 if game != "MTA*" remove Multi Theft Auto\MTA:VC\Deathmatch Mutex: MTAVC 1 if map ~== "*Stunt*" remove Multi Theft Auto\MTA:VC\Stunt Mutex: MTAVC 1 if map ~!= "*Stunt*" remove Multi Theft Auto\Version Group: NUL Multi Theft Auto\Version\0.5 Group: MTAVER Mutex: MTAVER 1 if version != "0.5" remove Here is the code for the GTA3:MTA filter (read below for more info) Please replace the whole GTA3:MTA filter GTA3:MTA ServerType: NEW RegKey: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\MTA\ ExeName: MTAClient.EXE JoinTemplate: {EXEPATH} +connect {address}[ +name {NAME}][ +password {PASSWORD}] HostTemplate: {EXEPATH} Port: 2126 HostPort: 2003 Mutex: SV IRC: irc.multitheftauto.com/mta 1 if servertype != "NEW" remove 2 if gamename != "mta" remove 3 if game != "GTA3:MTA" remove GTA3:MTA\Portland Mutex: MTAVC 1 if map != "*Portland*" remove GTA3:MTA\Staunton Island Mutex: MTAVC 1 if map != "Liberty City : Staunton Island" remove GTA3:MTA\Shoreside Vale Mutex: MTAVC 1 if map != "Liberty City : Shore Side Vale" remove GTA3:MTA\Version Group: NUL GTA3:MTA\Version\0.5 Group: MTAVER Mutex: MTAVER 1 if version != "0.5" remove GTA3:MTA\Version\0.41 Group: MTAVER Mutex: MTAVER 1 if version != "0.4.1" remove GTA3:MTA\Version\0.4 Group: MTAVER Mutex: MTAVER 1 if version != "0.4" remove EDIT: Updated to work with old versions of mta EDIT2: Now updated with new filters EDIT3: Now updated so the GTA3:MTA slot can be used!
  12. actually, u can keep exiting the client and rentering using ase or summin similar
  13. u mean every1 has their won unique serial for every user? i dont like the idea,,, and besides, i dont think we need to go into the master cd key n stuff ur talking about, unless ppl find a way around blue's cheat protection, sounds more of a last resort. there isnt much point in developing all this registereing just to stop cheating if you see where im coming from. it is apparently gonna be v difficult to cheat in blue, so i say if ppl do find a way, then this IS an option, otherwise a waste of time. im worryed about this turning into steam...
  14. doesnt ASE have a mod download thingy, cud u get that to work?
  15. well i can't speak for GTA:C, but i know that GTAT can do it, because they've done it before. and the project which im going to betatest for, can also do it, but they preferred the other method. quote from infopage about blue: well if you are right, then the infopage is wrong, and it might need an update actually u havent thought about it. they are gonna use scm functions but not the main.scm itself. they are gonna use a dummy scm which is fed to blue which uses scm functions to create gamemodes and bypass the limits of the scm. this is how i see it atm
  16. ok after the system crash ages ago my avatar disappeared and i never bothered putting it back, no ive noticed its back
  17. used to happen quite a lot in 0.2.2 ish. hmm from what i hear about the video he cud get u blacklisted
  18. ok ur second PC, needs its audio drivers updated, or make sure all the files in the GTAVC root\audio directory are installed. Make sure all radio, sfx, and movie sequence sounds are in there. althou ur SP will run on ur 2nd PC without audio fine, it wont in mta. its the second PC thats not synced, ur first one seems ok,
  19. because its not as easy as that, crosshair drvebys wud require additional animations n stuff, glue is an scm code that already exists
  20. I don't see why that isn't possible.. Couldnt something be set up like this: >player joins game with custom skin OR edits it in pause menu >new player's client pings the server with the gif >sever pings gif to all clients that have "download custom skins" checked in their mta copy >if a client chooses not to dl custom skins, a random skin, that hasn't been assigned to anyone in the game yet, could be given to the new player. Mta would then come standard with 31 misc skins, so if 31 unique players joined the game each skin would be used. >using simple parsing, the same local skin could be reused based on the players name. for example: the mta client randomly assigns one texture to all players with "[KFC]" in the begining of their name... thus ppl concerned about bandwidth can opt to not dl textures, whilst others can. Plus the server needs to be able to allow \ disallow custom skins. that sounds very good. well thought
  21. you didnt phrase that right. do u mean skins (as in changing the colour n stuff of it), scm spawns, models, or just the amount of different mopeds there are in vc. and from what you say it sounds like your referring to GTASA
  22. You want glue with cars, right? Well I don't know if you realize what this would look like.. it would be a bit un-realistic.. one of the methods of "glue" they talk about is an opcode in scm that hooks the player to a car, aka puts the player in 'turret-mode'. I believe turret mode is first-person, because if you would see yourself it would not look that realistic. I have seen it myself, and it makes the player float in the air at an offset from the specified car. I could see this happening with boats, but cars... ? actually no, u'll be standing/crouching on the car. look at the glue topic....damnit its sumwhere here. if u play gtasa 2player it also has 'glue', but if the car crashes u fall off. edit: found it, http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=4804&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=15
  23. The only people who will have a copy are me, Oli, and noog (Simon) as far as I know. sorry, i get it now, misread the post.
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