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Everything posted by darkdreamingdan

  1. ur gteting it all wrong, mario kart is barely like playing normal mario, it involves different methods of combat, using 'pickups' in which u get a weapon randomly, red turtle shells are homing and are shot, green fire in front, banana skins are dropped and if u drive on them u slip and u spin out of control, losing speed etc (look above for more detail)
  2. make sure your 'legal' copy of VC has all the necessary files in the audio directory, and make sure your 'real' VC disc 2 is inserted when u run it if ur not using a crack. Try updating your audio drivers, updating gta3 etc
  3. erm afaik when u install VC it automatically sets all your files to read only
  4. When you add GTA3:MTA to the ASE browser list make sure you choose 'Multi Theft Auto' and NOT 'GTA3:MTA'
  5. did u type your external IP? If so, try connecting on OMG eai didnt finish with the word 'eAi' at the end of his post!!!111!!!
  6. yes it shud be transparent, and why is the map slanted like that, and yes a zoom in and out wud be good. but i reckon it'd be easier just to have another button to see the whole of vice. and this overlay map - will it replace the radar, thats seem to have disappeared edit: i get why the map is slanted. but if u do make a button to see the whole map, then it shud stay still and only the player arrow moves
  7. when carkilling, this was the case in portland, carkills are no credited to noone, no matter how near you are. but normal kills are however credited to the nearest person
  8. about the screenie eai - it doesnt show where you are on it
  9. im not sure what it is then, but i'd guess its lag , does it happen in all servers, even ones in your area?
  10. what internet speed are u on, i remember this happning to me on dialup only
  11. heres my evaluation of gamebro's post make sum sort of handling distort, difficulty 2/5 easy, just change the nitro code that the mta team already have difficulty 1/5 Certainly the green turtle shells not sure about red ones thou, u cud use vc's auto aim like in the hunter maybe thou difficulty 3/5 Like you said, one day difficulty 5/5 simple, difficulty 2/5 maybe, i myself am not sure how ur gonna have all the powers of star. difficulty 4/5 i think that could be done, even by unsyncing the player for a short while, and the stealing wudnt be needed difficulty 2/5 i think this could be done if u have a code to limit the speed of the karts difficulty 3/5 The rest is pretty much pipsqueak remember, this is everything afaik, if anyone thinks these are wrong, feel free to say also revolver, if u do develop this, i suggest you use the bike instead of the rc car, and change the model, this is because u'll fall off n stuff, althou there'd bve probs with leaning...but im sure u cud make it that if u slip on a banana u fall off ur kart. if uve played Vice City Deluxe there's a quad bike make from a bike's stats. and if u do make the bike, it'd be best to make 'green turtle shells' as a drive-by, replace the uzi and change the model to make it look like a rocket launcher or summin then make the bullet pace slow n stuff
  12. yes he does, but with the list of things gamebro made, it seems slightly farfetched, oim sure u'll be able to get summin similar, but not exact.
  13. well yeah, you'll be playing in the backround, just with a map overlay, just like in Mafia. think of it like the chatbox or summin. it'll simply show a transparent map that u can see while you playing
  14. Well with the pause screen being binded to summin else, i thought an overlay map wud be a good idea. you press a button (maybe u can set it to toggle or hold in options) and it shows the map which is semi-transparent so u can drive and look at the map. im sure you can easilly do this with dx overlay - but how about having the blips on the map like the radar - would that be a challenge? if youve played the mafia then im sure you'l know what im talking about (the best screenie i could find) it would aso be cool if this was a seperate ad on, i hate checking the map atm in vc, takes to long and the big pik arrow blocks ur view of everything, and with SA i have to check the map all the time on the PS2. which is a hassle with all the slow zooming in n stuff
  15. there have been quite a number of template entries - what i hate to see is people put lots of effort into there whatever and it ending up with no gain. take flit -very nice template if u read his last two posts u can tell he's starting to get dissapointed. also the mta vid competition, it annoyed me how it was just cancelled - i understand why the mta team cancelled it, but that doesnt chaneg the fact that it annoyed me still. i'd really like to see his effort pay off. now we'll have to wait for the mta team to see if they add the affliate
  16. u bumped like a 5month old topic
  17. all i can find is that because gta3 uses a different island changing system to VC, and thats not incredible detail http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=6566&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 the poll itself has no 'incredible detail' to why it doesnt work. and i have searched, and havent found anything, if u do know a topic, and refer it to me i'd appreciate it.
  18. rofl Possible using Blue's modding capabilities perhaps? well i thought the reason mta's replays were short caus eof the load on the scm, with blue allowing lots of scm code, shudnt it be normal SP length anyway
  19. just make a mini banner and im sure they'll add you
  20. well i like the horn button how it is, anyway thats not a major issue. i think the warning shud be added. but first the mta team shud explain why the changing islands thing required seperate islands, i fail to see why we can fly to staunton and have shootouts there, the reason i put accross this point was not just cause u can get stranded, but the fact that its supposed to be buggy or summing. yes and i did relise about the random ammu, but i think its easier to do if u glitch there.
  21. thats exactly what i find - pings seem to be much better in gta3mta
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