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Everything posted by darkdreamingdan

  1. Really, this is basically the best solution. MTA:SA has mastered the design of the mod in terms of syncing, scripting and gameplay. It would require reworking of our game_sa layer in particular because that contains code specific to SA. game_sa is by no means a small module, so it would require specific attention and work to be successful
  2. For this kind of thing i recommend you use IRC rather than the forums, unless you request in advance. Otherwise you'll probably end up with a small playerbase.
  3. This is due to floating point inaccuracies, which happens due to the fact that MTA has to interpret the data when you use an MTA function. You may want to consider using tables instead, or storing it as a string as robhol suggested.
  4. Hi there We're aware of this issue, and its currently reported to our bugtracker: http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=4391 For now, the only way to use the map editor is to start the MTA Server executable, and type in "start editor" after it has launched. After that, connect to your local server (default address is )
  5. Nightly backwards compatibility depends entirely on changes made during the day. A change that modifies the netcode for example, will render older nightlies incompatible. It is for this reason the builds are experimental - servers and clients should be up to date. Generally speaking, you should get your players to join using the same nightly version as the server (Valhalla achieves this quite well). As far as custom maps goes, it requires the use of custom models, and the engine lua functions to import them,
  6. In that sense, storing arrays that get updated constantly is probably largely inefficient. To update a single value you have to send a completely new table.
  7. All the symptoms you described are as a result of mapmanager's call of resetMapInfo. This basically means everything is "cleaned" so that its ready for the next mode. Such functions are required, so that when you switch from ctf to tdm you dont get strange effects carrying over such as money,armour skin that may have adverse affects. The idea of an "embedded" gamemode isnt something that i would scrutinize, but you may need a modified mapmanager to take it into account.
  8. The "name" parameter is hardcoded. You should be able to use getTeamFromName.
  9. darkdreamingdan


    1.0 will offer an md5 function built in, otherwise i dont know of any hashers.
  10. darkdreamingdan


    Well, it all depends on the server really. If you are planning to install mods to your installation of the game, you should bear in mind many servers will consider this cheating and you should be wary of this. As far as i know, MTA doesnt have any intentional blocking methods for mods. However, I am aware that total conversion mods such as GTA:United are not compatible. I can't see there being an issue with small things such as car replacements. That said, if you're planning on setting up a server i recommend you use MTA's own modding engine. This basically means the server admin decides what mods are installed (the client automatically downloads and installs these mods). This is more acceptable since people do not gain an unfair advantage due to modified files.
  11. darkdreamingdan

    MTA Unicode

    As jhxp stated, we'd be more than happy if someone submitted a patch to fix this. And robhol, no one was "nagging" till you arrived . I would not be surprised if he's correct in saying that russian speakers prefer to be able to type in russian. Either way, as you said, it probably doesnt affect our priorities but an external contributor would be very helpful.
  12. Clearly this guy knows nothing about MTA, and is here to troll. I think robhol summed up everything else- though just to clarify robhol, he doesnt seem to be able to differentiate MTA:Race from 1.0. Locked
  13. You shouldnt have to be restarting your resource at the end of a round, this just shows that things arent coded very nicely. You should be able to manage this all without giving the resource access to start/stop resources.
  14. Usually pressing alt+tab twice to force MTA into focus solves the issue.
  15. No, its clearly a clientside script, which doesnt have a player parameter.
  16. The timer should display to everyone even on join. I've just realised i forgot to code this. I'll fix this soon. edit: This is now fixed! Update your missiontimer resource Also i just tested count up timers. The "duration" parameter is ignored for them.
  17. Check the "deathmatch" gamemode, this is an example use of the gamemode. It uses the "createMissionTimer" function to create a timer, and then the onMissionTimerElapsed event to trigger at the end: g_MissionTimer = exports.missiontimer:createMissionTimer (g_TimeLimit,true,true,0.5,20,true,"default-bold",1) addEventHandler ( "onMissionTimerElapsed", g_MissionTimer, onTimeElapsed ) Then you use the onTimeElapsed function that you attached to the handler at the end of the timer. The arguments for createMissionTimer as follows: createMissionTimer ( duration, countdown, showCS, x, y, bg, font, scale ) * duration - The time in milliseconds * countdown - A bool of whether to countdown or count up. Setting it to true will count down from the duration, setting it to false will count up to the duration (latter isnt tested yet) * showCS - A bool of whether to show Centiseconds. true shows them, false hides them. Showing centi seconds means its in the format of MM:SS:CS (e.g. 12:31:10), hiding them means its in the format of MM:SS (12:31) * x,y - Position on the screen, this uses "smart positioning". It can be relative or absolute - the deathmatch gamemode creates it at 0.5,20. This means the x value is in the centre, the y is 20pixels from the top. If you specify a negative value it draws the other way, i.e. -20 would be 20pixels from the bottom rather than the top. The same can be done for x. * bg - Whether to draw the default rounded-rectangle behind the timer. Setting this to false will hide it * font - The font of the timer. Looks best in default-bold * scale - The size of the text/bg. There are also some other exported functions that you may or may not need: setMissionTimerTime ( missionTimer, time ) --Sets the countdown/countup target time getMissionTimerTime ( missionTimer ) --Gets the number currently on the clock setMissionTimerFrozen ( missionTimer, frozen ) --Freeze the timer isMissionTimerFrozen ( missionTimer ) To remove a missiontimer from the screen, use destroyElement. Please also bear in mind missiontimer is only compatible with 1.0.
  18. Yeah, I guess i'll remove such objects from the list temporarilly when i find time. But really these crashes in MTA need to be fixed.
  19. You can use Notepad++ with an API to facilitate this by using autocomplete. There's a topic on the API somewhere on the forums.
  20. Ped support is only for the latest development build. These are not official releases (i.e. not dp2.x) but developer builds for the upcoming release of 1.0. These beta builds are available to the public but you have to be aware that they're not ready for public release. If you're interested in giving them a try visit http://code.google.com/p/multitheftauto ... htlyBuilds
  21. ASE is meant to be removed, it was recently replaced with a custom open-source query (iirc), i'm not sure why you should be needing to download the ASE SDK anymore, that's probably a mistake
  22. I dont exactly remember. All i remember is: 1) I was a keen GTAIII modder, i used to love adding new vehicles and at one point made my own "realgta" gtaIII installation, all vehicles replaced + stuff like Odie's stuntpark 2) I eventually did stumble upon MTA somehow. But what i stumbled upon was GTA3MTA. After trying to get this working, it was pretty poor as no one played it and i couldnt ever get a proper game going (even over LAN). 3) Since i had downloaded ASE for gta3mta (and from thereon used it as my main server browser app), and noticed the frequent updates for MTAVC, and the impressive playerbase. I decided to take a gamble and bought VC off of ebay for £20 or so (i think it was because i was too young to buy it in a shop haha) for PC (despite playing it to death on PS2 already). At the time MTAVC was at version 0.2 - (i recall announcements for the stuntmode in 0.2.2 and screenshots for it). I installed it and that's basically why im here (as for the forums and being a community member rather than just a player for several months, that was as a result of joining VCP...which is another story in itself)
  23. You havent set the propogated argument in addEventHandler to "false". This means that the event is propogated down from its parents when fired. The implications of this are that clicking the window rather than the button will also trigger this handler.
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