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Everything posted by Iggy

  1. TI - 24s Beatles - While my guitar gently weeps
  2. *Iggy sneaks behind eAi and quickly wraps a paper bag around his head and drags him into the darkness* Nice job Blokker, had a good time reading it, this guy shows that he doesn't even know much about the subject of gaming by replying your huge e-mail with 2 sentance reply. In fact that shows to me that he doesnt know much about the case at all, shouldn't he have more to defend himself with then 2 sentances?
  3. OK MAD_BOY, whatever you say. Locked
  4. The game is not crashing at all because your using a burnt cd/crack, its just part of mta, its in beta, so dont expect better. I'de agree about the client though, could be a little more colorful.
  5. It's not that bad scarface, could use some better gfx though.
  6. I think a kinda 2 player co op over ps2 would be fun... but they wouldnt have to make a whole new mp mode for pc in my eyes, maybe just port the 2 player co op to the pc from the ps2.
  7. Worked fine when I installed it
  8. Iggy

    DOOM 3

    Stanton, stfu, last warning.
  9. Nice job dgtadude, I like it.
  10. haha they switched forums because there other one got totally spammed....
  12. MB, 3d platformers can be good with a d-pad, they just need to tweak it right, have you played Super Monkey Ball Jr. for the GBA? Its a great 3d game that is JUST like super monkey ball for the gc, and handles just as well with the d-pad.
  13. yeh, .1 was real stable, me and Manix and newbinator used to stunt so much in it.....but i bet no one even remembers them now...ah....back then.
  14. If you wanna get in there gang im sure all you'de have to do is say "lmfao lmao lmao kan eye b in ur 1339 gange? lol roflmao lol lol lol"
  15. Complements to whoever made that name up... Its brilliant, so original.
  16. Iggy

    Gangwar rules for GTA3

    I really hope capture the whoopee will be implemented in the next version....i wanted that so bad in .3...
  17. No its just the same as single player, dodos are fun
  18. What kind of genious idea do you have trx?
  19. Do you Have to Put indents After every Sentence?
  20. some of us just have a deep craving to bring on da pain! Who cares? Get outta my topic!
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