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Everything posted by Iggy

  1. Im not sure but its 50% (look at the progress on http://www.mtavc.com )
  2. Opium: AJH is a mta Developer.
  4. .4 SERVER JUST RELEASED OMG!!!one!11!!1!!!!1!two!!!one
  5. Ask in irc, irc://irc.gamesurge.net/multitheftauto if you need to register type /authservserv register
  6. b stands for beta and a stands for alpha, mta was out of alpha stage by then. (if they ever were even in one)
  7. I never said release, i said beta, this is the 4th beta stage of mtavc/mtagta3, thats what the .4 means...
  8. Its not up for download yet, but soon my friend, be patient...
  9. Just stating the obvious for those who havn't noticed.... http://www.mtavc.com MTA 0.4 (100%) Congratulations on finishing the 4th beta of mtavc/mtagta3 MTA Team, its a gonna be a great one.
  10. This topics dead...whyed phil have to revive it.....guess i wont lock it though since twwix hasnt said anything yet (even though im not suspecting he is going to)
  11. Iggy

    Not happy

    Thats the reason that i've kept my seperate formatted-back-to-windows-ex-linux drive in its seperate partion, i dont want stuff like that to happen, you could prolly find some of the files with one of those recovery programs, good luck though.
  12. There is no way the programs would run on the xbox.
  13. Take your damn advertising somewhere else!
  14. I buy ALOT of things off the net and i've never had problems, how much you paying? I got a 9600 x 128, and love it.
  15. Iggy

    Far Cry

    I play it, making a map right now, and I also play it online alot, ffa is fun in mp_monkeyisland.
  16. Iggy

    Driver 3

    No warez you dumbass, and for the record, driv3r sucks ass.
  17. Neither of the links work. Why!?!?!?!?!?
  18. Iggy

    GTA VC Sweden

    Just give up. There is no point, you will never get anywhere on this mod and never get anything done, and you'll never be successfull in life because of it.
  19. Iggy

    VcXs is no more

    KungFu- I remember Vcxs, cause I was here before you
  20. Iggy

    Pure Pwnage

    Theres no way hes just acting this out and making fun of gamers......
  21. Thanks for those pics mad_boy! good for people who havnt seen the articly, i have though, im subscribed to Game Informer, awesome magazine.
  22. The drama! Its like a soap opera! How about we all grow up and get over it.
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