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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Iggy

  1. Whats so funny!? I like making things sticky!
  2. Iggy

    main. scm

    Barton Waterducks scm editor is the best
  3. AAD: double post again and your ass is grass..... and im the lawnmower
  4. Iggy

    New Console

    nintendo is never going to leave the console buisness, no question about that. and im sure maybe one day sega will be back (hopefully) also- no way this thing is fake, it's %100 percent real, but its a gamble.
  5. Iggy

    New Console

    awesome but...how...is..this...possible to do!?
  6. Iggy


    Any members yet, keva?
  7. Iggy


    rofl keva, nice one
  8. Iggy

    Forum Bug

    The forums having a gangbang?
  9. Iggy

    Suspended Gang

    never seen this gang before......
  10. bah we all know you guys are talking about warez Locked
  11. xerox...its not gonna work....theres...no...way...
  12. ive already seen the picture before. OLD.
  13. lol kungfu, where do you get all these pictures?
  14. Shit! I just lost about 400 posts.
  15. http://www.kungfunation.com/images/midgehat.jpg Thats a boston terrior! I have to dogs, and there both Boston Terriors. But the hat still s0x0rs
  16. Cerb thinks im his slave so and told me to post this for him, but sure whatever. So, this means that I might have gotten banned because someone in my subnet got banned and the server did a wildcard ban on them? When I try to access the link it fails to find a page, so perhaps this is what happened? As this seems to be the most likely cause of the problem, I shall hold off from contacting my internet provider until the ban list has been cleared. For the record, my specific IP is "" and changes rarely.
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