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Everything posted by Tut

  1. Temporarily banned for cheating, no mistake was made in banning you
  2. Temporarily banned for cheating, we made no mistake banning you
  3. Tut


    Ban removed day of appeal, apologies
  4. Tut


    The ban was removed 3 weeks after appeal, apologies
  5. Temporary bans cannot be appealed.
  6. Please understand that we take it seriously when someone claims to have been banned in error, as this would indicate other players may be affected as well. It's therefore a priority issue and the time we spend reviewing it could be spent in other places. You cheated on MTA, and within 24 hours of receiving the ban, we kicked you for trying to spoof your serial in order to attempt to evade the ban.
  7. Closing this as you mentioned in a more recent appeal that it contains the wrong serial
  8. Stop spamming and wait for a response to your original appeal
  9. We know about your activities and have clear evidence to back up the ban. Please don't come to our website or Discord again claiming to have been falsely banned when clearly that is not the case, and you know that.
  10. Is this something that you want for a server or just for you to play around with yourself? I've used Hedit a lot, it lets you save handlings as well https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=3716
  11. What's your MTA serial @Gallo 914 ? Press F8 and type serial
  12. Hey @Diaz4986, you're right in thinking that the video shouldn't be posted here, and that is also true for the IP and other player information that you posted here. Please don't post that on the public forums again. Cheater reports can be sent via PM to Dutchman101
  13. Second appeal moved into its original
  14. Locking this as you have an existing open appeal
  15. Let us know your MTA serial and the reason for your appeal in a new post thanks
  16. Tut


    @Kabooos. please edit your post and include more details about the server that you're advertising.
  17. Please understand we are not able to respond in time to every appeal but we do try our best
  18. Uninstall the cheat and delete anything that may not have been uninstalled as advised above, it's rather simple. The ban lasts 10 days total
  19. Moved this into the Portuguese section so that you can receive help on this.
  20. Moved into the Spanish servers to play on section.
  21. Sorry this was an error made on our part, unbanned Aug 15
  22. Temporary bans cannot be appealed. We do value your honesty in the second appeal though.
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