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Everything posted by Tut

  1. Moved a duplicate appeal into your existing appeal, and closed another one. Please submit only 1 appeal per issue
  2. I have moved your duplicate appeal into the original appeal.
  3. We see every appeal, and there's no need to create more than 1 appeal per issue so I'm closing this one.
  4. Closing this as duplicate
  5. Tut


    Closing this as duplicate.
  6. Please include your MTA serial in a new appeal. Note that we don't accept appeals for temporary bans, but if you feel that this ban was invalid or we can improve our systems we're happy to look into it
  7. As previously said please do not post information about players publicly, as this could compromise their security and or privacy. For reporting cheaters please private message @Dutchman101 here or in Discord, thanks
  8. Closing this as duplicate. Please continue waiting for a response to your original appeal
  9. The ban wasn't related to any ENB mod but rather a mistake on our part, don't worry - you can continue using it as you wish
  10. Moved another appeal into the original, no need to create any more appeals @Nearway49
  11. Closing this as duplicate
  12. Closing this as duplicate.
  13. I have moved another duplicate appeal into the original
  14. I have moved your duplicate appeal into the original.
  15. We last responded to you 8 months ago with 'this ban will never be removed', so you may want to find another game.
  16. This is the third appeal we're responding to, no.
  17. Closing this as duplicate
  18. Moved another appeal into this one. No more appeals thank you.
  19. I have moved your duplicate appeal into your original.
  20. We have already responded to you on several other appeals and accounts, let's just end it here
  21. I have moved your second appeal into the orginal appeal.
  22. Closing this as you have since remade your appeal with the serial
  23. Closing this as duplicate. We have already responded to your previous appeal, and we will not be debating this ban anywhere.
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