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[PiG] Ponch

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Everything posted by [PiG] Ponch

  1. I never thought I'd see the day where people would call having high ping "cheating" Personally, I find it makes no difference to me whether they have 'high' or 'low' ping. I think the main problem is 56k'ers joining servers with many people connected. I've watched my bandwidth meter as I play as I can tell you there is NO way 56k'ers can download the required amount of data to keep their games in sync with the rest of us. Hence you can't shoot them because their side is not registering your bombardment of updates telling them they're being shot. Yes, Ping is still a part of the problem, but you can compensate for that. As for dropped Data... EAT MY UPDATES SCUMBAG
  2. lol, it was only an excuse to rouse people and to use bold I get like that sometimes. No harm intented
  3. bLo0dD, if you make your own multiplayer mod then you can get it finished at YOUR own pace. (Then see how LONG it takes!!!)
  4. Mr Bump knows how to keep people happy
  5. I look like a cop... There ARE cops in deathmatch...
  6. Ahhhh. I remember the good old days when people read instructions and readme files. The config files are remarked, explaining every line in the cfg file bit by bit. as for the admin tools last I looked every button had text next to them. READ THE README FILES AND CFG FILES FOR ALL THE INFO YOU NEED... (don't be lazy )
  7. [PiG] Pusher isn't banned. He's just been a bit busy...
  8. WTF? That aimed at me? I hope it's aim at MTA watchdog...
  9. Bloody Pusher! I talk to him most days and he seemed to have forgotten to tell me. Oh well... Cheers Dealer...
  10. Is this still going to happen?
  11. [PiG] Ponch

    A few Q's

    I think you'll find VC isn't compatible with some formats of mp3's. Re-encode them at a different bitrate and give that a go...
  12. fisrt-time-gta3-user... Why are you using a sig which is EXACTLY THE SAME as others? Can't you make your own stunts? Only reason why I am saying this is because I HATE that sig. It's takes ages to load and it's slow...(and boring) About fraps... Make sure you record using the SAME fps as the file has been setup for... I.E. if you're recording at 15 fps make sure that your final file settings are set for 15 too, otherwise it WILL play faster than It should be...
  13. I must be drunk... I'm seeing double post! and both are in the wrong topics!
  14. http://www.vcas.tk is SLOOOOOOOOW! and boring! and your forums have all kinds of errors going on... Pictures Pictures Pictures. Why am I waiting for TEXT???? One word... TEST Test your site... It took me five seconds to get an error...
  15. This has gone completely off topic! From skipping the vids to using controlers on your PC. What's next?
  16. More to the point. WTF is he talking about? EDIT: lol from their website: No leader ay? This was posted lastnight!
  17. Mr. Bill you SHOULD close this as it's talking about breaking R*'s VC's EULA. By law you're not allowed to reverse engineer/unpack/decompile the games exe file. YES - THIS IS A 'TAG' (tad ) ILLIGAL! Especially since [MV]Alex3305 has started to hint on the warez side of things, this thread is starting to become naughty. VERY BAD BEHAVIOUR OF A MODERATOR!!! I hope the MTA team is happy with you talking about warez... You're supposed to be stopping this warez talk, [MV]Alex3305, instead of instigating talk about it. Why does Chewd even have any reason to decompile the exe? Unless you're going to do something you shouldn't be doing in the first place? The game runs fine as it is doesn't it?
  18. ... and then you get industrial wire cutters and cut the cables holding them into place and then you get a hacksaw and break the lock off... Not too hard to get your computer I think... Where do you live again? We have locks on the computers at work and I recon it would take me a whole 30 seconds to get the locks off... When someone is going to steal a case or bits inside I doubt they care about a 'little' damage. How about a bios/windows password? Forget it. All you have to do is remove the jumper on the motherboard and *POOF* password has gone. Windows password. No problems either brute force the password or wipe the entire system. When you've just scored a new computer your not gonna care about the data that belongs to another person... What Coolnat2004 is descibing are theft deterrents... (makes the theif realise they should have brought their wire cutters
  19. You could give fraps 1.9a a try... instead of version 1.9d or 2 http://www.fraps.com
  20. Shaolin Soccer "Thank you, for finding me little brother..."
  21. Looking at porn at school? Oh how things have changed over the years. *Remembering the days of actually learning*
  22. update is an update... The cfg file is already there when you install VC moron? ouch that's harsh...
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