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Everything posted by NeXuS™

  1. I just came back from a long break because of an another motorcycle accident. Feels awesome mate.

    1. Lorder


      Glad you're back = )

  2. You have to use a table, if you wish to give different money on different vehicle IDs. If you have a calculation for it, you can just use that. local moneyTable = { [405] = 2.15, [411] = 20.15 }
  3. You can just use a command for it, so it's not that hard. I won't download the script itself, and you shoudn't too, if you want to learn scripting. Search for the radar x and y coord in the script and then use addCommandHandler to register a command which would change the x and y variable to the passed one.
  4. NeXuS™


    It'll only trigger for alive CT players. "This'll trigger the number of alive CT players." So if there are 10 alive CTs, it'll trigger 10 times.
  5. NeXuS™


    This'll trigger the number of alive CT players. What do you want to do exactly? Check if there is any alive player from the terrorist team?
  6. Add debugging.... endtimeRound1 = setTimer(function() local getCTscore1 = getElementData(scoreCT1, "roundswonbyct1") local getTscore1 = getElementData(scoreT1, "roundswonbyt1") setElementData(scoreCT1, "roundswonbyct1", getElementData(scoreCT1, "roundswonbyct1") + 1) triggerClientEvent("getitServer1", resourceRoot, getCTscore1, getTscore1) outputChatBox("Trigger") end, 129000, 0)
  7. "Not working". Won't help, whats not working mate?
  8. endtimeRound1 = setTimer ( function() local getCTscore1 = getElementData(scoreCT1,"roundswonbyct1") local getTscore1 = getElementData(scoreT1,"roundswonbyt1") setElementData(scoreCT1, "roundswonbyct1",getElementData(scoreCT1,"roundswonbyct1")+1) triggerClientEvent("getitServer1", resourceRoot, getCTscore1,getTscore1) end, 129000, 0)
  9. Copy the server-sided function, which calls this event.
  10. @LoveFist, he just did a typo, it's the setTimer function, and he'll need it on client side For the answer @Avagard. You can use addEvent, addEventhandler and the do triggerClientEvent. If you do this way, you can use setTimer on serverside.
  11. Because the question got answered in Hungarian, it should be moved to the Hungarian Section. @Dutchman101
  12. You'll have to change the hydra's texture with a shader mate.
  13. local gs_ArmedVehicles = {[425] = true,[447] = true,[520] = true,[430] = false,[464] = false,[432] = false} function checkNoDMGreen() local playerT = getElementsByType("player") for i, thePlayer in ipairs(playerT) do if getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer) and getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat(thePlayer) == 0 then local noDm = getElementData(thePlayer,"invincible") or getElementData(thePlayer,"green") if gs_ArmedVehicles[getElementModel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer))] then if noDm or green then -- check elementData here then usetoggleControl toggleControl(thePlayer, 'vehicle_fire', false) toggleControl(thePlayer, 'vehicle_secondary_fire', false) else toggleControl(thePlayer, 'vehicle_fire', true) toggleControl(thePlayer, 'vehicle_secondary_fire', true) end end end end setTimer(checkNoDMGreen,100,0) I think you want this to happen.
  14. No, you'll have to use executeSQLQuery and then use inspect on it's return value.
  15. I'll create an advanced system in like 2 hours, if you can wait that time, you'll see what I got.
  16. I think it's only possible with more rectangles. You could use interpolateBetween to calculate the color.
  17. I think it's 2 mb because of the alpha layer.
  18. And what is the error?
  19. Easily, you could trigger a starting function to the client side whenever the round starts with an integer as an argument which represents the length of the round. After, you can use getTickCount to calculate the remaning time.
  20. Do you want a panel or just commands?
  21. Are you using dxDrawMaterialLine3D?
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