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Everything posted by NeXuS™

  1. Works totally fine for me. Btw, you dont have to calculate every variable each frame, so just move them out from the function.
  2. If this is the whole script, it's not even near to long. Give me a minute, I'm gonna test it.
  3. NeXuS™


    For my guess too, it is dxDrawLine3D. Why do you think it is not?
  4. Use <code> tag instead of spoiler.
  5. dxDrawText("Test text please work already", startXTest, sy/2-15, startXTest+3, sy/2+15,tocolor(0,0,0,255),1,"arial","left","center",true,false,false) Try this one.
  6. Yep, performance, if you have 2000 lines in your script, not in a little script, like this one. And by hackers, it's not really common, that you'll find a hacker who can get your FTP connection and download files from there, which in case, he can download and delete everything, not just scripts.
  7. You dont need to encrypt SERVER SIDED scripts. Post this in your language if you hardly understand simple english. Go to Other languages and search for your language.
  8. But why do you need to encrypt it?
  9. Why do you have to encrypt the server-sided script mate?
  10. You don't have to encrypt the server-sided script, it's totally enough to encrypt only the client-sided script.
  11. You dont have to encrypt server-sided scripts.
  12. Try adding this <min_mta_version server="1.5.2-9.07903"/>
  13. Did you add "<min_mta_version>" into your meta.xml?
  14. It doesn't do any animation, just goes down instantly.
  15. NeXuS™


    Just import the dff file into 3ds max, and export it's col file.
  16. Replace both "thePlayer" at line nr. 8 and line nr. 12 with "hitElement".
  17. I think you can move the window by setVehicleComponentPosition.
  18. Mate, you dont have to control the movements of the fork, MTA does it itself. Just use ANY keybind to move the fork, and the attached element will move without any problem or script.
  19. Yep @LopSided_, re-read it already, and found that I misread his comment.
  20. Feel free to test it @CodyJ(L), works as it is supposed to work.
  21. Just attach an element to the vehicle, and use the fork by your keyboard. The attached object will move with the fork. Yes, I tested it. local forkVeh = createVeh(getVehicleIDFromName("Forklift"), 0, 0, 10) local testObject = createObject(1337, 0, 0, 0) attachElements(testObject, forkVeh) And as you use your bind to move the fork up, the testObject will also move with it.
  22. If you use attachElements, and offsets, the attached elements will move as the fork moves up or down.
  23. Whenever a player joins, or quits (onPlayerJoin, onPlayerQuit) add a message to the table (tableName[#tableName] = ... or table.insert(tableName, ...)), and cycle through them and just draw them out.
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