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Everything posted by Tekken

  1. Ai citit postul nu? Daca nu dute pe prima pagina si vezi ce trebuie sa faci pentru a primi ajutor.
  2. (caugh)LINK(caugh) Chiar era nevoie?
  3. I haven't told you brainless, I actually haven't told you anything. I know you where trying to help and it's ok I appreciate any help I got. Greetings. And please don't start a fight.
  4. Thanks Won't work server-side cause testLineAgainstWater it's a client-only function. Anyway I just needed the coordinates -3000 and 3000 cause players will anyway spawn really high up in the sky with a parachute.
  5. What do you mean by "z of x, y is positive" ?
  6. Tekken

    Decrypt Please

    Why are you so sure?
  7. First error simply says that there is no table named weaponSkinTable and the second one tells you to add an end after loaded = false.
  8. Tekken

    Decrypt Please

    I can decompile it and I'm 100% sure MTA dev already knows most of us can but they can't do much. Anyway I won't decompile it.
  9. Hi, I want to get random coordinates on the map to spawn players. I know I can do something like math.random(2000, 4000) but I don't know there the map starts and ends. I know it ends at about 6000(or something similarly) but almost half of that value is water and I don't want players to spawn in water. Can someone tel me there the ground actually starts and ends ? I mean the coordinates, the Z coordinate doesn't mean that much, I just need X and Y. Thanks.
  10. I wanted to work along with others on the "Official MTA:DayZ team" but at that time L thought I am not good enough to work with them, so I decided to do my own thing. At this time I don't want to contribute to that gamemode simply 'cause I don't like what have become. I also want to work in my way, I don't like to have someone asking me to do things when they want. Wish you the best. Greetings.
  11. Oh yes, man WTF is wrong with me!? Thanks dude.
  12. Hello, I have made a gui label witch changes the texts when needed but if the text is to large it will just go outside the label and will no longer be visible like in this screenshot: As you can see the text goes out of the visible area of the label: Instead of "Are you sure you want to destroy your team (Tekken City)?" you see "e you sure you want to destroy your team (Tekken City)" Can I make something like this: Are you sure you want to destroy your team (Tekken City)? If yes, how?
  13. Check the main topic there I explain that I'm not. All scripts I release on MTA Community are 100% made by me, although you gave me the idea of that clothing system. I do not claim ownership over any scripts that are included in this gamemode, none at all, everyone it's free to do whatever they want to this gamemode as long as the original credits aren't removed. I hope you haven't thought I want to steal your code. You can always check the code by downloading the source from GitHub and see that my code is way different from yours. Hope you don't want to start a MTA drama. Greetings.
  14. UPDATE 09.07.2016 Working on New team system.(80% Done)(Screenshot) Clothing system.(0% Done) I hope you like the changes I made, if you have any suggestions please feel free to reply. *I don't know when I will finish them. But the Team system it's almost done.
  15. [quote name=..&G:..] M-am pisat pe mine de ras cand am citit asta ... +1 In plus nu cred ca era nevoie de un topic avand in vedere ca pana acum tot ce ai facut tu este doar un panou de log in. Oricum o sa mai dau "tarcoale" pe aici sa vad cum merde developmentul. Cat despre faza co copyright pe cei de la MTA ii doare in $#^@ de resursele/serverul/drepturile tale de autor, si nu o sa faca nimic daca maine eu ma trezesc sa fac un server cu acelasi nume.
  16. Cum cu celelalte sunt de acord cu _sEEk_ nu-mi ramane decat sa evaluez singurul server de DayZ din romania. [RedFear] Top-DayZ International/Romania Originalitate: 5/10 Desi proprietarul a incercat el sa il faca umpic mai "unicat" nu ii iese el doar modificand scripturile pe care le gaseste pe diverse forumuri. Calitate scripturi: 4/10 Vreau sa spun ca nici n-am apucat sa joc 2 minute si deja am dat de un bug important. Mai exact nu puteam folosi inventarul de iteme. Designul serverului e de tot rahatul. Amuzament: N/A Cum am dat peste acel bug nu am mai jucat deloc. Scripturi leaked: N/A Nu am de unde sa imi dau seama. O nota la total sa zicem 5/10. Dupa parerea mea nu se merita sa iti pierzi timpul cu acest server.
  17. Ceva de genu' local window = guiCreateWindow(0, 0, 0.5, 0.4, "Asta ar fi panoul", true); local open = false; bindKey("F1", "down", function() if (open == false) then guiSetVisible(window, true); open = true; else guiSetVisible(window, false); open = false; end end);
  18. Hi, Yes I'm still working on it but I only fix bugs and things like that I don't want to add new things. My main focus is to: Create a new team system Optimize the code as much as I can Recreate the zombie system However I don't have time cause right now it's the end of the high-school and I have exams and I also want to get my driver license so... Anyway if you have any idea or you want to improve something you are free to pull requests to: https://github.com/mihayy5/mtadayz07 Greetings.
  19. Tekken

    Problemă Gui

    Daca nu are 0 in fata inseamna ca sunt pozitii relative adica intre 0 si 1, daca nu are atunci nu sunt relative adica are o anumita marime de pixeli. 0 inseamna coltul din stanga al monitorului iar 1 cel din dreapta. Daca te uiti bine aici undeva scrie asta: relative: This is whether sizes and positioning are relative. If this is true, then all x,y,width,height floats must be between 0 and 1, representing sizes/positions as a fraction of the screen size. If false, then the size and co-ordinates are based on client's resolution, accessible using guiGetScreenSize. Iar cand nu iti merge probabil folosesti pozitii relative fara sa le si activezi cu al saselea argument al guiCreateWindow.
  20. You can use string.find to check if the group name is totally different from others.
  21. I just decompiled it and trust me isn't that hard. Of course I won't share it but as Jackaboy said you should delete the link.
  22. What is Celo ? If you mean Cleo then they are disabled by default in MTA you can't start MTA SA with Cleo mods.
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