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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Hi! You can't, but you can get player's right-hand position, with getPedBonePosition. Bone ID: 25
  2. On client-side, bindKey's first argument is not the player's element. (what passed to function) So thePlayer is not a player-element, it's the pressed-key (string). You should use localPlayer.
  3. Hi! This isn't really simple for a beginner, but here is what you need. Steps 1) Load .xml file. (xmlLoadFile) 2) Create window. (guiCreateWindow) 3) Add window tabs. (guiCreateTabPanel) 4) Create a scrollPane inside "News" tab, because of the scrollbar. (guiCreateScrollPane) 5) Loop trough the loaded .xml file and create labels, inside the scrollPane. (guiCreateLabel) - Get xml attributes. (xmlNodeGetAttributes)
  4. You should try something like that, for example: -- CLIENT SIDE addEvent("trigger", true) addEventHandler("trigger", resourceRoot, function(tabletest) outputChatBox(inspect(tabletest)) end) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() -- client-side loads up, request data from server triggerServerEvent("request", resourceRoot) end) -- SERVER SIDE test = { {0, 0, 5}, {1234, 1234, 1234} } addEvent("request", true) addEventHandler("request", resourceRoot, function() -- send data back to "client" (note: "client" is a hidden-variable, when you use triggerServerEvent, its the "localPlayer", who triggered the server-sided event) if client then triggerClientEvent(client, "trigger", resourceRoot, test) end end)
  5. First argument of triggerClientEvent is sendTo. The player who receive the data. Now you try to send this to a resource, instead of a player. You should use root (or player's element) at first argument. (resourceRoot at 3rd place is okay) And when you change it, probably you get a "server triggered client-side event, but event is not added at client-side" error, because you try to send data before client-side loads. (because server-side always loads before client-side)
  6. Talán, próbáld meg kikapcsolni/letörölni.
  7. Hali. Passz, akkor is miután "vissza-tálcázol"? Esetleg próbálj meg teljes-képernyős ablakos módban játszani.
  8. Send to client side, with triggerClientEvent.
  9. Hi! It's looks like a bug, or maybe it's a "tree mechanism", and trees always stay vertical. Here you can see, it's rotated because I can stand on the rotated tree.
  10. Probably because you try to use it on server-side, but localPlayer is available only on client-side.
  11. No, only with <files/>. Scripts are different, and hard to load them well. No, but here is a modified version, to load files easier. Just set model ID in meta, and its load for you. Available in latest version.
  12. Solved on Discord. (link)
  13. Patrick


    local myShader_raw_data = [[ texture Tex0; technique simple { pass P0 { Texture[0] = Tex0; } } ]] local theTechnique = dxCreateShader(myShader_raw_data) local theTechniqueon = dxCreateShader(myShader_raw_data) local texture = dxCreateTexture("vehlights.png") local texture_on = dxCreateTexture("vehlightson.png") dxSetShaderValue(theTechnique,"Tex0", texture) dxSetShaderValue(theTechniqueon,"Tex0", texture_on) -- replace everywhere, not only for a specific element (don't use 3rd arg) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(theTechnique, "vehiclelights128") engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(theTechniqueon, "vehiclelightson128")
  14. Hi! This is not script-request section, we can't send you done scripts. But you can do it yourself. Whats you need: onPlayerVehicleEnter, addCommandHandler, outputChatBox You can detect if someone enter to a vehicle with onPlayerVehicleEnter event, and then save player's name to a table for example. And you need a command, what loop trough your table and print player names out to the chat.
  15. Wrong language, moved to Arabic section.
  16. Load the model when player is in that dimension, and unload if not.
  17. Just don't use MD5, instead of bcrypt.. please. Here is NanoBob's tutorial, how to handle passwords: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/119243-user-authentication-password-handling-and-doing-it-safely/ (Functions in php: password_hash, password_verify)
  18. Nem lehet Azért van titkosítva, hogy ne bántsd.
  19. Wrong language, moved to Portuguese section.
  20. I have a resource on community, what is similar, try it out. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=18102 Just change the "collisionsmoke" to "bullethitsmoke" in client.Lua, at line 24.
  21. MAP Converters Some basic map converters that may be useful. https://mtaclub.eu/converters Please let me know if you find a bug!
  22. Probably you don't have enough free video memory.
  23. Patrick


    A resource-nak nincs joga az addBan funkciót használni. acl.xml-ben add hozzá a resourceod (mta_admin) az Admin csoporthoz.
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