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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. maybe setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled("extraairresistance", false)
  2. Wrong section and language, moved to Portuguese scripting section.
  3. Wrong language, moved to Spanish section.
  4. You can't use aclGetGroup on client-side, it's a server-sided function.
  5. What is 3R, a server? Because it's the global MTA Forum, and not a specific server's forum.
  6. Szia! Az MTA Serialod megváltoztatására nincs lehetőség. Ha pedig egy szerveren szeretnél karakterhez csatolt serial váltást kérni, akkor nem jó helyen jársz, ez a globális MTA Forum, nem egy adott szerveré.
  7. Wrong language, moved to Portuguese section.
  8. Wrong language, moved to Portuguese section.
  9. Sorry, I don't give personal help in PMs for others, but you can join to our discord server, there you can talk with others in the scripting channels. https://discord.com/invite/mtasa
  10. It's setElementData and not SetElementData.
  11. saveMapData... ? thats new for me ?
  12. Probably general.http is enabled for Default ACL group, set it to false.
  13. Loop trough all objects, get details and write it to a file, like any .map editor file. You can check the syntax in an existing .map file. Something like that -- CLIENT SIDE local objects = getElementsByType("object") local file = fileCreate("clonedmap.map") fileWrite(file, "<map>\n") for i = 1, #objects do local obj = objects[i] local x, y, z = getElementPosition(obj) local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation(obj) row = ('\t<object id="something (%d)" breakable="%s" interior="%d" collisions="%s" alpha="%d" model="%d" doublesided="%s" scale="%d" posX="%f" posY="%f" posZ="%f" rotX="%f" rotY="%f" rotZ="%f"></object>\n'):format( i, tostring(isObjectBreakable(obj)), getElementInterior(obj), tostring(getElementCollisionsEnabled(obj)), getElementAlpha(obj), getElementModel(obj), tostring(isElementDoubleSided(obj)), getObjectScale(obj), x, y, z, rx, ry, rz ) fileWrite(file, row) end fileWrite(file, "</map>") fileClose(file) Save file to mta_folder/mods/deathmatch/resources/YOUR_RESOURCE_NAME/clonedmap.map
  14. Wrong language, moved to Portuguese section.
  15. Wrong language, moved to Polish section.
  16. Hi, your topic moved to scripting section. And you should use getSoundFFTData.
  17. Wrong language, moved to Arabic section.
  18. Patrick


    Probably because you change it when respawn the player with spawnPlayer
  19. Patrick

    MTA Offline Wiki

    @ShayF2 @xFabel @DiGiTal Hi guys! It's an old topic, so probably he isn't developing it anymore. Here is the wiki dump, you can download it as zip and use offline. Link: https://github.com/qaisjp/wiki-dump (description)
  20. Hi! You can change the handling for a specific vehicle with setVehicleHandling.
  21. Találkoznod kellett vele, ha futtatsz egy szervert. Kiválasztod az adatbázist, majd Szerkezet menüpont, kijelölöd az összes táblát, és van ott egy lenyitható menü alul, abban kiválasztod az Eldobás lehetőséget és minden táblát töröl az adatbázisból. Majd vissza importálod az .sql fájlt amit a legelején, majd elindítod a szervert és ennyi. Minden visszaáll alapra.
  22. phpmyadmin-ban töröld ki a táblákat és importáld be újra az üreseket
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