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Everything posted by Blast3r

  1. Blast3r


    Da, kao sto je mega9 vec rekao, RP se bazira u potpunosti na IRL stvari te zahtjeva znanja u RPu i koristenje /me i /do komandi. Meni je iskreno RP puno drazi od RPG-a zato jer je jednostavno vise baziran na IRL kao npr morate glumiti da ste ozljedeni u udesima, ako ste upucani naravno i to, strahove od oruzja, itd, itd. Nazalost puno ljudi danasnjih dana mijesa RP i RPG ali to nije ni cudno zato jer su imena prakticni skoro pa ista, samo rijec viska na RPG...
  2. Blast3r


    Pozz ljudi, evo zanima me jel ima nekih ovdje da su hardcore RPeri i da vole RP? Ako da (ili ne) recite zasto slobodno da vidim vasa misljenja Ja iskreno nisam bio neki ljubitelj RPa dok jos 2010-e nisam usao u onaj dobar stari Valhalla Gaming. U pocetku sam bio veliki noob dok na kraju mi nije dojadilo da me svi zovu noobom pa sam zvao Gamemastera da me malo nauci, i tako kako je vrijeme prolazilo ja sve bolji i bolji bio dok se nisam ozbiljno zarazio sa RPom. Jednostavno volim RPat kao policajac, okolo se nalazit u realisticnim situacijama npr policijska potjera koja ne bi bila kao razbijaj auto koliko oces nego ako se zabijes malo jace onda si gotov, ili pomagat ljudima, zaustavljat samoubojstva i sta vec ne Zasto vi volite ili ne volite RP? Bas me zanima vase misljene
  3. Blast3r

    The last reply

    *coughs* Look at signature *coughs*
  4. Blast3r

    The last reply

    They'll end up delaying it to 2225.
  5. Blast3r

    The last reply

    It's not all about the graphics, storyline matters so the game sucks.
  6. Grafuroam* I da, ne moze se to racunat kao "prvi balkanski server" jer ne vjerujem da si to uopce ti napravio to...
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYWI9eeMAzI
  8. Hvala, takodje (Malo sam zakasnio )
  9. Blast3r

    The last reply

    Ples lemme have last reply
  10. Da, vecina balkanaca tamo na SA-MPu i tako to pa kad im kazes za MTA:SA pitaju "sta je to"... Nazalost dosta nasih ljudi samo google "San Andreas Multiplayr" i to dobiju pa propustaju ono sto je 100 puta bolje.. MTA:SA
  11. Blast3r

    The last reply

    Just the last reply passing through.
  12. Blast3r

    The last reply

    Oi! It was only 15 mins after 19th! I was counting it was still 19th
  13. Blast3r

    The last reply

    Oi! 11 days after my reply, I should've won!
  14. Blast3r


    Thanks for asking that, and yes i checked it, all of the object work in MTA expect for 19378 which is '' wall026 '' or ''wall027'' i believe. Wall is actually the reason why I asked that, since it's SA-MP object.
  15. Blast3r


    Have you even bothered implementing it into MTA? As it wouldn't work without adding the SA-MP objects into MTA itself, server sided...
  16. That's the thing... I'm not sure how it happened myself. All I did was spawn quite some rhinos into each other until one actually blew up and killed me. When I TPed back to the location, I saw the Rhino like that while the Admin that was with me (Darius) didn't see it like that. Then I decided to kill him and try to reproduce it but it was still the same for him. Once I left the area and came back, it was all back to normal
  17. Alrighty, so I was bored therefore I decided to mess around with one of my Admins... And the result... Turned quite funny actually. It all started when I bugged a Sentinel which made us fly around as we'd jump on it. Then we moved onto another vehicles, and these are the screenshots we captured of weird things going on: Annnd... This Rhino turned big when I died and TPed back to it (there were multiple in each other): Explain this shit...
  18. Blast3r

    The last reply

    What is it about? What type of gamemode?
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