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Everything posted by Blast3r

  1. Advanced Gaming Roleplay is on the lookout for experienced Roleplayers to become a part of our Admin Team! If you'd like to find out more, click this to redirect to our forum. We're looking forward to reviewing your applications, cheers!
  2. Happy New Year everyone! We've decided to start off the year with a public road map post which you can find below: Advanced Gaming Roleplay's 2025 Roadmap In addition to the Roadmap we'll also start being more active in public through Q1 2025 with advertising efforts as well as showcasing you guys what we have in store. As always, if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask them either here, on our forums or on our Discord. Cheers!
  3. Image Credit: Kewinur We're happy to announce that we're finally back online and under a new IP as well mtasa:// (same IP as before, different port however). We've made changes under the hood to protect the script from the cheaters as well as made some minor performance improvements. We'll be monitoring the situation in game and keep updating our protections further as soon as we spot any vulnerabilities. However, it is worth noting that we're currently spread between two projects (Advanced Gaming Roleplay & SAPD:FR Online) therefore feature updates will probably be on the slower side due to the commitment currently being focused on Roleplay. With that said, we do apologize for taking this long to bring the project back and do hope to see you back soon!
  4. Just a couple of community updates that we have for you. The development itself is currently going great. We've also made our forums public and do have 2 threads that we'd like you to read upon just to get a better feeling of what our community is about. Community Introduction Thread & Economy Plans Monthly Community Newsletter - August 2024 As always, if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask them either here, on our forums or on our Discord!
  5. Well guys, we're back once again. This time with a heavily improved organization in our development team. At the moment we have 3 dedicated developers as well as 2 modellers working on the project and have been making some great strides at bringing this script up to date. We're currently still in development stage therefore we're not yet ready to reveal our Roleplay setting plans but are actively posting script sneak peaks as well as answering all of your questions on our Discord which you may join at this link: http://discord.ag-rp.org/ Additionally, we've posted some more up to date screenshots onto the main thread which you can find in the "Other" spoiler and will be actively posting development updates here, on our discord as well as our upcoming forum and we can't wait to share more with you guys! And last but not least, the plan for release is aimed towards the upcoming Winter. However, at this stage we can't really say if it'll be towards the end of 2024 or early 2025, we'll let you guys know about any release date plans when we're more confident about the script reaching it's final stage.
  7. Update 1.3.3 !! Update going live on Friday, January 26 at 19:00 GMT+1 !! Bug Fixes Fixed local chat being opened if previous message ends with "y" button and enter gets pressed too quickly Fixed ALPR not shutting down after your own vehicle is destroyed Fixed "Enable Vehicle Shader" in /settings sometimes not triggering properly Fixed no Player <> Player Collision Chaos Effect Fixed Pay 'n' Spray displaying cost to Donators when it shouldn't have Fixed players being able to kill / damage each other after an event ends Fixed client-sided chaos effects staying active on a player after using /event leave Fixed player blips sometimes not being properly created (mostly the case with FD) Added a possible fix for the rare occurrence of "falling" at login screen Fixed an issue with Chaos effects "spikestrips", "explosive barrels", "road barriers" not streaming the objects in properly sometimes Added a possible fix for "Get Ramp'd" where players would get stuck into them (needs extensive testing!) General Improvements Greatly optimized how the walking peds are handled, we've had reports of improved FPS in local testing so hopefully that transfers to low end PC users Replaced LV North East Precinct map with a new one mapped by @WolfSchultz Completely replaced the old login songs with a set of new ones, we hope you'll love them as much as we do! Improved ped's fighting behavior (most noticable in street brawl) "Mexico" effect in Chaos now lasts for the entire round Updated "Spawn Rhino" Chaos effect to "Spawn Rhinos", it now spawns a random amount of Rhinos around the crook Flower, Vibrator, Dildo, Cane, Fire Extinguisher, Spraycan, Shovel, Bat, Nightstick, Golfclub are no longer deemed illegal Completely re-worked "trespassing" callout, it's not preset location based (167 locations in total) so that it actually feels like trespassing. Also added random outcomes to it as well Adjusted vehicle unlocks ranks to accommodate for the newly introduced models, see the full table of changes at the bottom of the changelog! Greatly reduced vehicle health loss for player vehicles on collisions Updated HPV1000 model (thanks @Majster), it's windshield no longer flickers upon light state changes and it now actually features department based "badges" Removed Dillimore's Station towing point as it was useless considering we already have one at the upper side of the town Updated TXDHack to fix the reverse lights that the new Merit uses as well as all the other Crown Vic police car mods (you can actually see the lines in them now when the lights are on) Updated Flint County Sheriff Department's vehicle spawn color based on the internal staff voting, it's full gray now Added a warning message once the mods are reset via SAPDFRMods for players that have "vehicle detail shaders" enabled Improved AI's turning with long vehicles (trucks, busses, limos, etc.) Busted now sets police vehicles colors & shaders based on the location they spawn in Removed Cheetah from the "Street Race in Progress" callout Re factored a ton of code to improve the overall script stability (over 3000 ineffective lines of code have been deleted!) Pulling injured peds out of their vehicles in the MVA callout now applies an injured animation to them Improved pedestrian DUI checks, they no longer "walk to a point" but act as if they're taking a breathalyzer test via random animation Removed the F3 backup menu as it was useless and nobody was truly using it /settings are now bound to the F3 button by default It's no longer possible to eject all of the peds from the vehicle by pressing "F" or "Enter" New Features Added a brand new "radial menu" which makes interactions a lot easier and quicker Completely reworked the pedestrian interactions and integrated into the new radial menu Added a "fast follow" button which will make the peds follow you with the sprint active Reworked traffic stops, they no longer use the markers but rather "click on vehicle" feature, in addition to that they also use the new radial menu making interactions smooth as butter Backup menu (B) has been moved to the new radial menu Right clicking on vehicle to call for towtrucks also brings the new radial menu MVA vehicle interaction has been updated to use the new radial menu Added a brand new police vehicle, Police Huntley, big props to @Majster for the outstanding work on the model! Replaced Unmarked Merit with a new marked Police Merit model, created by @Majster FBI Rancher has been replaced with a brand new model created by @Majster Added a brand new Bayside precinct map, now you can arrest peds there as well as use it's newly appointed vendor, thanks to @WolfSchultzfor the map! Implemented Discord Rich Presence feature Vehicle Rank Unlock Changes Vehicle - Old Rank - New Rank Police Ranger - Rank 5 (SLO/Corporal) > Rank 3 (POII/DSII) Police Huntley - Rank 6 (Sergeant I / Lieutenant) Police Merit - Rank 9 (Commander/Sheriff) > Rank 5 (SLO/Corporal) FBI Rancher > Rank 6 (Sergeant I / Lieutenant) > Rank 9 (Commander / Sheriff) Update Screenshots
  8. A Roleplay setting that this community has truly needed for a long time! Finally something fresh and unique and I absolutely love playing on the server, keep it up guys!
  9. Update 1.3.2 Bug Fixes Fixed the hole in the hood present in the Unmarked LV's model (thanks @Majster!) Peds can no longer be placed in the back of parked police vehicles Fixed exp rewards for towed vehicles Fixed ALPR text showing on top of your own vehicle if you activated it while entering the car Fixed AI transport not actually giving the money even though the UI showed it as so Fixed EXP render showing money reward even if there was no money reward (no more +0$) Fixed water level not being properly reset after it's Busted Chaos effect ends General Improvements Cuffed peds can no longer be killed to prevent other cops trolling arrests Reduced Pay 'n' Spray cost for Cheetah to 5$ as suggested by @TomAB Pay 'n' Spray now shows how much money it took from you after it fixes your vehicle in the chatbox Added Health pickups to all hospitals & FD spawn points (for the FD maps with interiors, look around the kitchen / cafeteria areas) Traffic Stop vehicles will now ignored traffic lights to prevent them blocking their pursuits Big Smoke's Crack Palace no longer has a big hole inside of it Christmas Christmas scripts are now enabled again! Make sure to visit the Christmas areas to listen to some music, relax and get some coffee from the vendors Get in the Christmas spirit by wearing the Santa Hat (/santahat) Santa will drop Christmas gifts in the form of exp & money rewards on a regular basis Enable snowfall & snow shader in /settings And last but not least, don't forget to fill your fellow officers with the snowballs by throwing snowballs at them with the "1" button! AI Overhauled AI spawning, now vehicles & ped sets will depend on the zones that they spawn in. (i.e Industrial will spawn Industrial vehicles, Grove St. will spawn Grove St. gang members, Airport will spawn vehicles such as busses, etc.) Greatly improved AI's braking distances, now it depends on where they're located at. I.e AI at the highway will brake much sooner than those inside the city areas driving slower Pursuit AI will no longer brake at just absolutely everything, they'll try to ignore other AI & players as much as they can to make pursuits somewhat more fun *Updated AI in ~50% of Los Santos, now they will drive faster than they used to (increase from ~30 km/h to ~60 km/h in many areas) * The initial plan was to cover entire Los Santos for this update, however we heavily underestimated the time that was required to actually update all of the nodes inside of the city. Instead of delaying the update for this reason alone we've decided to release it as it is for now and cover rest of the areas in the next week or two and drop it as a "silent" update for which we'll notify you in Discord whenever we update. San Fierro and Las Venturas will follow after.
  10. New Milestone Reached! We've reached 50,000 registered accounts! As a big thank you to the community for reaching this milestone we've decided to double the exp rewards until next Saturday (July 22). We'd like to send a heartfelt thank you to all the members of the MTA:SA community for this amazing journey. In addition to that, in case you were wondering we're still alive and kicking and there have been multiple smaller updates pushed into the server through 2023 which we didn't announce anywhere else publicly other than our Discord server (mainly due to their small size). We did, however, recently introduce a "Busted Chaos" script to add a lot more fun to our popular Busted events which we host every Saturdays. We'd love to have you join us in one of these events and check it out! You may find more info on our Discord (link in OP) about these events. Kind regards, Advanced Gaming Management
  11. Recently we've released a new version of our Busted gamemode which features the popular "Chaos Mod" in it. What the script does is it basically sends a random chaos effect every 30 seconds causing lots of mayhem in the Busted rounds. Here's a recording from our last 2 public events & 1 private test session from which I've taken the highlights out in case you're interested in seeing this gamemode in action: You're more than welcome to join us on these events which we host every Saturday evenings, simply join the SAPDFR Online server if you're interested.
  12. Hey there guys, recently I've been making some compilations from the clips I recorded during the SAPDFR: Online Busted events which we host almost every Saturday so I figured I'd share them here: I'll probably make some more in the future, once I do I'll post 'em as well :). Hope you guys like them.
  13. For those interested, we host BUSTED as well as other events almost every weekend, if you're interested please feel free to hop onto our Discord and you'll be notified in time when the next event is scheduled for. Here's a little video compilation our staff member HerrHelix has made from one of the events: Cheers.
  14. New Flint County Sheriff's Department Map Showcase A little sneak peak of a new FCSD map that's coming to the server soon, credits go to our highly talented mapper @WolfSchultz
  15. I've been lurking in your Discord for the last few days and have noticed that you guys have some interesting ideas going on. Best of luck with the project!
  16. Update 1.3.1 is now live! We're thrilled to announce that 1.3.1 update has been released much sooner than we initially expected we would thanks to positive feedback we've got from our testers during the test session. This update completely revamps the callout system as mentioned in the post above and adds a lot more action for players across all in-game departments, the changelog is as follows: Bug fixes Shaders in the county side on vehicles should now properly work (the Bone County Sherrif on the back) The scoreboard should now properly calculate how many players it can display before a scrollbar appears MVA callout has been fixed, it had several errors Going in service with F4 will now properly say whether you're FD or EMT General improvements Renamed Angel Pine to Flint County Fixed in-game time sync Added over 80 new pre-set locations for multiple callouts (street brawl, street race, armed robbery, building fire, fire callouts) Experimental feature: we've taught the towtruck to rotate their vehicle when they spawn, so that they might find their way easier to their target. Resulting in much more reliability. If this properly works, we'll introduce it into every backup unit. New features Dispatch is now limited to departments Dispatch chat is hereby split into 2 categories: Global: all the calls and notifications are gathered here, from the entire server Department Name: LSPD, FCSD, etc are the department filtered notifications to keep you focussed on what's happening in your jurisdiction Even though this changelog is rather small, it's still a huge game changer for the overal experience of the server. Let us know what you think on Discord or here on the forums. We would love to hear your response!
  17. Upcoming 1.3.1 Dispatch (Callout) Changes We have some major changes coming to the callout system for 1.3.1 and have explained everything in detail on our forums, so if you're interested make sure to have a read as this update is going to drastically change the gameplay (for the better) on the server once the update drops. Forum post link
  18. Update 1.3.0 Changelog (in progress) With update 1.3.0 just a week away we've decided to release the changelog, please do note that this update won't be live until Friday August 26, 20:00 GMT+2 and the changelog itself may be subject to change! Bug fixes Fixed a typo from pricint to precinct Fixed a typo from jurdisiction to jurisdiction fixed a few issues in shaders and settings not properly being updated and processed fixed suspect blips not always being deleted fixed calling backup through dispatch while you were dead fixed spike strips spawned with left-alt bugging out Players now get removed from callouts when they go /afk Players now get removed from callouts when they respawn Fixed mod_* sound files not working for weapons Removed the mod_releases and els command tip, they were both obsolete and no longer valid Server information now has the correct and updated forum link Fixed an issue where players would lose money and end up having negative values blocked vendors while you're in a vehicle greatly improved the traffic stop markers stability - they might not always appear but it's a lot less frequent to bug out than before. detain markers can no longer be used by players who did not detain the ped medics and transporters should no longer steal your suspects and/or patients corrected the price of Pay and Spray to $15 instead of $35 Pay and Spray locations will now only charge the driver instead of every occupant reduced server crashes blocked the ability to pull a backup unit out of their vehicle fixed ALPR labels being blurry and unreadable players are no longer kicked after updating their password with the command removed 2 broken radio links several bugs ironed out in Dispatch to decrease the possibility of not being able to accept a callout blocked ALPR for the PD bicycle and caddy vehicle sirens are re-applied upon spawning, fixing the caddy having sirens in the first place General improvements We've upgraded a bunch of deprecated functions in our codebase to the new ones provided by MTA, increasing stability. The default sirens have been replaced with different ones which are less aggressive to your ears (you're welcome). A bunch of refactoring/rewriting of scripts which were poorly written and/or not optimised at all. Discontinued the default built in MTA accounts Disabled all the translations for the server in order to properly make the server fully translated in a new system Renamed Probationary Firefighter to Probationary. Not only does this resolve UI issues, it's also a lot more fitting since it's a mix of ES and FD. Vehicle handling improvements for the following vehicles: Merit: improved turning, it has more grip now slightly decrease acceleration slightly decreased braking force Sadbulance improved turning, turning the vehicle should make it less likely to lose control slightly adjusted suspension to make the vehicle less "jumpy" Firetruck turned it into a F1 race car (increased top speed) being banned for spamming by the system is now a 72 hour ban rather than permanent added 3 new animations: /traffic (away, come, come2, left, stop) /instruct (away, come, come2, left, stop) /idle calling a NPC transport unit will now grant players $5 for each valid arrest Vendors are now frozen and can't be killed anymore (nor can you detain them, we know you tried...) you can no longer see the blips/icons on the map of different branches, PD only sees PD icons while FD only sees the ones they need detaining peds can now be done by clicking on them - you no longer have to point a gun at their faces constantly anymore. you still can, of course. peds will turn while you're cuffing or frisking them, you will no longer be teleported behind them. This should fix players getting stuck in vehicles/buildings/objects. players are now properly cuffed. Read more about that in cuffing peds ability to remove your last placed roadblock with the command /dellrb (it has a double L) removed "PDWarning" and "FDWarning" sounds from SAPDFRMods since they were obsolete, no more confusion with which files are used and which are not. New features Our registration process is a lot more streamlined new login and spawn UI design + logic written in CEF instead of the default dxRender functions provided by MTA (this does increase load time but accessibility is widely improved) Ability for admins to change your display name rather than your login name. You can login using your email or username, your display name is now a different thing. More about that can be found under Display names in this post. added a total playtime to departments, you can now track the time you've been playing in a certain department which starts ticking from the moment the update goes live (no backwards compatibility) Display names In order to meet the requests (and demands) from players, we've made changing usernames a piece of cake. It's really easy and totally safe to update display names now. But what are display names? Display names are the names above a player their head, this name was always the username of the player. Due to security reasons and technical limitations we were unable to change these on the fly, it required at least 5 different steps in order to change the names if they were breaking our ToS. The new system allows us to easily change them and implement systems later on for players to change their names on their own. This is a function that is still under development for now but it will come, eventually. Cuffing peds Rather than showing an icon above the head from a ped, you can now visually see their hands behind their backs. We're still finetuning this feature and are really curious to what the performance is going to be like with multiple peds active. For now, we're closely monitoring the feature and would love to hear your feedback on it. Not every ped properly hold their hands behind their backs but we're fixing these offsets soon.
  19. Update 1.3.0 coming soon! Update 1.3.0 is set to release on Friday, August 26 2022. The upcoming update is focused on a major code rework that should help us move along with further updates as well as iron out a good amount of bugs. In addition to that since we've rewritten the oldest part of the code which is the account system itself we've also decided to completely overhaul the UI connected to it, here's a little sneak peak of it in action: Please do note that this UI is still WIP and more changes may follow until the release itself. For more information, feel free to look into our update announcement forum post or simply join our Discord. Cheers.
  20. Update 1.2.9 is now live! Just a minor update aimed at event system improvements & bug fixes Bug Fixes Fixed cops dying on BUSTED during respawn if they were in the water Fixed cops being able to freeze other players by pressing shift in BUSTED event Fixed /spawn not being properly blocked for in-event players General Improvements Improved the script logic behind cop respawns in BUSTED If all cops die during a round in BUSTED they'll respawn to the closest spawn locations based on crook's current position Crook's vehicle will now always spawn as red to make it easier to distinguish them while in a crowd of AI vehicles F11 names will now only show event players if you're inside the event and will not show them to players outside of the event Added ability for event organisers to switch event's location without having to end the event Added ability for event organisers to pass the organiser position to another Administrator+ in case they want to leave but keep the event running Once event is ended it'll show for how long the event ran in chatbox Added a chatbox notification for spawning players if there's an event active so they're aware they can join /setcrook and /setrandomcrook now support both vehicle model name and vehicle ID rather than just the IDs Added 2 new locations for the BUSTED event (Las Venturas & Fort Carson) Cops in BUSTED event will now have their weapons removed to prevent weapon usage after they fall off their bike
  21. Update 1.2.8 is now live! We're happy to announce that we've just released the 1.2.8 update which features a brand new event system as well as a good portion of QoL changes! For more information feel free to read the update thread on our forums.
  22. Nah, just a subdomain issue in the links. It's linked to "forum." instead of "forums." so just add the s in the end and that's it. @Kalevius - might want to fix your links with that ^
  23. We've posted a new feature showcase of the reworked property system on our forums. The system has been completely overhauled and now actually supports buying properties at it's location rather than the city hall, rentals, realty estate agency support & more! You can find everything explained in detail here.
  24. Forums are now live! We're thrilled to announce that our new forums are now live! Feel free to check them out at https://forum.advanced-gaming.org/. This time we've decided to go for a premium forum software rather than phpBB as it was one of the things that many of you have noted as lacking back in 2020! If you've got any suggestions or find any issues with the forums please do let us know, cheers.
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