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Everything posted by Blast3r

  1. Blast3r


    Jbg SA-MPu tako rec dosta pomaze njihovo ime, jer npr kad netko oce igrat MP a ne zna puno o tome samo u google upise "GTA SA Multiplayer" i dobije SA-MP i to ti je to. Ja sam iskreno tako poceo sa SA-MPom jos 2008-e, kasnije kad sam imao veliku zelju za destruction derby da igram sam malo trazio po google-u i uglavnom nailazio na vide-e na kojima je pisalo "MTA:SA" pa mi nista nije bilo jasno pa sam onda odlucio ga download-at i tako sam takorec saznao za MTA
  2. Blast3r


    +1 na limitu vozila, najvece sranje s kojim sam imao posla na SA-MPu, biti prisiljen da despawnas igracima vozila da ne dodjes do limita je za kurac. Dobra ti je ideja da prodjes na MTA ali nezz nesto ti nema puno balkanaca ovdje sto se tice toga, pogotovo racunajuci da tebi bas treba balkanski skripter. EDIT: A da tek ne govorim o tome kako me je SA-MP banao sa njihovog foruma jer sam spomenuo MTA i naravno o tome kako nisu updatali vec godinu dana -.-
  3. Blast3r

    The last reply

    When you look closely there is no such thing, this board dont count as posts. Shut up Mr. AlwaysGiveup and let me win ffs.
  4. Blast3r

    The last reply

    Good luck with that m8.
  5. Blast3r

    The last reply

    I always lol when I see him near the end of the video
  6. Hello, I'm just wondering how does this work exactly when wanting to put your server on for multiple weeks? For example is there an ability like "Continue using this feature" so it keeps your server on top all the time or will it work like if paid too late and a week is already fully taken it transfers to the week after that one? Cheers.
  7. Explains, although it'd be nice if he wasn't to abuse his powers and spawn cars that are way too op in terms of acceleration and speed compared to the current server vehicles
  8. Well since I cannot see any link that links to a forum of yours I'll just report this here: This guy kept spawning random vehicles (if you look in the full image you can see a destroyed Hustler) and not so long after he gave me 2x Sniper as you can see in the chat. EDIT: He also placed wheel upgrades on the truck:
  9. Blast3r

    The last reply

    You hurt me feelings :c
  10. Blast3r

    The last reply

    Oh shit it's Bilal, everybody hide.
  11. Still the same message when trying to update by joining the server.
  12. Blast3r

    The last reply

    I just can't get used to neox with the current profile pic he has :c I miss your doge one
  13. Not sure if I'm the only one that got the message but when I got the gui that I need to update MTA and I pressed okay to update it right now I got a message "Update not available, please visit mtasa.com" and wasn't able to update it from MTA. You might want to check that out as it may keep some people from joining your server if they get the same message.
  14. Blast3r

    The last reply

  15. Blast3r

    The last reply

    No. Shut up. P.S we're close to beating the "Official quote wall" thread replies
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