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Everything posted by Blast3r

  1. Thats not SwA-MP, here you can replace object for all that you want Yes, but replacing objects isn't really a good idea as they might interfeer with the GTA SA map itself, hence why it would be nice for us to have an ability to add additional objects as additional IDs instead of replacing the already existing ones.
  2. Are you aware that this section is MTA:SA media related, considering it's actually under the "General MTA" category? Or in other words, only screenshots and videos from MTA:SA go here. Check this: viewforum.php?f=5 for non MTA related stuff.
  3. I'm afraid there are no RP servers worth mentioning on MTA:SA. However I'd suggest you look into Kinetic MTA Roleplay which has been in development for quite a while and actually should open soon.
  4. Why would he close the topic when there's a possibility of even more flaws being around and more bounty to give away for them?
  5. Blast3r

    The last reply

    Keep calm and love Pakistan.... Lol no... Seriously, stop it with that love this country love that country, it does not matter from what god damn country you are... Jeez. Oh and, nobody cares as well, kthxbai.
  6. Anything else than the Chromium/CEF added? Asking since I've heard some rumors about the ability of adding your own custom objects into MTA after the 1.5 update.
  7. Odlicno, posjetit cu ako nadjem vremena
  8. Evo proslo je dosta od kako sam bio na MTA, kako vam ide server?
  9. Blast3r

    The last reply

    Interesting... Piss can pee?
  10. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =399899185
  11. Blast3r

    The last reply

    I always used lua as lua but wrote PAWN as PAWN because that's how ppl wrote PAWN and got used to using caps on it -.-
  12. Blast3r

    The last reply

    MTA actually came first, like 4 months difference between SA-MP. So yeah, they got quite a lot of attention with just the name.
  13. Blast3r

    The last reply

    I believe Lua is more better and little bit easy from PAWN. Read a bit of [link=http://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/PAWN_tutorial_1]Pawn Tutorial - SAMP Wiki[/lua]. PAWN is easier in my opinion, however PAWN is really outdated and lua does a lot better job than it. In SA-MP your scripting is options are quite limited unlike in MTA and scripters need to do A LOT of work against hackers as they're not doing anything against it client wise. The only reason why SA-MP is more popular (in my opinion) is that people just search "GTA San Andreas Multiplayer" and get SAMP as result instead of MTA.
  14. Blast3r

    The last reply

    Trust me... MTA bugs are nothing compared to SA-MP ones which have been there for years yet still not even being worked on. (Even one huge memory leak issue which hasn't been fixed for over a year)... And yeah, the team is doing a great job indeed which is why I love MTA.
  15. Ispalo je kao nacionalna osnova, ali se ipak slazem sa njim sa tim zasto se naljutio jer lik stvarno ide na kurac sa "Ja imam jedini svoj balkanski server" iako nista nije uradio sam.
  16. A prestani vise sa tim postovima, nikoga ne zaboli kurac sta ti imas kad je sve downloaded gamemodes.
  17. I think that memory fixes are quite important hence why this update does bring something "new". Of course all the other bug fixes and scripting improvements can come quite handy to the scripters and just because you aren't one of those that can put a good use out of it doesn't mean it brings nothing new. Anyways this is a decent update, especially the memory fixes which I didn't even notice . And I really hope that you're going to fix the door desync soon as it's getting rather annoying.
  18. Blast3r


    Da, kao sto je mega9 vec rekao, RP se bazira u potpunosti na IRL stvari te zahtjeva znanja u RPu i koristenje /me i /do komandi. Meni je iskreno RP puno drazi od RPG-a zato jer je jednostavno vise baziran na IRL kao npr morate glumiti da ste ozljedeni u udesima, ako ste upucani naravno i to, strahove od oruzja, itd, itd. Nazalost puno ljudi danasnjih dana mijesa RP i RPG ali to nije ni cudno zato jer su imena prakticni skoro pa ista, samo rijec viska na RPG...
  19. Blast3r


    Pozz ljudi, evo zanima me jel ima nekih ovdje da su hardcore RPeri i da vole RP? Ako da (ili ne) recite zasto slobodno da vidim vasa misljenja Ja iskreno nisam bio neki ljubitelj RPa dok jos 2010-e nisam usao u onaj dobar stari Valhalla Gaming. U pocetku sam bio veliki noob dok na kraju mi nije dojadilo da me svi zovu noobom pa sam zvao Gamemastera da me malo nauci, i tako kako je vrijeme prolazilo ja sve bolji i bolji bio dok se nisam ozbiljno zarazio sa RPom. Jednostavno volim RPat kao policajac, okolo se nalazit u realisticnim situacijama npr policijska potjera koja ne bi bila kao razbijaj auto koliko oces nego ako se zabijes malo jace onda si gotov, ili pomagat ljudima, zaustavljat samoubojstva i sta vec ne Zasto vi volite ili ne volite RP? Bas me zanima vase misljene
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