Alright, well first of all I'm not sure if this is the right section to post this, so if it's not please move it to a proper one.
So, the issue is basically that everyone with different FPS has different acceleration time. We have this script in which we edit our vehicle speeds, and to test speed from 0-100 we added a script which displays the time to you on the screen that it took to reach 100 km/h from 0.
Now what I noticed is that different FPS has different acceleration, which went like this (on the same settings of one vehicle - 0-100 km/h):
25-30 FPS: 12-14 seconds.
50 FPS - 9.x seconds.
90 FPS - 6.x seconds.
Now this is a rather drastic difference, as a test I placed myself next to Tosfera in our vehicles, I had 50 FPS while he had 90, same vehicles, same settings, he was quite ahead of me with it.
So I'm wondering, is there any way to fix this at all? As currently we're trying to make realistic vehicle acceleration times and so on but after finding this FPS difference thing, it kills the realism we made...