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Everything posted by Blast3r

  1. I honestly don't see how this could be "free" as the PC would be running 24/7 which would cause quite an electricity bill afterall. Well... Those who got parents paying their bills wouldn't care, but those who are paying the bills would profit more from buying an external host instead.
  2. Global moderator , ja pomislio na njega ,pomjeso ga sa Zerb-om Mislim da je vrijeme da bacim malo dublji pogled na "The team"
  3. It really deserves a lot more than it has because unlike SA-MP, MTA puts a lot more work onto both updates and bug fixes which is what I love the most about MTA. But it's quite nice that MTA is hitting the records after a long time of running as well.
  4. A: Nothing Q: What would you do if someone posted a dumb question like the one I just answered? D:
  5. Blast3r

    The last reply

    O W N E D Why would you do that? Cause I can.
  6. Aha hvala, trebalo bi malo balkanaca dovest ovdje da se ovo malo aktivira jer je stvarno mrtvo
  7. https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/ ... bf1ed896b8
  8. Oke ljudi, znam da je ovaj section malo ne aktivan al sam samo htio pitat jel mi uopce imamo moderatora za nas section? Ako ne, jesmo li imali prije? I zasto nemamo?
  9. Blast3r

    The last reply

  10. Blast3r

    The last reply

    ppl y u no reply anymoar, iz been liek.. Over a day AMG!!!
  11. Blast3r

    The last reply

    Boom boom I want you in my room let's spend the night together...
  12. Blast3r

    The last reply

    No, it's related to me. so unfair ( ali barem hrvatski blaster ) Huehuehue it's not unfair, I'm just awesome! D: Dobro si
  13. Blast3r

    The last reply

    No, it's related to me.
  14. Blast3r

    MTA IV ?

    MTA IV, better known as Orange has been cancelled due to the issues that developers came across (As you probably know already, GTA IV is quite unstable when it comes to modding). There is, however, one multiplayer mod being developed for it called Multi IV, you should look it up.
  15. I might sound dumb... But shouldn't attachTrailerToVehicle do the trick? I don't think that the function is limited to only truck trailers, should work on all of them.
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