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Everything posted by Posty

  1. I dont see how this works. I ran it, made sure it was on, and MTAVC crashes. Is this thing for when it freezes and is unresponsive? Because a "crash" is usually an unhandled exception, which this does shit for.
  2. Posty


    The only thing I don't like about MTA:VC 0.4 is that it crashes WAY too often. I think I crashed more in that than I did with MTA:VC 0.1. I really hope you guys fix that in the patch you're making... The GTA3 experience is awesome though, and I play it too much (stayed up til like 6am the other night trying it out )
  3. Well, cMc are a cheating clan, they run a cheat serv and cracked the trainer protection. So, ban them on sight.
  4. Once again, nice video, heh. Really good job with it. 9.7/10
  5. They removed it a bit ago because people changed their nicks too often.
  6. Yay, so you guys are patching it That's always good to hear.
  7. Posty


    MTA 0.4 was worked on for 7 months. There are plenty of new features like a new char select, spectator, weather and time sync, speedometer, gta3 support (which has ammunations and pay'n'sprays), more admin features, now, must i go on with the features? Do you know why we had a 0.3r2? Because 0.3 had a bug, that made it unplayable (radar glitch), just like MTA 0.4 has the spawn a 2nd time and crash glitch (that needs to be patched) and will probably be fixed with an MTA 0.4.1 or an MTA 0.4r2 or something. MTA 0.4 is a huge improvement in lag/sync/and good gameplay. You guys see one bad bug, and you say the whole mod is full of tons of other glitches that dont exist and say that it has no new features and such. Let them fix the 2 spawn glitch, and it'll be fine (btw, play GTA3 if you dont want the 2 spawn bug).
  8. Iggy, It's actually the 9th release GTA:AM 0.1 GTA3:MTA 0.2a GTA3:MTA 0.3b MTA:VC 0.1 MTA:VC 0.2 MTA:VC 0.2.2 MTA:VC 0.3 MTA:VC 0.3r2 and now we will have. MTA 0.4!!!!!!
  9. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *AIEEEEEEEEEEEE* SOOOO HAPPYYY!! /me feels like a giddy little n00b does when they find something out
  10. OMG!!!! --------------------------- MTA 0.4 nearly here. (22/07/2004 @ 22:34 CET) by MrBump Two days ago we changed our irc channel topic to reflect the fact that MTA0.4 would be released within a week.(irc://irc.gamesurge.net/#multitheftauto). Im delighted to say that the much awaited update is nearing completion, and will be released VERY soon, as reflected by the progress bars above. Watch this space ---------------------------- AIE!!!!!!!! I cant wait!
  11. People feel the need to raise their post counts because they have no life?
  12. 99% is so annoying (but less so than 99.9%). It's just really unbelievably taunting. Does this mean that it is essentially finished and preparations for release are being made? It did for 0.2/0.2.2 and the other releases But, dont get your hopes up yet, cuz MTA is sneaky with their releases, lol.
  13. Here's some vids in this pack. It contains quite a few bugs/odd things that happened to me and my bro a while back when we first got VC on the PC. I finally found em buried in the folders on my dad's hdd Well, here they are. http://www.pariahservers.com/~pseudo/web/uploader/upload/Videos/GTA%20Bugs.rar And yes, these are recreatable. We've done these again and again to make sure they were real bugs, and not flukes
  14. Its called your new and you dont know how to aim. You know, I hate when you people complain about these versions. How about you try and go play GTA3:MTA 0.3b and tell me how that is. 0.3 is very playable, and instead complaining, you should be thanking the MTA team for creating this on their free time in the first place.
  15. Posty

    Not happy

    I just had to tell someone this. I just tried to merge my 2 partitions back together with partition magic (which i have done many times before). Now, guess what. I try to load windows after it happens, it goes black screen and it reboots. I tried everything I could. So I plug in my hard drive to my second PC, it was empty except for a few files (in other words, I lost all my stuff). I lost my emulation stuff, all my gamesaves, my game installs, stuff for my site, and more. I lost all the pictures from x-mas that I took, and tons of stuff I wanted to keep. I'm back on, with one partition, and a huge ass list of stuff to re-download. I just got done with windows update and installing my antivirus so I don't get the blaster and such. So, I'm wondering, what the hell could have went wrong when Partition Magic tried merging the partitions. Also, has anyone else experienced things like this? It took me a while to get the computer up and running because I lost my XP disc at first, then things went wrong with the format, so I had to re-do it and etc. So, I'm back on, and I thought I'd just tell everyone why I might not be back on MTA for 2-3 days. Because I have tons of stuff to download again. Everything from Ad-Aware to Zbattle.Net. Now, once again, tell me, WTF COULD HAVE WENT WRONG, lol.
  16. Posty


    He's right. By the time you're done bugging us with your requests, you'll be done reinstalling.
  17. What the hell? Thats some fucked up stuff right there. Doesn't seem like you were doing anything wrong.
  18. How is he seeking attention. He's telling us that his VC disk is broken, so he won't be here for a while. That doesn't sound like attention seeking to me.
  19. Posty

    Specific Modes?

    Heh, sounds great. Can't wait to see all the new features in the new core. /me cant wait
  20. And to add on to that, usually you have to go to your web browser and type in or, then itll ask for a user/pass. Usually the user name is nothing and the password is ADMIN. Then go to advanced (if you have a linksys) and then click on forwarding, or it might be on the front page. Not sure if it isn't a Linksys router though
  21. I dont really understand what your problem is. Could you tell us a bit better? Or show us a pic of what is happening?
  22. Yep, he needs to update his ATI drivers to the latest version. Its the only known problem that could make that happen.
  23. You forgot about the mta.ini, mta_dll.dll, and other things they might of added (such as a new scm, for a new game mode or something)
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