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Everything posted by Posty

  1. Please post a reply to this for your comments. I'd really like them.
  2. ok, listen up. this is what happened to me. I grabbed the semi and went to the bloodring. It said i was in the bloodring but it didnt transport me. This is what happened because of it. HEHE, a tiny glicht to fix MTA team. The semi cant really go into the Bloodring derby. [edit] works now
  3. Yup, i tried this and it worked perfectly. I found that it works really well when playing a LAN game. MTA is now PLAYABLE!!! keep up the good work.
  4. Dude, could you restate that? I'm not a n00b with servers, but am a n00b with forwarding and such. AIM - posty2k3, Yahoo! - posty_2k3, MSN - [email protected] plz help me out a tiny bit.
  5. Hey, since only moderators can post in the Problems & Bugs area, i thought id post it here. First of all, i have a router, and the right ports are open. Yet when i create a server, it does not show up and you can't connect. If any one has a solution i'd appreciate it. But, if you say open the ports, i do have them open!!!! Cya later, Posty P.S. - I'm no n00b with this stuff.
  6. I was really hoping to be able to play with my bro on the same server. Oh well, it's a beta and needs work. Keep up the good work (just release a 0.1 SE that allows more ppl of the same IP connect )
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