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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. For the syntax checker, put it in the Notepad++ Folder Example: C:\Program Files\Notepad++\ The rest of the instruction is in the folder. For the Auto-Completion, 1. Put the mta lua.xml in the Notepad++ APIs Folder located in the Plugin Folder (Example: C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\APIs) 2. Put the FunctionList.dll in the Plugin Folder(same as above but not in the APIs Folder) 3. Put the Function List Config and the MTALua.xml in your Notepad++ AppData Folder 3.1 Type in %appdata% 3.2 Then you would find the Notepad++ App Data Folder, go into it and click on the plugins folder, in there you would need to place both of the files. 4. To enable the auto-completion, you would need to go into your Notepad++ Program and edit the Preferences. 4.1 When you are in it, go to the "Backup/Auto-Completion" tab 4.2 Make sure the "Enable Auto-Completion on each input" and the "Function parameters hint on input" is checked 4.3 After select the "Function completion" then close the window. DONE!!!
  2. I think MTA automatically sets it back to the original handling. Just think of it as cheating if you were to change your handling from the rest of the MTA users/players. The server is the only one to change your handling in MTA unless they offer a resource that allows you to change your vehicle handling.
  3. It's probably an LOD.
  4. Jaysds1

    Help - XML

    well, you would need to find the child first. example: > >>> to set what ever is in the rootChild, use what solidSnake posted.
  5. oh, sorry, I'll try finding another link EDIT: DONE!!!
  6. If the scripts are in the same resource then yes, they could share the same data, but the variable needs to be global.
  7. try reinstalling your GTASA or try downloading another GTASA game... maybe you could even buy it off of steam.
  8. ok, Can you download and run this MTADiag, then post the PasteBin URL here please.
  9. Jaysds1

    Happy New Year!

    Happy new years too all of you
  10. Are you running MTA Nightly?
  11. Hi, and happy new year to you too, unfortunately I don't know any program that would help you manually open your ports. If you can, try resetting your router.
  12. Try reinstalling your server/MTA.
  13. Jaysds1

    html and xlm

    you could use a foreach loop Try this: <?$xml = simplexml_load_file ( 'http://apps.mta-tr.com/ASE/' );$name = $xml->name;$mode = $xml->mode;$map = $xml->map;$num = $xml->num;$max = $xml->max;$players = "";foreach($xml->players->children() as $child){ $players += $child . " ";}echo "Server Name: " . $name . " Mode: " . $mode . " Map: " . $map . " Players: " . $num . "/" . $max . " Online Players:" . $players;?> Read more: http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_ref_simplexml.asp
  14. Jaysds1

    html and xlm

    oh, I never seen that function in php... that would've been better
  15. ah, I really don't think variables could be transported, I know that variables can transfer with in the resource (script to script) depending on the sides(server/client).
  16. wow, I didn't see there is a fireWeapon function (maybe 1.3.1 update).I am going to use it. (btw thanks Jay) np
  17. try starting a map with this in its name: "[DM]"
  18. ummm, sorry, I don't know what to say.
  19. ok, is the resource test stopped?
  20. yes it is server-sided. anyways, if that event isn't called, then I'm assuming that you aren't running the Race Gamemode
  21. ummm, you could export the function so any resource could use it, but you would need to call it using the call function, or using this little script: exports.resourceName.functionName() .
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