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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. Did you added any resource before this issue started?
  3. Hi, If you made a script using that function(removeWorldObject), then you could easily start it while in Map Editor,
  4. If u don't know how to create a resource, download MTA's Script Editor: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/MTASE
  5. You would need to create a script for this, using MTA's lua functions and events.
  6. Jaysds1

    bar exp

    try this: local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function()--nothing is returned local level = exports.exp_system:getPlayerLevel ( localPlayer)--thePlayer isn't defined, use localplayer local Name, Expreq = exports.exp_system:getLevelData ( level ) dxDrawRectangle ( x/4.59, y/100, x/2.2, y/12, tocolor ( 0, 0, 150, 150 ) ) dxDrawText ( "Exp: "..Name..", "..Expreq, x/4.59, y/95, x, y, tocolor ( 0, 222, 10, 255 ), 1, "bankgothic" ) --Added name and Expreg end)
  7. Jaysds1

    About versions.

    change your map name to "mark_up_town.map" and your folder name to "mark_up_town". Spaces are not allowed in resources or the folder wouldn't be found by the server.
  8. Jaysds1

    About versions.

    well, it would depend on what version you edited in, but either way, can you post your meta.xml that's located in your map resource please.
  9. now restart your server then try starting it
  10. Jaysds1


    Just download it again: http://code.google.com/p/mtasa-resources/downloads/list
  11. Jaysds1

    Acl guieditor

    just type in "aclrequest allow guieditor all". and next time look into the wiki: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Element/Console
  12. Actually, It is Solidsnake All the function does is get all the accounts in the same order of the listed accounts in the internal.db
  13. Sorry we don't really support any illegal games, so I would have to say buy one and reinstall MTA.
  14. Jaysds1


    Ummm, MTA Scripting!
  15. Jaysds1


    I think it kinda impossible to crawl/prone unless we could create our own animation.
  16. Jaysds1

    need help

    Can download and install this MTADiag then post the generated URL here please.
  17. Well, no, unless you could script it
  18. Jaysds1

    TCT: FlowEditor

    I loved it, I like the flow pad, I like the drawing, and I love the features. 5/5 idea 5/5 design 5/5 video 5/5 coding
  19. Jaysds1


    ok, shutdown the server then start it again, After start the 'helpmanager' (if not started) Then start the 'help' resource (if not started) When all of those are started, go in-game and press F9. Tell me if this worked.
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