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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. Is this the full script??? Because the Lock-Unlock isn't defined!
  2. Jaysds1


    After running MTADiag, it will upload the data to pastebin, after it's finished, the url to the data will be displayed!!!
  3. Nah, it's not possible for us to know, but they might know
  4. Does this happen on any other servers?
  5. Jaysds1

    Green Candy

    That looks so nice!!! I would like to see it soon
  6. hmmm, did you change your freeroam gravity?
  7. Jaysds1


    CallRemote sends data to a site, fetchRemote gets data from a site.
  8. Jaysds1


    Basically, tostring adds quotes to a variable, example: local var=1370 outputChatBox(tostring(var)) Same with tonumber, but it does the opposite, by removing the quotes, example: local var = "Hey" outputChatBox(type(tonumber(var))) --outputs the type of var after it's quotes is stripped, var should be "variable"
  9. Is it possible you could create a video to show us? Because cars could also blow up depending on where you're putting them.
  10. try changing your MTA Skin back, because for some reason, the skin you changed it to doesn't have the scrollpane. Try installing the skin again using this video: http://jworld137.com/player.php?typ=vid ... tube_gdata
  11. Jaysds1

    easy help

    Try this: function cham( thePlayer ) if isPedInVehicle( thePlayer ) then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle( thePlayer ) if vehicle then local r, g, b = math.random( 255 ), math.random( 255 ), math.random( 255 ) setVehicleColor(vehicle, r, g, b) end end end addCommandHandler("cham", cham) setTimer( function() for i, v in ipairs( getElementsByType( "player" ) ) do cham( v ) end end, math.random(1,5)*1000, 0 ) that will give a random number instead of always choosing 5secs
  12. Jaysds1

    easy help

    if this is client-sided, then the 'thePlayer' var isn't a player, it's the command name, use localPlayer instead. Here: function cham() if isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if vehicle then local r,g,b = math.random(255), math.random(255), math.random(255) setVehicleColor(vehicle, r,g,b) end end end addCommandHandler("cham", cham) setTimer(cham, 5000, 0)
  13. I liked the cars and the graphics
  14. Sorry, but you would need to pay someone or group up with someone to make those things for you.
  15. Jaysds1

    Ports Problem

    Try this: viewtopic.php?f=114&t=33722&hilit=+Port+Problems
  16. http://hosting.jworld137.com
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